Friday, April 15, 2011

Baba Aiso Var Dhoondo 15th April 2011 Written Update

Okay, so Rupesh is taken to the OT and is struggling for life, w/ his pulse rate decreasing. During it, he gets flashback of the first episodes when he was trying to marry off Bharti. He regains consciousness and calls for Bharti, and the docs send Bharti in. The docs brief the families about Rupesh's condition, which is worsening, and tell them that he has very little time remaining. Everyone is freaked out, while in the OT, Rupesh tells Bharti that his time is ending. Cry Murli enters the room, while Rupesh is on a tirade against the Gods for creating Bharti w/ such a handicap. Bharti & Rupesh have a lengthy conversation about rishtas and all that Ermm
Dhara and the others then decide to enter the OT room, and she tells Rupesh that she'll move him to a better hospital, or even take him abroad. Rupesh apologizes to her for breaking his promise to spend her entire life w/ her (I thought the promise is to spend one's own entire life w/ the spouse, not the spouse's entire life, and for this very reason Ermm) He tells Dhara that from now on, Bharti is her responsibility alone, and he is not @ peace since he couldn't give Bharti everything. Bharti tells him not to say that, while Rupesh asks who will be the support for his daughter? Murli steps forwards and promises him that Bharti is from now on his responsibility, and Rupesh is happy. (They don't show him dying, but presumably, he did. Or maybe they'll show some more Monday b4 he passes away)
Comments: I found it a bit surprising that the docs told the family that they had failed even b4 the patient died. I was under the impression that usually docs do what they can, and only after the patient has succumbed do they break the news. I accept that Dhara was crazed w/ grief, but the reaction of the entire Lal family was somewhat irrational. I found Rupesh's bhashan about the injustice of the gods pretty self-serving - couldn't he have found a better thing to spend his last moments on? I also wish that Amit too had offered to support Bharti, so that she could have had a choice, rather than be passed back to the guy who let her down.

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