Guddu is on the terrace pacing. He asks himself why he's so uneasy and nervous. He feels like he's not going to an interview but a war. He 's faced more dangerous situations so why is he feeling nervous. He give himself a prep talk, telling that he needs to impress tomorrow, and win the challenge (He's talking about the Mobile Center Challenge). He spies someone else on the roof, who is drinking. He looks and sees that it is Buntu.
Meanwhile Vishnu is turning his own room upside down searching for something. HE keeps throwing Kalsanwali's saris on her face. She yells at him and he yells back, that why is nothing ever in it's proper place. He says he is looking for his suit for hours but can't find it. They get physical with each other, and Kalsanwali tells him to worry more about Guddu's interview tomorrow. Vishnu stops then smiles at Kalsanwali and they smile at each other and Vishnu informs that he knows the person doing the interview and he's a client of a friend. He says that the man breathes in English, and Guddu is for sure going to fail tomorrow.
Guddu asks Buntu what the matter is and why he's drinking. He says that now they are kind of related so he can tell him. Buntu starts wailing and says that he is heartbroken, and there is only one person capable of breaking his heart, his Billo Rani. He says he know why Billo doesn't like him. He says he's not as smart, and he's not fair like Billo and he's not handsome like Guddu.
Guddu asks him if he's complementing him or cursing him. Buntu says he's not cursing him. He asks Guddu to sit with him and pulls Guddu down to sit adjacent to him. He offers Guddu drink and says that Guddu can tell him how does one attract a woman and keep her in control (wrong person to ask Buntu). Guddu doesn't want to drink but Buntu gives him a glass which Guddu takes reluctantly. Guddu drinks a little and tells Buntu that he gets scared to easily. He tells Buntu to show some self respect and some self control, and instead of chasing Billo, let her do the chasing for once. He tells Buntu that he loves Billo but instead of proclaiming it all the time, he should hold back this time, and keep it wrapped in his heart.
Buntu finishes his last bottle while Guddu is still nursing his drink, and says that he will listen to Guddu Maharaj. He falls in Guddu's lap, causing Guddu to spit his drink out. Guddu tries to wake Buntu up, then pulls him off where they were sitting and gives him a shoulder to help him walk back to his room.
Later Guddu comes back to his room, and Runjhun is already sleeping. The room is dark, and without looking Guddu takes off his shoes and falls on the bed on the other side of Runjhun.
(We're halfway there, 15 Days more...)
By the morning, Guddu is closer to Runjhun, and his arm draped around her waist. Runjhun gets up from her sleep and sees Guddu's face and is worried. She takes his hand off her waist quickly, and rises from the bed. She straightens her pallo and takes a deep breath. She looks at Guddu again, then breathes a sigh of relief. Then her eyes fall on the time and she notices that Guddu has an interview in an hour. She hesitantly touches him to rouse him. When he doesn't get up, she rises from the bed and goes to the other side, and ruffles his hair in order to wake him up. Guddu just turns but continues sleeping. Runjhun sees the water jug, and fills up a glass with water, then she takes it in her hand and splashes Guddu.
In his shock he raises his hand and since Runjhun is leaning in, she gets slapped by him. Guddu rouses from his sleep trying ot place his situation as Runjhun stares at Guddu still shocked from the slap and nursing her cheek. Guddu sees its Runjhun and asks he what she's doing. Runjhun doesn't say anything but walks away from Guddu, her hand still on her cheek.
Guddu stops her. He says she should have told him it was her. She says what does it matter. He says that Kukkan usually wakes him like that and he thought it was Kukkan. She says that his hand raises for no reason and she's sure that she's not the only one on the receiving end. He says that others are different and she is different. He adds that he doesn't raise hand on women, and Runjhun congratulates him that he's off to a good start. She tells him not to worry about that and tells him to get ready otherwise he will be late for the interview. She leaves and he watches her leave. He shakes his head, at himself, and asks himself how he could have raised his hand on her like that.
Guddu is in the bathroom, shaving, and thinks about what Runjhun told him in the room, about his hand that gets raised for any rhyme or reason.
Guddu finishes lathering up and is about shave, when he remember Runjhun putting water on him and he slapping her. He cuts himself at the memory. Runjhun is in the kitchen making breakfast, and Kalsanwali walks by. She sees the mark on Runjhun's cheeks and asks Runjhun what happened and who hit her. Runjhun avoids Kalsanwali and says that nothing happened. Kalsanwali tells Runjhun not to lie or she will put a similar mark on the other side to even it out. She says she knows what a slap mark looks like. Runjhun says that Guddu has no reason to slap her, and she walked into a wall. She walks away taking the breakfast. Kalsanwali says that she didn't even mention Guddu. She murmurs happily that Billo might be right. Vishnu calls Kalsanali breaking into her happy moment.
Guddu is getting ready in his suit, and Runjhun walks in as he's struggling with his tie. He has his back faced to Runjhun so he doesn't see her coming in. He says when he was little Dinanath used to tie the ties, but who will do it now. He wonders how to loop it. Runjhun sets the breakfast aside, and shakes her head. She pulls up a stool next to Guddu, and climbs on it to get to his height and places her hand on his shoulder. Guddu turns to look at her, and she looks at him, and offers to do his tie. Guddu sees Runjhun standing on the stool and smiles. He turns towards her, and she straightens the tie around his neck. She ties his tie, and Guddu tries to look away but then looks back at her. Runjhun slightly tilts her head and notices a cut on Guddu's cheek, and at the same time Guddu slightly tilts his head in the opposite direction and notices the hand mark on her cheek.
They both simultaneously tell each other to put medicine, on their respective wounds. Guddu smiles, then tells Runjhun that he's sorry for this morning. She woke him up and he without thinking raised his hand. He didn't mean to hit her, and tells her he made a mistake. Runjhun asks him why he's worried, because she didn't say anything, but Guddu still says sorry, and asks for forgiveness. Runjhun says that she will forgive him on one condition. Guddu says this is not fair, she's always placing conditions on him. Runjhun says it is fine. Guddu relents and tells her to tell him what her condition is. She tells him to give the interview nicely and and to control his anger. Guddu says that if someone says something to him that makes him angry then what is he supposed to do. Runjhun shakes her head, and Guddu relents again saying he will agree. He says but he has one condition too. He says she has to teach him how to tie the tie. He says he was here for so long trying to figure this thing out, she has to teach him. She smiles and agrees.
He seems a little uncomfortable then rambles on that he's not liking the clothes, because it's so tight on the top and loose on the bottom. He says he like his clothes much better and this is just a one time deal. Runjhun get's off the stool and goes to grab his jacket, and says that is fine. No one is telling him to dress up like that all the time. She holds his jacket so he can slip his arms into it, then straightens it for him. She goes back to the front and gets on the stool to straighten his tie and jacket. She hesitates and asks him if she can tell him something. He asks her what, and she says that he looks very nice in the clothes (She is right, Himmanshoo carries a suit very well and the picture didn't do him any justice. The pink shirt and pink tie actually go very well together.) He is surprised, and Runjhun straightens his tie, then step down again. She tells him to eat his breakfast.
Guddu watches her leave then looks at himself in the mirror, happy at Runjhun's words that echoes in his mind as he looks at himself.
Precap: Runjhun is giving prasad to everyone, when Guddu comes and stops her. He has jacket on one shoulder and dumps it before sitting and tells her there is no reason to give prasad. He tells them the interview didn't go well at all. Everything went wrong. Runjhun and Amma look upset while the others smile (He might be pulling her leg...or not but I'm not worried)
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