Friday, April 15, 2011

Chaand Chhupa Baadal Mein 15th April 2011 Written Update

(Well seeing the precap, I had surely closed my eyes now what'll happen to me when i actually watch the scene Shocked *Sanju closes her eyes, relying on just audio* I hear baahon ke darmiya play *Sanju peeks*) viren kissing her hands. (lol..Is it just me or he really didn't kiss her hands? ROFL) I see them hugging. (Can't see...can't see) I see them under the curtain, both holding hands...lights go off Shocked (hain? Was this it?Confused Was this the SR, or just another song seq? This ended before it started...*thank you CT's...meri jaan bacha li aaj aapne ROFL)

Next morning, NivRen sleeping, nivi wakes up and realises she is late, she tries to get up but viren has his arm around her and isn't letting her go. Nivi says "Viren, please let me go, everyone is waiting for me downstairs...please." Viren says "what's the hurry?" Nivi says "Viren..." Nivi checks the time. "Oh god! Viren its 9:30...please let me go viren...please, what will everyone think?" viren says 'they will think that nivi spoilt their son!" Nivi says "really? Viren please let me go." Viren says "blackmailer! You know i can't say no to you. Go." Nivi leaves, Viren smiles and then goes back to sleep. (Gosh, I was expecting another shocker with a romantic morning...but nope...nothing romantic here either...Phew!)

Nivi goes downstairs and apologises to god for not making it for the aarti today. Nivi rushes to the dining room and collides with Sid, one of her bangles break leading her wrist to bleed. Sid apologises to her, Cc rushes and asks what happened. VD says 'nothing Cc, Sid accidently collided with Nivi and she got hurt." CC says 'Sid, couldn't you see where you were just don't stand here. Go get the first aid box." Nivi says "it's just a scratch ma, don't worry." CC says "no, a small scratch can end up being big. Right bhabi?" VD says "yes, you should never ignore wounds, be it big or small." Sid leaves to get the first aid box, CC goes to the kitchen to get ice.

Divya in the kitchen, CC arrives and says "Divya, you are here? Do you have any idea what just happened? Nivi's bangle broke and she got hurt. She's bleeding." (over acting bandh karo's just a normal cut...*Geesh*) "do you know how it happened? sid and nivi collided and nivi's bangle broke." Divya leaves to check on nivi, Divya carefully does her dressing, CC is confused. (not what you expected CC? LOLPlan failed once agai eh!)

Viren on the phone with JW "Don't worry dad, i'll be there on time. I promise i won't be late." Nivi brings Viren's Breakfast; he sees that Nivi is hurt. "What's this?" aksed Viren. Nivi says 'it's parantha's and yogurt." Viren keeps the tray down and holds her hand "What happened?" Nivi says "nothing, i just collided with sid and my bangle broke, so just got hurt." Viren says "is it hurting you a lot?" Nivi says 'Viren, it's just a small scratch; everyone made an issue out of such small thing." Viren says "why wouldn't they? After all you're everyone's favourite. By the way even i have the cure to your pain." Viren gives a kiss on her wrist, both have a small eyelock. Nivi says "it's fine, now you have breakfast." Viren's phone rings, he doesn't pick up and says "I'm not going to go anywhere today." Nivi says 'viren, please stop making excuses." Viren says "excuses? Nivi your hurt, and you want me to go to the office. Ofcourse not...the meeting is cancelled." The phone rings again, its yash's call. Yash says "Di, they will be there again at the college. I'm not going to go.' Viren sees Nivi is worried, he takes the phone. "Di please, i'm not going." Viren says "Yash, don't worry. Meet me downstairs and i'll drop you off to the college." Viren was about to leave, Nivi says "viren ahve your breakfast atleast." Viren drinks juice and says "I'll have breakfast at the office, yash needs me right now."

Viren meets yash downstairs and says "yash, i'll drop you off and if you want i can drop you off every day." Nivi says "Yash, are you really scared?" Yash nods, Viren says 'Yash that's what they want. They are trying to scare you but you have to act as if you don't care about whatever they are doing. You have to do this, will you?" Yash says "I understand and i have the courage too but i feel as if they'll do something to me." viren says "yash, they are actually scared because you are with the truth." Nivi says "yash if you run away from your problems then you will run from your problems your entire life. You have to face your problems." Both yash and Viren leave in a car.

