Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Chaand Chhupa Baadal Mein 5th April 2011 Written Update

It begins with yash packing his bag, Viren sees that yash is a bit tensed and asks him if something is wrong. Yash says "no, it's nothing." Viren says "i know you're hiding something. Tell me." Yash tells Viren about the trio bullying him at the college. Viren says 'why didn't you call me?" Yash says "you're the one that told me that I should remove the fear within me and not to fear anything." Viren says "yes but what if something had happened to you?" Nivi enters the room calling out to Yash. "Yash, come outside, dad is calling you." Viren says "what happened?" Nivi says "viren the police is here along with yash's principal. They say that the exam papers have been leaked and they suspect yash." Yash is shocked, viren says "don't worry, go outside and i'll handle it here." KS calls out to yash in anger. Nivi and yash leaves, while Viren gets thinking on what to do.
Nt says "why have you brought police here? You know yash then how can you believe that my son would steal exam papers to pass in the exam." The principal apologises but says that he has got information about this. Nt says "it can be wrong." The police says "we apologise, but if you'd cooperate it'll be the best for us both." Nt says "what do you intend on doing?" the police says "we need to search the house." Everyone is shocked. Ks allows them to search. The police asks about yash's room, Pt leads the way. Viren is searching yash's room and manages to find the exam papers in his bag. He quickly grabs them and leaves through the window. Pt brings the police to yash's room for searching. The police finds nothing in his room or in the house. They apologise for any inconvenience (yeah and who's going to clean the mess that is caused by you all? Gosh you police people....) the police says "we may need to come back or maybe you guys need to come to the police station. Please do cooperate." The police leaves, Viren outside in the porch gets a call from sid. sid asks if everything is fine since he had given him a call. Viren notices KS standing there. He tells sid that he'll call later as he hides the papers behind his back. Ks says "why did you hung up?" Viren is confused. "I asked, why did you hang up? What are you trying to hide?" viren says "what can i hide from you? And why?" Ks says "don't act innocent, i am not a fool. Everyone was inside while the police searched the house, and you were hiding out here? If you weren't doing anything wrong then why are you out here? Why weren't you there with us?" Viren tries to justify himself. Nt asks him about not coming inside when the police was there. Viren is quiet. Ks says "because his intentions aren't right amma... I had told you earlier that you shouldn't keep him here. Not everyone is kind enough." Viren says "I didn't do anything, please believe me." Ks says "believe you? Why? I don't know if you are behind all this or not, and neither do i know why you are out here. But what i know is that my family is suffering because of you! You have ruined my entire family, the wounds you have given us will never be cured...yet we kept you in the house and took care of you. Do you know why? Because you don't have any humanity within you but we still do..." Pt asks KS to calm down and takes him inside. Dadi to leaves in disappointment, Nivi looks on at Viren. "I know viren that you aren't wrong but why were you out here?" viren shows Nivi the exam papers that he found in yash's bag. Nivi is shocked to see them. "It was bhaiya ji's conspiracy to trap yash." Nivi says "you knew it all yet you didn't say anything? Why?" Viren says "because I don't care what people think about me because I am wrong in everyone's eyes already. A little more won't do any harm and if I had told papa about all this then he wouldn't be able to take all this." Nivi is touched by viren's words. "Yash is his last hope and i can't take it away from him. Shall i say something? It's time that i leave this house." Nivi says "why and where would you go?" Viren says "I don't know, but i'm become a problem for you all and even papa isn't at peace. If i leave then he can be at peace and what more do i want?" Nivi says 'perhaps you are right, you should leave. After doing so much no one is willing to understand you. No one believes that you have changed. You've done so much yet you are being blamed. You should leave. I don't want you to leave but I'm still asking you to leave from here." Viren says "shall I leave?" NivRen look at each other. Nivi says "yes, but not like this. You will leave but not with a false accusation. Papa needs to know what you did for us and him." Viren says "no, you won't." Nivi says "no, they need to know and you won't stop me. You are under my oath." Viren says "please don't...let me go please. Nothing means more to me than you no misunderstanding my intentions." Viren leaves, nivi follows.
Everyone is sitting in the lounge room, Viren arrives and says "papa..." Ks says "you have no right to call me that!" viren says "I just came to say that you won't have to face no more problems because of me. I am leaving." Viren was about to leave, Nivi stops Viren. Nivi says "he's leaving papa, but before he goes I need to clear some things with you." Viren tries to stop her but nivi says "don't stop me; everyone should know the truth now. Everyone is assumes that you are guilty but I won't let this happen." (gosh i sound so formal with words sometimes ROFL) "You are right, he should leave the house. You always said that he's broken your trust, but he broke my trust too before and even now. I knew that he would never change and that he would never understand my world. He is one selfish man who only cares about himself but he's changed papa. He broke my trust; he understood my world and not just that but tried his best as well. He's changed papa. Look at these papers, police hd come to search for these." Everyone is shocked to see the papers, Nivi says "these papers were here all along yet the police couldn't find them. Do you know because whom? It's because of this man standing right here. He hid the papers because he knew if they had found these papers then all your hopes would have been shattered along with this family honour. You know what he was hiding from you when you asked him? This was it." Viren stands there silent. Nivi narrates the entire story to KS and the rest. "viren saved our family's honour papa. He broke my trust, he really did change. He should be punished for this. He should leave but not with this false accusation papa." NivRen look on at each other.
Precap: Viren arrives with bag, he takes everyone's blessings. Ks is missing. Nivi in tears as she watches viren walk towards the door.

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