Monday, April 11, 2011

Tere Mere Sapne 11th April 2011 Written Update

Laxmi and Phoolmani tell Ramdei, that the keys of the cup board, have been misplaced by Radha. Laxmi has them under her pallav, and pretends and puts the blame on Radha and they add fuel to the fire. Shanti tells Ramdei, that they can come some other time. Then she adds her comment, that instead of getting angry on Radha, she herself must have known better, not to give such responsibility to the young. She blames Ramdei, and she gets offended.

Laxmi and Phoolmani promise Ramdei, to search for the key and they go away. Ramdei shouts at Radha and she aptly to suit the village dumb daughter in law, submits herself to the authoritarian admonitions of her mother in law. Ramdei raises her voice to the highest decibel, and is very proud of her imposing her powers on the dumb juniors of her household. Radha whimpers and the mighty lady, sends her off - she can not see her face. (Actually she smarts, as she has no power in this house, and the two evil women, are always there to point this out to her, and their sticky plans work.)

Ramdei's imposing stature, stands and she thinks, or is she? But the crafty Laxmi, has run to the temple area, and wants to hide the keys, and tells her deity, that she wants to hide her treasure with him. (Is she not afraid of the wrath of the deity?) She hides them under the flower thali, and just behind her comes the maharani, Ramdei, with her measured gait. Laxmi gets up from her kneeling position, and faces the angry face of her sister in law.

Ramdei, asks Laxmi whether the keys have fallen here, and she with all enthusiasm, tells her that she searched, but did not find and so she wants to take her out of this place. The proud fool, falls for her trap, and forgets all the suspicions of these outsiders, and blames her own, and walks with her crooked sister in law, Laxmi. As an aside, Laxmi turns around and makes a salam to the deity, to thank him, with raised folded hands.

In Rani's house, she is talking to Vishnoo, and is thinking what Sarju, who has become a rich man, must be bringing different ornaments for his wife. Vishnoo does not like her thinking of his cousin. He wants to trap her for himself. Rani flatters Vishnoo, and calls him large hearted for bringing such nice ornaments for her, (even though from stolen money!). He tells her that he too will become as rich as Sarju, and then she will be very proud of him. She wants to help him.

Kesoo, goes into his room, and sees the child sleeping in the cradle, and he agonizes over his situation, and tells himself, that he can not bear this humiliation anymore. He says that both insiders and outsiders are laughing at his manhood. "I can not face anyone ", he thinks of himself. The one who can not help himself, is like a living corpse. "I am a living corpse" he calls himself.

Radha is shown as a distraught woman, stripped of all education and learning which she was shown to acquire when she was in Mumbai, has now regressed to her old state, of mental impoverishment, and bereft of any inkling of wisdom, she often showed to Kamya, but here midst all luxury and pomp, is like an imbecile, thanks to the creative energy of the Star Plus honchos, sitting in their air conditioned cubicles, and spinning yarn after yarn to fill the vacant hours of the Indian tele viewers. No wonder, their TRPs are dropping. All one has to admire, is the glossy sarees, and fake jewelry, borrowed from the film city warehouses, for the enchantment of the audience of Star Plus, and they will give themselves, Awards, after Awards, and have a good time of their own.

