Monday, April 4, 2011

Kitani Mohabbat Hai 4th April 2011 Written Update

The Episode starts with Arohi looking outside the window and crying. Judaai song plays in the background and Arohi and Arjun are both crying. Arohi remembers the night they confessed and wipes her tears. Arjun picks up arohi's picture and looks at it. Arohi writes on the mirror with her lipstick while still crying. Arjun picks up softy and remembers arohi. They both keep walking from here to there thinking about each other and crying. Arohi then gets a call and she goes to the phone and sees that its arjun and picks it up. Arjun asks her if she's crying and arohi says no. Arjun says that there is still some tears left wipe them off and arohi wipes it saying that i told you na that im not crying. Then she asks arjun if he's crying and Arjun says that men's like me dont cry and arohi says liar. Arjun then asks arohi if she misses him and arohi says no and arjun says liar. Then arohi says yes im missing you and then says I LOVE YOU. Then arjun says do you remember and arohi says that i remember everything and that our past is beautiful but i want to make our future with you. Just then someone knocks on arohi's door and she tells arjun that some's at the door and Arjun says open it. Arohi says no i want to talk to you and then says that they brought me home and now then wont even let me talk to you. Arjun tells her that no one can stop her from talking to him and Arohi says your right and she starts to go towards the door and says that im your wife and no door can. She opens it and is shocked to see Arjun and arjun says that no door can come between us.

Arohi puts the phone down and arjun starts to walk towards arohi and they both hug each other tightly. Then they both look at each other smiling.

Mickhal says dad you look very happy after arohi left and Rudra says that im happy that my son is with me. Mickhal says that thank dad im glad because of me and Rudra says that i tho arjun was away from me but no and then he says that there story isnt over yet and before it takes a new turn we'll have to finish it but how. Rajveer comes there and says i'll tell you how and mickhal gets up and asks him what is he doing here. Rajveer says im here to do your dad a favor and im here to give a solution to his biggest problem. Then he tells rudra that i dont want arohi to spend her life with arjun and i know that you guys dont want that either. Then rajveer tells them that they have a plan and he tells them what it is. Rudra says WOW and then says that this cant be your plan so who came up with it and gauri comes in and says mine. Rudra looks at gauri and says smart one. Then Rudra says that you'll have ot wait for one day after that i'll send arjun somewhere for 12 hours where no one can contact him but after 12 hours i cant stop him. Gauri says you do your work and we'll do ours.

Arohi is sleeping on arjun's shoulder and Arjun asks her what was the need for this pagalpan. Arohi asks what and arjun says writting my name on the mirror and arohi says that its lipstick not blood and Arjun says i know thats why im quiet but if you did something stupider then i. Arohi tells him that you'll take me here by doing anything. Arjun then says that you just painted our walls pink few days ago thats why i didnt write your name on the walls. Arohi hugs him tighter and arjun asks what happened and arohi says nothing. Arjun asks again and arohi says that im scared and arjun asks why and arohi says i dont know. Arohi is about to get up but arjun holds her and says that its nothing and that its only 2 day ritual and after that i'll take you from here and tells her that nothing will happen i wont let anything happen and that i cant live without you and arohi say even i cant. Arjun says i know and arohi says then and arjun says that it took us forever to meet so what is 2 days. I'll come and take you back in 2 days. Arohi says that if your sooo sure then why did you come and arjun says that nothing can stop me from wishing my wife happy birthday.

They both sit up and arjun tells her happy brithday wifey. Arohi asks him if he remembered and arjun tells her that you didnt remember and arohi shakes her head. Arjun then tells her to remember it and kisses both her cheeks, forehead and nose. Arohi thanks him and arjun tells her to thank him tomorrow and arjun then says that tomorrow you'll be smiling at your party. Then arjun asks her if she'll come to his party and arohi says yes. Arjun gets up to leave and arohi stops him saying your going. Arjun says for sometimes because i need to buy a gift for my wife because i cant have my wife angry. Then he says bye and arohi tells arjun that i wont ask you how you come here but now please dont go by some dangerous way. Arjun tells her that i can here to give you a surprise and now i'll go from the main door after all my the son-in-law of this house. Arjun opens the door and arohi comes from behind and hugs him and arjun hugs her back. Then he says goodnight beautiful and leaves.

Arjun is on his way out but he comes in front of rajveer and gauri. Rajveer asks him what is he doing here and arjun syas that i can here to meet your wife then he says i came to meet my wife. Rajveer tells arjun that she's not your wife anymore and arjun says that i remember something didnt your marraige happen somewhere around ours and rajveer says so. Arjun says that our is done and then asks rajveer if there's done and rajveer asks what and arjun says divorce. Arjun then says another bad joke and then he says that im very happy today since its arohi's birthday and i wished her the first today. Then he says that i bet you forgot and even if you didnt you're probably thinking of how to separate us. Then he tells rajveer that he's throwing a party for arohi tomorrow and that he should come with gauri lovely and sankit. Then he tells rajveer to come for sure as the guest hasnt seeing a angry chachu untill now. Then he says that the birthday girl will definitely come and it will be a party that she wont forget. Then Arjun says i hope i dont see you at the party and says goodnight chachu and then goes to gauri and says goodnight chachi.

After arjun leaves rajveer tells gauri that if you didnt make a plan to win arohi with love then this goon wouldnt have gone peacefully from her. Gauri goes to rajveer and tells him that if we hit Arjun then he would have became Arohi's hero and Rajveer says that i dont care about that but i know for sure that Arohi wont go to that party tomorrow. Gauri says that dont worry no one will force Arohi to not go she herself will not go just watch.

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