As Rohini quietly saunters along the corridor, noticing the colored balloons, and the attached notes, she moves from one note, to the next, as is indicated on these notes,. She is intrigued more and more as to who is behind this. But, she likes the game, and holding the packet of the maternity gown close to her, and with her balloons, she finally goes to the last door, which is mentioned in the note, in the words of her own baby, yet to be born: "This is the room, where Papa and Chintu used to study" and she pushes the door open, and finds it all dark. The snoot light is on her and her red balloon, and she wonders what they are up to, and then the lights and switch on, a nd she finds, her father and mother, her Sanket, Naina and Abhi. They are all wishing her, and she is aglow with joy. She thinks this has been arranged by her father and mother, but they tell her that it was the thought of Abhi and Naina. Abhi tells her that the thought came first to him, but without the creative genius like Naina, he would not have accomplished it. Suddenly, Daksh comes in and asks what the commotion is about. and gets a knock out answer from Abhi. Abhi asks his aunt, "Where did you get such a creative genius as your Paying Guest?" - She tells him not to call her that, but she treats her as her own daughter. Naina too accepts the title. Rohini has a question, when Naina tells them that she will never leave them, - she asks how can that be? Then Rohini who can not share her place with any one else, clarifies, and says, all girls marry and leave to their own homes. Daksh has glazed eyes, and is dreaming. Abhi has a naughty look. Naina is blissfully ignorant or what love is, even though she is bathed in it, and all around her see how lovable she is, but she is a dreamer too.
Next we see Daksh wants to tell Naina what he is carrying in his heart, a big load, and he wants to tell her that he loves her. He starts to write cards, and then, he gets a call, but the network is weak, so he goes out to receive the call, and in the meantime, Naina enters with a load of pressed clothes, which his mother has sent for Daksh. She keeps the clothes on the table, and picks the cards that have flown from the table and fallen on the ground. Daksh comes back, and they chat, and Naina, says to him, "What is wrong with you? You are all aglow, and your eyes betray it. You are in love. He admits it, but asks, "how do you know about it?" She replies, "Your eyes says so." Then she tells him, to come to the lawn, and tell her who the girl is. She has prepared custard, and wants to bring it to him.
In Akruti's room, she is lying on the bed, and chatting away with Ayush. She wants to close the conversation, but they argue who is going to close the call first. In the meantime, Shyamal comes in and asks her daughter who the person is. Akruti instinctively tells lies, and says it is Ayushi. The mother picks the phone and answers, but the phone is cut at the other end. She keeps the phone down, and then looks at it again, and asks when did she get this new phone. Akruti comes out with another lie. "Naina gave it to me, as a bonus" - the mother still suspects her and goes away and tells her to sleep, especially as her daughter told her that she has to get up early in the morning.
Out in the garden, Daksh and Naina are together, and she offers him the custard. He tastes it, and says it is good. Naina wants to hear more about his girl friend, and it is surprising to note that she is unaware of her own feelings. Has she already grown up and become and old Aunt of this family? Abhimanyu walks in, looks at them and with a sore voice, asks why are they so silent. "What are you hiding?" he asks them.- Daksh stammers and answer, "This, custard, Naina made." and he offers the bowl to Abhi and asks him to eat. Abhi tastes it and says, as Naina wants his opinion, "This is not custard, but disaster !" Daksh takes the bowl back, and tells him that he ate it, and found it was good. Abhi will not accept defeat, and makes fun of Daksh but he does not care. He adds his little bit his spice to the conversation, asks Daksh "what are you happy about? ". When Naina asks Daksh who the girl is, he too asks what the question is. - He tells them that he has the answer, and produces a card, and says, to the lawyer, "here is your proof" and Daksh has a face of a boy caught in the act. - he leaves all of them in suspense.
In the pre-cap, we are shown a girl's side face, with glistening white teeth, and made up lips and pretty sun glasses. Who is she?
An insight into Naina's character
When we see such a lively young girl like Naina, many of her age, will be wondering why she has not woken up to the sense of Love. It dawns in one's life with the onset of puberty, and Nature has designed our bodies to prepare us for parenthood. Such emotions have been planted within us, to lead us to make the right choice of a mate, and our traditions have taught us that this relationship is not to be trivialized, and should last for seven lives, and bonded with seven bonds. Parents start early to make sure their children will not get into trouble, and find suitable partners for their young ones. But Naina is different.
Her father a lively and jovial man who made one 'mistake' in his life, died early in her childhood, and could not show her what a good father would have been. Her step mother, had her own trauma which held her back from showing her maternal instincts to a child, who she knew was not of her own genes. She always kept her at arm's length, giving all worldly comforts, and thought that was the end of her bargain. She could not step out of her shell. This hits Naina hard, when at the age of 21 she realizes that she is illegitimate, and this haunts her in her later life.
The reason she went to Darjeeling, was to distract herself. She hid her fears under the garb of congeniality, fun and pranks. This was her way to cope up with the hurt she felt deep within.
In Bombay, she met Vibha and suddenly she discovered what she had missed all her life, a Mother, and she fills this void. Naina gets attached to Vibha like a magnet, and without realizing what is happening to her, blossoms into a good human being, and all her latent talents emerge. Every one, sees a vibrant, and loving girl, but the girl herself, is aware that she is not like others, and does not have any one in this world whom she can call her own. This is why, she becomes acutely aware of what Daksh might be doing with Lekha, and she wants to prevent it, without knowing, her own background fears drive her to it. These very fears unconsciously, keep her away from making a sexual commitment to any man, so that she does not repeat her father's mistake, and bring a life into this world, to suffer her own fate. How her nature shields her from this gamble. No one else in this world will know the turmoil that goes on deep within her, even without her knowing it. It is all in her sub conscious.
I admire the Writer of the story, for bringing this deep truth and present it to us, in such a wonderful play. All who watch this serial, should bear in mind, the whole context of the story, in order to understand the choices the Writer has made. Do not jump to conclusions when some thing happens or some one enters the scene. As the story unfolds, the Writer will make his intentions known. This is not a run of the mill Serial, that the Channel has failed to observe and appreciate. If there were talented staff, they would have, but for them making money, is more important than, giving a platform to talented artistes.
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