Monday, April 11, 2011

Pavitra Rishta 11th April 2011 Written Update

Outside at a market

Archana and Savita are outside the market shop and Savita is going to a store guy and she wants something polished. The guy is asking her if she wants a normal polished or special polished. Savita asks the man what is in the special. The guy tells her that it stays polished for 5-6 years. Savita asks how much money it is. The guy tells her it is 6,000 rupees. Savita says just to do the normal polishing. Savita is now talking to a guy about getting something for a wedding when Archana comes and is thinking in her head Aie still loves getting things polished and because she does I can now make her like she was before again.

Karanjkar House

Sulochana is in her kitchen when a guest comes in the house (do not know his name yet) and he is happy to see her. Sulochana welcomes him in and says you come here after such a long time. The guest says I wish I could come here daily but I don’t have enough time. The two of them look happy. I have been playing with my grandkids. He asks for where Manohar is. Sulochana says she will call him. Manohar comes in and Sulochana says she will make tea for them. Manohar welcomes the man in and offers him to sit down. Manohar says how are you? The guest says good, now why did you call me here? Is there a special reason? Manohar now gets worried. He says to the man can you get my son Vinod a new job for the railway train system? The man says not currently right now. And even if I could give him a job, I would not. I do not trust your son. I don’t know when he will leave the job to take off. I will be the one who gets in trouble. He gets a bit angry. Manohar says no, it will not happen this time. I can guarantee you. The man says I will try, there is one spot though. It is the railway crossing guard job. And your son can not do that because he has another job to do. Manohar says no, I promise it won’t happen this time, I will talk to my son. The guest smiles. I will do something he says. Sulochana comes in with the tea and asks whose job are you talking about? Manohar says oh nothing Sulochana, we were just talking about our friend Ashoq and his job. Sulochana nods, and the guest gives Manohar a little confused and angry look. Manohar gets some tea and offers it to his guest as well. Sulochana asks the guest is everything ok at home? The guest says yes, everything is fine. How is your daughter in law? I have heard she is great. The guest says yes, she is a great daughter in law. The guest says, ok I will leave now. Sulochana tells him bye. When Sulochana leaves the room, Manohar comes and asks the guest how much will the railway guard job earn? The guest says 6,000 rupees. I will leave now. Manohar thinks in his head the job is good, but the night shift is a problem. What should we do?

Kids are at the orphanage and they are praying to Bappa. Varsha comes and greets the kids and Satish is smiling. Varsha comes and gives the kids soft toys to play with. She also brings them chocolates. A little girl asks Varsha who is this uncle? (It is Satish). Satish smiles. Varsha invites Satish to see the kids and addresses him as Satish uncle. Satish waves and smiles at the little kids. A boy asks him why he was standing so far. The girl says do you not like kids? Satish says oh, no I love kids. He goes and gives some love for the little girl, and picks her up. Varshs says, ok kids let’s all go over there, and I will read you guys a story. Satish takes the little girl down and offers her go to Varsha Aunty. Varsha takes the kids when Satish gets a call. Satish says something to the person on the phone, he tells them he is coming in a minute. Satish goes and tells Varsha that he got a phone from the office for some work. Varsha says ok, I will stay here for some time and then go to the bank, and then I will come home. Varsha has all the little kids say bye to Satish. Satish nicely says bye to all of them and Varsha. Varsha is saying to the kids that I brought colors and books for you last time, have you done any drawing? The boy shows Varsha some pictures they drew. It is very nice with animals and different things. Varsha goes to another picture and sees a picture of a door on it and it says “Restricted Area.” Varsha asks the kid what picture is this? The boy says this is a room where none of us are allowed to go to. If one of us try to go there, we will get scolded really badly. Varsha asks the little boy where this room is. The kids and Varsha go inside (not really a building just in a shelter) to that room. It is a big green door. Varsha says ok, you kids go down, I will be back. When the kids leave, Varsha walks toward the door. She is just about to get to that green door, when a lady who works there tells her that this is a restricted area. Varsha says what is in there? The lady says it is for the people who live there and are mentally handicapped. We have purposely kept them away from the normal kids. Because of these mentally retarded kids, something might happen to the other kids. Varsha looks on confused.

