Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sapnon Se Bhare Naina 28th April 2011 Written Update

The scene starts with Daksh, Abhi and Naina outside in the courtyard, and she is offering them the custard and she remembers that she has to call the caterer and she leaves. Now Abhi is alone with Daksh, and and says that he should have written it to his flame, Madhura, and Daksh snatches it from his hand, and says, "shut up".

Sanket and Rohini are going out, and she tells him to hurry up, and says, "The bus might have already come.". Daksh comes in and says, "Good Morning, Dada. Are you going to the bus stop, to pick Madhura?" He replies in the affirmative. He tells him, that is not good for Rohini in her condition to go by rickshaw, and gives Sanket the keys of his car. Abhi pops up any time, any where, and here he is between the two brothers, to give is bit of advice. Abhi wants to know why he who does not share his car with anyone, gave the key to his brother. He suspects ulterior motives. He says, "Was it because of the newly arriving visitor?" In the meantime, Naina overhears this conversation, and wants to know who the new visitor is. Abhi tells her that she is Madhura, Chintu's flame. When Daksh wants to cut him off, he continues telling her that she was after him, ever since Sanket's marriage. Naina smiles and thinks and then says, "So, this is that girl" meaning why Daksh was in the seventh heaven the previous night, and all the time, he was thinking about the person in whom he was in love. She has reached the conclusion that Madhura is the girl whom Daksh is in love with. He had not told her this last night, and now she has found out and she is truly happy for him.

Sanket drives to the bus station, where the new visitor will be waiting. Her name is Madhura, and is Rohini's younger sister, a very modern and stylish girl. Rohini embraces her younger sister, and they share rare moments of joy. She tells her that she is very excited that she is going to be a aunt and she, her sister is going to be a mother. Sanket tells them to have a seat in the car, and he goes to bring the luggage. Madhura asks, if she has come alone. She is told that the person whom she is looking for, has her his car. And she giggles. They reach home, and is greeted by all the people in the Patwardan household.

They reach home and Ayee receives her and welcomes her. Madhura tells her aunt, that she has not changed a bit, and Ayee tells her that she has blossomed into a beautiful girl. When she asks where the Uncle is, her aunt tells her that he has gone to the college. Shyamal, Kaka and Vedant come to meet her and she touches the feet of the aunt. She tells them that her mother has sent sweets to all of them. She goes and brings the boxes of sweets, and Kaka examines his box with appreciation, and Rohini watches him. Madhura tells Ayee Vibha, that this sweet is Daksh's favorite, and Vibha asks, if her mother remembers his likes, and she says, no, she remembers his likes. Then she looks around and asks, "Where is Daksh?" The mother tells her that he is in his room. She goes up with a box of special sweets for Daksh.

She enters Daksh's room and finds him sleeping and covered from head to toe with a blanket, and tries to wake him up. She asks him why he is sleeping so late. A voice replies, whether Dada came back. She says yes. The guy under the blanket leads her on and on, without exposing himself. She tells him that he has brought something for him. Abhi throws off the blanket and asks in excitement, "What have you brought?" She says, "You !" He pacifies her, and tells her she will find Daksh in Naina's room. She says, "Naina?" She finds him with Naina, who is arranging his shirt, and sleeves, and wants to make him presentable, to meet his girl friend. Abhi brings Madhura to Naina;s room and when they meet, all four have different expressions, and each one has different ideas in their heads. The game is to sort them out. Madhura does not want to show her disappointment, but still it shows on hr face, and added to it, Daksh asks her to meet Naina and he introduces her to Madhura. Just then, her ordeal is cut short, as she hears her sister yell, :Madhura, come soon, I want to show you something." and she takes their leave and goes out. Naina tells them that she has to get dressed and go out, and they leave her alone.

Rohini takes her to her baby's nursery, which had been prepared by Naina and Abhi, and Madhura is very impressed. Ayee too is in the room. Madhura asks who decorated the room, and her aunt tells her that it was Naina. Madhura says, "Even though she is a paying guest, she did so much?" The Aunt corrects her, that Naina is not her paying guest, but her daughter. She is close to all of us. Madhura remarks,"She is close to Daksh too." While Rohini is heating up from inside, the mother says, that they are very good friends. " They used to fight a lot, but of late they have come close to each other.: and suddenly she remembers that she had left the milk on the stove, and runs down. Rohini lets out all her venom, and tells things to her sister. Rohini wants to hook her sister with Daksh.

Ayee has given Naina's room for the guest, and wants her to share the room with Akruti, but Akruti has a visitor. whom she had hidden in the cup board. From her room, Naina asks, "Akruti, is my file in your room?" And ashs she is trying to say something, Ayush puts his finger on her mouth and shuts her up. Naina enters the darkened room and says, "Sorry Akruti, I am giving you too much trouble today" and puts the light switch on. Akruti is no where to be seen. She picks up Akruti's phone which she had left on the bed, and then she hears something all on the terrace. When Naina had gone to her room to bring a file, Akruti and her visitor, Ayush had bunked to the terrace to continue their romance.

Naina is alerted, and goes in search for her, She climbs up and reaches the top, and opens the door and sees Akruti with some one and he runs away. When Naina asks her who he was, she stammers, and says that it was no one. But Naina sees someone running out of the compound from the terrace.

In the next scene, we see Rohini trying to convince her father and mother, that she has someone in mind for Daksh, and since she wanted to get him married, she proposes her sister, and Mr and Mrs Patwardan stare at her. Do they apprehend more trouble, as it one dame was not enough, she is planning to plant one more clone on them?

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