Monday, April 18, 2011

Gulaal 18th April 2011 Written Update

Gulaal seeing Kesar's old school clothes that she has kept, and remember how he wouldnt got to school - sweet moment that was remembering that scene, and then remembering what happened lately with Gul-Kesar in his room when he grabbed her arm and total her to stop caring and so on
There alot of difference in that old Kesar and this Kesar, but i guess all in all that 'love' and affection is still there from Kesar, and like she said 2 weeks ago, there is love hidden in anger.
I guess Gulaal still wants that Kesar back, the way she holds on that hope and tears up as well Ouch
Kesar remembering what Talli asked him about ppl going away and not doing anything to stop them, Kesar has never stopped thinking about what he heard 10 yrs ago, we all know that he wouldnt, and you saw the one tears and the anger rise in him and then rode off, so much he is keeping inside, the words of that day echoing everytime he probably ever has quiet moment i guess he always flashes back to that day
Jamna Kaki back with her taunts, its not nice what she says coz of how she says it and ti comes across but somehow what she says is the truth however much it feels sour in a way... and then JK is very stubborn as well, the way she was lecturing her hubby, when one doesnt know when one is wrong then there is nothing one can do esp when that person hasnt learnt this in many years, all of JK's kids are gone or bad - look at each of them, Devika was nicest one
Inside the house you have JK and and then outside you have Durgesh - both wanting to somehow break the family up
Talli-Kesar scene, she makes a varr-maal kinda think for him, and asks what is he gonna do with it lol , the thing is when he throw is back to her - it lands around her neck so she is wearing ShockedConfused well you know what happened next - Talli went into her dream world lol
Precap - Motabha says on seeing Kesar-Talli, that Kanha and Radha have grown up, taking us back to the Krishna leela which they all performed at and Gulaal was Rukhmani and even that time Motabha asked Gulaal, what will happen to Rukhmani when Kanha and Radha grow up....... Ouch
From what i can see what happened 10 yrs ago, all those questions and everything is coming back to the present and asking questions isnt it...... The marriage of Kes-Gul, Gul promising Talli of marrying Kesar, Gul's mum thinking of Gulaal/Kesar, and also Talli/Kesar, Motabha asking that question relating to what he asked 10 yrs ago, Gulaal's place in the house etc

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