Sid sees Nivi is tensed, he asks her about her hand. Nivi says "it's fine now." Sid asks "is something wrong? Is there something bothering you?" Nivi shakes her head. "oh did viren go to the office." Nivi nods. "Is that why you are worried." Nivi says "no it's nothing." Sid says "there is something for sure." Divya shows up and says "sid, you left your wallet." Sid says 'thank you! I was just asking nivi about her hand." Divya says "oh yes, how is it?" Nivi says "It's fine now." nivi leaves, sid was about o leave for the office. Divya says "can you come home early today? Sid says "any special occasion?" divya says "we can make one for sure." Sid says 'let me get to the office first." Sid leaves, CC arrives and says "it's good that sid stopped to chat with nivi otherwise he would've forgotten his wallet back @ home." Divya says "yes." CC says "what were they taling about?" Divya says "I don't know." CC says "did they not tell you?" divya says 'I didn't ask." Divya leaves, cc says "gosh she is such a stupid girl."

Yash at the college gets bullied by gaurav and his friends. Yash says "dont' you dare touch me...if you even touch me once then I would..." yash was about to leave, gaurav gets physical. Yash says "if you touch me i'll file a report against you all in the police." Gaurav slaps him. (yash, this is where you should have shown some courage and punched him back...he so wouldn't have dared to come near you again.) Gaurav and his gang beat yash up brutally. Yash lays their unconscious.

Nivi calls up Viren "viren..." Viren says "Nivi, i have to go to Chandigarh right now, dada had called." (Whoops...looks like virne found out that i know about the SR LOL He's coming to meet me...see..hang on Viren, let me just book my flight to Chandigarh Wink) Nivi says "right now?" Viren says 'yes, the sooner i go, the sooner i'll return" Nivi says "I'm really worried for yash." Viren says "don't worry, yash is a strong one thing go and meet him." Nivi says 'yes but what will I say to everyone here? I'll have to tell them about his problem too then." Viren says "do one thing, just manage to take out 5 minutes and meet him, no need to tell anyone." Nivi says "yes, he is embarrassed about all this. You take care of yourself." Viren says 'you'll miss me right?" Nivi says "yes, come back soon." Both hang up! (hain? No I love you to end this conversation? Confused What is happening? Why is the episode so dead today...)

Injured yash brought home by his college friends. KS is shocked to see yash in this condition. Yahs's friend says "he got really hurt..." how did all this happen though?" asks Ks. Yash's friend says "uncle give me the Dr's number so i can call him." Ks calls up the Dr.

Nivi collides with divya, "where are you going di?" asks nivi. divya says "I was leaving to make kheer for sid." nivi says "yash really loves it too." Divya says "oh yes, we can send some for yash aswell." Cc arrives, Nivi says "save heaps for remember he used to eat bowls of kheer and he used to steal it at night as well." Divya says "really? I don't remember all this." Cc says "Divya, Sid was a lot closer to Nivi back in your childhood. They were the real friends." Divya smiles, Nivi says "Di you know Sid hates cardamom in his kheer." Divya says "yes." Cc says "Nivi, divya surely knows this much. He is her husband after all." Nivi says "I'll be right back." Nivi leaves, divya is in thoughts and leaves to go to the kitchen.

Nivi arrives at her maternal home and finds out about Yash's health. She gets worried and runs to meet yash; Ks tells her that he was beaten up by his college students. Nivi asks the doctor if everything is fine. The dr says that he needs complete rest, he is very badly injured, we will find out about any internal injuries later on. Yash gains conscious and finds Nivi besides him.

Divya calls up sid and asks him to come home early. Sid is more concentrated on his work rather than speaking to divya. Sid says "I'm busy right now, i'll call you later." CC says "what did he say? Is coming home early or not?" Divya says 'I don't know. He is really busy. I don't think he heard me.' Cc says "ask Nivi to call him next time you have something to say. He'll surely answer her, they are friends so..." CC leaves, Divya is in thoughts.

No Precap.

Now I actually wonder what was so fun about this SR seq? KinHa said they had fun shooting the SR seq, but it all seemed so..rushed up! Confused
personally I felt that neha's expressions wren't up to the mark...she didn't feel the love I guess...and perhaps she was a bit nervous aswell, and it was clearly shown in the sequence...(an no i am not saying this because i am a K fan and I envy NivRen! no..i'm saying this as a normal viewer) if neha had been a bit more opened up, then this seq would have surely rocked!

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