Outside at the business

Shibu and Ajit are outside, looking at a lot of money. Shibu asks Ajit where he got that money from. Ajit tells him how else could I have gotten it? I have got 5,000 rupees. Shibu says but where did you get it from? Shibu says, yes from that collection. Ajit says I got it from the market. Ajit says I put it on Manav’s name. He is tossing the money up and down. He tells Shibu that Manav’s name is not ruined. Shibu says you are Ajit Lokhande but you did not do too well. He aks what if you lose that money? Ajit says why should we think about what has not happened? Ajit says that the truth is we have 50,000 rupees. He is saying I will give Manav 30,000 rupees. Just then he sees Manav through the mirror. Manav says I have heard everything. He says I told you not to gamble. And our relationship will stay if you quit gambling. Ajit interrupts by saying my intention was not wrong. And look, luck is with us, look at all of this money. Our dreams have come true. Manav says the money that is bad why do you have? Ajit says money is money. Ajit says today the luck was with me. What did I do wrong? I stole, threatened someone? I didn’t do anything like that. Ajit says at least I am giving you the money, right? Manav says I am getting worried Ajit, not because you used my name but because I helped a friend get out of gambling, but now he went back and I can’t do anything now. Ajit says what are you thinking Manav? Ajit says let’s take advantage of this money. Let’s make the business better. Manav says no, this money is not good what matters about the money? Ajit says to him that thse are the things that people want, the basic things. They are really arguing, and Shibu is enjoying it. And we will need to change our path. Manav says I will not take the wrong path, and if you want to do what I’m doing, then you will have to leave that path. Ajit says it won’t happen with me. Manav says what did you say? Ajit says loudly it won’t happen with me. I have gotten rich now. And I know, the luck is with me now. And if I don’t take advantage of this, I will have to regret later in life. Manav is trying to calm Ajit down, but he is going out of control saying I can’t do this. I want to go forward in life now. You will have to come with me too, and if you don’t then’ I will go without you. I know, I will not change this way. Ajit leaves. Manav is stanging there looking very worried. Shibu has an evil smile on his face.
Ajit’s house
Ajit taps Vandu
Vandu: You took a long time in coming..
Ajit: Because I felt like giving you a gift.. he gives her the gift..
Vandu says..what is this..
Ajit: This is the sair you wanted, but I couldn’t get it for you..
Vandu: No.This sari is too expensive.
Ajit: Its okay. You are happy right.
Vandu: No. it’s not okay. Where did you get this money from?
Ajit: Don’t worry
Vandu: Ajit tell me..
Ajit: Oh..I got a lottery!
Vandu: No Ajit, where did you get this money from..
Ajit: I told you right’
Rasika comes in..
Rasika: What is this. You are getting a lot of love for her right? Give some to your mom too’ How much is this even.
She sees the price; 50,000 rupees..
Rasika: 50,000 rupee sari? And for her? On holi I asked only for 5,000 rupees. And you yelled at me so much. Do whatever you want. But get me a sari like this.
Vandu: Aie, I don’t want can return it for one of your own.
Ajit: No need for that. He gives money to Rasika.
Ajit: Don’t ask where I got it from. I got it and that matters.
Ajit leaves and Rasika is wondering where he did get the money. She thinks she will ask him tomorrow, but not in front of Vandita.. Rasika leaves..
Vandu thinks .. another 50,000 rupees? I will have to ask Manav. Maybe he will know.

Deshmukh House

Manav is in his house, it is all dark in the home. He is remembering what Ajit was saying about the money and the luck being good with him, and the money coming to him, and encouraging Manav to come with him too. Manav thinks in his head, what should I do? Tell Archana all of this? No, there is already a lot of tension in the house, if she knows about Ajit’s doings; she will get even more worried. I will have to keep these things away from her, for now. Archana comes in the room, and says I have been calling you for a long time, you have not heard me? Manav is still not talking. Archana comes and tells him I know another way to get Aie better. But it will cost some money though. She calls him again and asks him where his mind at is? Manav says oh, nothing my head is hurting a bit. Archana says why did n’t you tell me before? I will massage your head. She tells him to sit down, Manav protests saying it’s nothing big, just a little medicine. Archana says no pain killer and begins massaging his head. Manav says in the neck too. Archana says before you stopped me from doing it, and now? Manav then grabs Archana and hugs her. Archana is worried that someone will see. Manav says, let them see. Manav says, how do you do this? All of my tensions go away when I see you. Manav says I wish I could take away all of your tensions and worries. Archana says I do not have any worries. Archana says ever since I have married you, all of my worries have gone away. Sometimes I get tense when I see you tense. Oh and do you really think that when you see me all of your tensions go away? Manav nods. Archana says I will pray to Bappa that he keeps the two of us always together. And the show ends with a nice hug of ArMan.

Precap: At a market, Some police inspectors are telling Savita to leave the place or we will force you to. Savita says oh wow they have not returned the earrings to me and now you are running after me.

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