Though Laxmi and Phoolmani are supposed to be uneducated villagers, they have stylists who make them look glamorous, with high eyebrows and eye shadow, and they too could get some work as models in Kamya's studio, if she had known it. With all the glamor, their conversation is that of low villages, plotting and scheming. We are over saturated by their deeds, that any time, we may throw up the over dose of their deeds. Laxmi is very proud of her daughter in law's evil deeds. One show they have planned to put up an act of an accident, where Phoolmani falls on the stair case, and all the old and young imbeciles of the household clutter together to find a solution to the problem, but the brains have shriveled so much, no idea comes out. When all are huddled around Phoolmani, for some reason, Sarju remains aloof, with hands in his pocket. Has he been thinking? The tree crooks, can not believe one another, as Vishnoo sees his wife in an unconsious state, and he wonders if it is an act. As Laxmi shows over anxiety, the older men of the household seem to have their tongues tied, they just see from one face to another face. No one has come out with any suggestion, and Phoolmani is continuing her drama, with eyes closed, pretending to be in a coma. Heeraman gets the voice first, and he starts scolding his wife, and wants her to stop. He blames his daughter in law too, and says she has not done a single job, with any diligence. And finally, Sarju has opened his mouth: "Leave all things aside, and take the sister in law to her room" - the words of wisdom from the mouth of the Master go forth, and all stomp to carry out his wishes. They move her from the stairway, to the sofa in the spacious and majestic living room, with these villagers are an oddity. The village brains are working on high gear, that even though sprinkling of water on the face has not brought to consciousness back, Laxmi wondes what can be wrong. Laxmi tells Sarju to get the local Vaidya, or the village medicine man. He the wise Haveli Owner, comes out with his wise answer: "Do not worry Aunt, if the Vaid can not do anything, I will take her to the city, and show her to a doctor." - O, what a anti climax. Will Laxmi want the city doctor to tell them that all this was a fake drama? She comes out with her stroke: "What can I do my son, where do we have the money to spend of the doctor's bills." Sarju counters, "Do not worry about money Aunty, we shall arrange that." What will Laxmi do now? Back and forth, the dialog continues, and as much Laxmi wants the showdown to close, Sarju opens it more, and the rest just watch and admire the wise son that has got for them this richi haveli. The full stop comes when Shamboo, the grand old man of the house opens his mouth, and tells her, "Why are you worried? We are all there with you." Sarju then gives his orders to his wife, "Radha, go and bring the money from the cupboard" - how will she tell him the keys are missing? Sarju, in keeping with his village regression, blames his wife, and her irresponsible behavior, and commiserates himself on his inability to help his sister in law, in the hour of her need. This gives chance for Laxmi to start her subbing and crying and wailing, and how can put a stop to this? She runs to her Bagwan, and perhaps she will choose the keys to get out of this jam. When she hits her head where the thali is, Heeraman orders her to stop, and Laachi and Radha go to stop her. In the meantime, Laxmi puts her hand under the thali, and Heeraman tells Radha to go forward to help Laxmi. Suddenly she pulls out the keys and tells them, that she got the keys. Radha has started her thinking and asks, how did the keys travel here?

Phoolmani is still in her own act, and is not aware what is happening else where. Laxmi with the others trailing behind her come in front of the great Maharani Ramdei, and tell her that their Bhagwan gave the keys. All the dumb in the haveli nod their heads, and lo and behold, Phoolmani opens her eyes. What a wonder ! When Laxmi tells the Maharani that Radha must have forgotten the keys when praying, and she claims it to be a miracle. Ramdei tells her that it is not a miracle, but a conspiracy and she looks sternly at her. Ramdei's stilted brain has come to the conclusion, that Radha did not want to show the jewelry to Shanti, so she hid them in the temple. When the dumb Radha is tongue tied, Ramdei the maharani, asks how when she found out the plot, she has no answer. The wise men, of the Haveli, Sarju the great, with his father and uncle, his elder brother Kesoo are all equally frozen, into thinking. The ultimate foolhardy conclusion for the audience to hear is Sarju blaming his wife. It is the end of one's patience the creatives are trying, and might have made many to switch the TV off. The verdict is out, the great Owner has found his wife wanting, and gives the responsibility of the keys to his mother, the Maharani. What will Laxmi do? Her problems have multiplied. Handling of the money too he transfers to his mother, and his wife will be the dish washer of the family. The King walks off. His Queen dissolves into un-shed tears, and wanders into the inner halls of the haveli, wondering what has struck her head. All the viewers of Star Plus heave a sigh of relief as the King places the heavy burden of the Keys of His Kingdom, in the stretched out palm of the Mother Queen !

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