Monday, April 4, 2011

Choti Bahu Season 2 4th April 2011 Written Update

Mansaram is thinking that only the Panditji (the one who witnessed RaDev’s marriage) can give some information as to who the boy is. A man meets him and tells him something…he is looking even more worried (the convo was silent). The man leaves and he is thinking again that the Panditji has gone out of the village for a few days (looks like this is what the man came to tell him). He thinks now how will he get to know about the boy…who is he…where is he?

RP Mansion:

Dev sitting on the chair, sadly thinking that he always thought he and Radhika were made for each other. He always felt her close even before he saw her…he even heard her footsteps. So then why did this happen to him? What a joke fate has played! Rohan comes and puts his hand on Dev’s shoulder, shocking him out of his thoughts. Dev asks Rohan what he’s doing here as he should be celebrating with everyone else.

Rohan says he wants to tell Dev something…that ever since the alliance has been fixed he has been feeling strange. He says that at first he used to be against marriage then after talking to Dev he felt better. Now he has gotten a call from his friend Sameer and is scared again. Viraat even tried to make him understand but it made no difference. He says he told his Mom to go to Badi Maa and tell her he doesn’t want to get married but right then Badi Maa came to meet him and something happened that he couldn’t refuse her. He said yes to the marriage.

Dev is heartbroken but tells Rohan that he did the right thing. (Saddd tune in the bg.) Rohan tells Dev to tell him everything about the girl. Dev ask what are you saying? Rohan says you have met her…so tell me what she’s like. He says I’ll give you a hint…her are they? Dev doesn’t want to talk about it and tears are in his eyes but Rohan keeps insisting. He remembers Radhika on their first meeting (beautiful glimpses shown is semi black&white) and says her eyes are like the deep sea. Rohan says wow it sounds like a sweet poem by Tagoreji…very poetic! Dev’s tear falls as Rohan asks him to tell more (so sad!)

Rohan asks how she talks. Dev remember Rads talking and says some unheard song! Rohan says lovely! Tell me more! Dev wipes his tears and Rohan keeps insisting to know more about the girl. He asks Dev why he has become silent. Can’t you do this much for your brother? Dev remember Rads more and says when she looks at you shyly and averts he eyes it feels like lightning has struck between dark clouds! Rohan is very interested! Dev says her smile is like Spring itself! He says she is so beautiful that one feels scared to look at her for too long lest any misfortune befalls her (kahin nazar na lag jaaye) (beautiful description of his Lady Love by Dev!!)

Rohan says “Wow, dude I’m impressed!” He says your girl or mine? Dev gives hims a look like what?! He says, “I mean who’s more beautiful…your girl or mine?” Dev laughs and says why the comparison? The moon is the moon and the sun is the sun! Rohan says he has never won Dev when it comes to words! He asks Dev if he found his girl. Dev is sad again and says no. He says why? Dev says that he had to hurry back so he didn’t find her. Rohan says but you tried right? Dev avoids answering by saying that he has to give the new designs for the new murtis in the Mandir and leaves.

Dev goes into his art room where there’s the sculpture of his dream girl. He is staring at it with a mixture of anger and sadness. The more he stares the more he gets angry and finally he covers it with a white cloth. He is crying again!

Radhika’s House:

Shanti is cooking and calls for Chanda to drink some tea. Chanda is angry. Shanti asks what wrong and Chanda says she is the only one who is worried and her Mom asks about what! She says just think if Radhika’s marriage does not happen then she won’t be able to get married too! Shanti says as long as your mother is there nothing bad won’t happen, you’ll surely get your prince! Chanda says she doesn’t want a prince she wants Dev!

Shanti laughs and Chanda says she has fallen in love with Dev! Shanti says after meeting him only once you’ve fallen in love?! Chanda says even you liked him! Shanti says yes I liked him but since he’s your love then I will not let any opportunity go! Just keep watching.

Mansaram comes to the village head’s house. They exchange greetings and he asks the Pradhanji if he remembers who was Krishna at the mela 12 years ago! Pradhanji says who will remember such a small thing after 12 years! (even me wondering the same! ) Mansaram asks him to try.

RP Mansion:

Daima comes to Dev room and sees it in darkness. She switches on the light and Dev is shown on the bed…tear stains on his face She asks are you sleeping…without having dinner? Are you unwell? Dev finally answers her saying that he has a headache. She says then all the more reason for you to eat something. He wipes his face and gets up. Dev looks miserable (great acting by Avi…it just touches your heart! ) Daima asks if something is bothering him. Aww he says he’s missing his mother a lot! She smiles and says am I not your mother? She says a mother’s happiness lies in her son’s happiness and feeds him but he does not eat. She asks what’s wrong and he tries to tell her the truth but can’t. Instead he asks does an person have to live for others happiness only? Can’t they live for their own happiness?

Daima says there is only one difference between animals and human beings. Animals live for their own happiness only while human beings live for the happiness of other who are their own…husbands live for the happiness of their wives….mothers for the happiness of their children…brothers for the happiness of their brothers…this is how God has made human beings. She asks if he understood and he nods his head. She says well eat now and feeds him again. He eats this time….sadly!

Radhika’s house:

Radhika is happily applying sindoor to her Kanha’s feet and says that she is sure that soon he will unite her with her husband. Shanti is screaming that all the dinner is burnt. What’ll they eat for dinner now?! She is telling off Radhika who runs out and takes the pot off the fire. She tells Radhika that if she says no to this marriage then no one will be worse than her! Chanda tells her that Baba will never find out anything about that boy and she’ll have to marry the Chote Raj Purohit! Mansaram come and says Chanda is telling the truth. They’re all shocked!


A man is saying that Raj Purohitain has fixed the date of the ’tilak rasam’ for tomorrow. Shanti and Mansaram says so soon? The man says yes, all they have to do is go to Mathura Ghat and a car will pick them up. Shanti gets excited hearing this and says we’ll be there. Chanda is shown smiling…then Chenu and even Radhika smiles shyly (meaning she has agreed for the marriage?!)

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