Friday, April 15, 2011

Maryada 15th April 2011 Written Update

At the Jhaakar house, all four women in the kitchen. Devyani notices that Priya looks dull and asks her what the matter is. Uttara steps in and says that she must be tired, having waited for Aditya all night, and Devyani seems confused and surprised. Uttara continues that he must have been partying all night with his friends. Devyani tells Priya not to worry, that all men are like this! LOL And Uttara agrees with her, saying that men love freedom, and forget about the wives quickly. Priya quickly defends Aditya, saying he's not at all like that and Uttara teases her, asking how Aditya really is? WinkLOL Uttara tells Priya that now it's her turn to trouble Aditya and she takes the cup of tea and pours in a spoon of salt ROFL All the women smiling and Priya tries to say no but Uttara laughs and pushes her out of the kitchen.
Priya heads into her room where Aditya is getting ready and gives him the chai. Aditya apologizes and Priya says that whenever they try to get close, something or the other always gets in the way. Aditya gets the brilliant idea of going on a honeymoon and Priya decides she's going to plan everything and hands him the chai. Aditya takes a sip of it and pauses, and Priya wonders what's going on, and he painfully drinks some more. Priya checs his forehead, wondering if he's ok, and he tells her she should drink ROFL She says no and they both run around the house, with him chasing after her. There's some more teasing going on when SSP steps into the room.
He sees Aditya trying to force Priya to drink the chai and asks what is going on. Aditya takes the tea and gives it to SSP, who thanks him profusely and sips the tea. He immediately spits the tea out and has this disgusted look on his face as he surveys the faces of the women. ROFL Vidya immediately says she didn't make the tea, but Priya did, and Priya has this smirk on her face as she looks at SSP. [wow, a really mini battle about absolutely nothing won. Go priya?] Uttara tells SSP that she'll make him a good cup of tea right away and leaves for the kitchen, and Devyani eyeing this anxiously.
Right then, Gaurav comes into the living room and Aditya hands him the cup of tea, telling him that he made this specially for him and Gaurav almosts puts it into his mouth, but Vidya quickly screams out that he shouldn't drink the chai, it has salt in it! [o h wow, not even letting your brother in law tease your husband LOL] Devyani smilingly says that Vidya has saved her husband and everyone laughs it off.
Gaurav ready to leave the house, when Vidya tells him that she won't be coming to the office that day as she has a lot of work. Gaurav leaves , not really responding and Vidya goes away from there. Devyani watching all this keenly. [Gosh, this woman absolutely knows everything that goes on in everyone's lives LOL]
Tara talking to Sweety and Chinnu about her new school. She's putting things away in her backpack, and Chinnu asks her why she has only her old things. Right then Devyani comes inside the room followed by Uttara and says that they're going to go shopping now to buy a lot of new things for Tara's new school. Uttara begins to protest, saying that Tara has everything, that Devyani is already spending a lot of money on them, but Devyani disagrees and Tara hugs her, saying she loves her very much. Uttara eyeing this scene sadly, watching as her daughter talks mor with all the other members of the family, and slowly begins backing away. Devyani notices Uttara leaving, but remains silent.
SSP walking and calls out for Uttara, asking her what the matter is, if Tara said something again? Uttara smiles as she hears this and asks him if he knows magic, how he knows everything without having her say one word. Devyani comes right then and freezes in the back, listening to the conversation worriedly. SSP tells Uttara that he's a policeman, he understands everything, and smiles at her. Right then, he sees Devyani in the back and quickly says to Uttara that he's going to leave now. Devyani walks up after SSP leaves, and listens as Uttara praises SSP, and tells Devyani how lucky she is for having such a loving husband. Devyani wistfully says Thank God someone seems to understand him, and Uttara looks confused. Devyani quickly controls herself and "clarifies" that she knows she's lucky and quickly leaves. [Aww, poor Devyani. So many obvious troubles in her heart, but she never speaks her mind. The glass house all over again.]
Priya talking on the phone with someone making plans for her honeymoon, and Chinnu comes right then and she quickly tells him by mistake. Oops! She corrects herself quickly and makes Chinnu promise that he won't tell anyone about the honeymoon. She asks him for suggestions and he rattles off names of places around the world and Priya finally decides on Shimla Day Dreaming. Right then, she turns around to see Vidya standing there, smiling, and Priya makes her promise that she won't tell anyone either. Priya asks if Vidya needs anything, and she hesitantly says no, and leaves.
Vidya walking around wondering who's help she'll get now, Imli has gone out, Priya is busy. She prays to Hanumanji about someone who can help her and suddenly sees Tara and Sweety talking and decides on who's help she can get. [Vidya planning something?! Oh wow, now I wonder what this isLOLWink]
At the office, Artitalking to Gaurav and saying she doesn't understand why Vidya has suddenly started backing off, andd Gaurav agrees, saying that now he can breathe in peace. Gaurav gets up and walks around and shows little interest when Arti suggests ordering food. She begins yelling at him, saying that his heart is still on Vidya. Are you sure that your heart isn't already leaning towards her? If this is true, then there's no point in us doing any of this! He begins to deny it, but she continues to yell. And leaves angrily. Gaurav alone in his cabin and very restless. [see this part kinda hinted that there's more to this Gaurav Arti situation than meets the eye, because why would Arti say that them doing this was pointless. Wouldn't she argue for her love? I didn't think that this would be the reaction of a woman who watches as her love falls in love with someone elseConfused]
Aditya talking to the Panchayat, who are all saying that this couple should be punished severely. Aditya asks why what they did was so wrong, and the men begin to yell at him to not interfere, this is a village issue. Aditya says that he understands that what the coupel did was against society, but these two are now married and we should respect their marriage. The head man argues saying that they will still be punished and Aditya should simply stay out of this matter. He gets really tense when he gets a phone call from Priya who's excitedly talking. He cuts her off and she quickly hangs up, understanding that he is busy. Aditya thinking he has to do something to convince the Panchayat. [ I wonder what's going to happen here and how it's actually going to tie in to the entire story of Maryda because yes, as much as we like seeing Aditya try to work at his job, what's the purpose? Maybe Roshni Devi wants to see him fail and has some severe serious plot cooking upConfused]
Tara walking around the house calling for Devyani and bumps into Uttara who asks if she is ready. Tara asks her why she's going, especially when she didn't want Tara to get any new things. Uttara explains that she just doesn't want to trouble Devyani and them after they have all done so much for her. But Tara doesn't get it as she answers that she knows why Uttara is doing all this. Right then, Devyani comes there and Tara tells her that if Uttara is going, then she won't go. Devyani tries to convince her otherwise, and Uttara has tears in her eyes as she tells Devyani and Tara to go, and she'll stay at home. [can we please get on with this story? Everyone already understands that Tara can't stand the sight of Uttara and wants nothing to do with her. It's high time this aspect of the story moves forward.Angry]
Precap: SSP and Aditya talking about policemen, when Priya calls him and tells him about them going to Shimla. SSP asks Aditya where they are planning on going, all smilingly and happy of course. [Oh Aditya! Don't tell himm! Keep your mouth shut!]

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