Monday, April 11, 2011

Sapnon Se Bhare Naina 11th April 2011 Written Update

The family is together in the living room, and Ayee and her husband are exchanging ideas and make comments on the festivities.

Rohini is coming down, with Sanket, on the way out her mother, expresses her happiness, of her being a grand mother soon. She has taken a piece of jewelry, which her mother in law presented to her when she was expecting her eldest child, Sanket. She has now decided to present it to Rohini, and tells her husband excitedly about her plans.

When she tells with all exuberance her desire to present this heirloom to her, the sour faced daughter in law, shows an unresponsive attitude towards her mother. She is all focused on what she wants to do, and thinks she has thought it out well in advance and has road rololed her reluctant husband into going along with her plan.

Whatever explanation the mother gives her, Rohini is determined to go ahead with what she has decided. When Ayee praises Naina for telling them the good news, Rohini has another take on that, and she blames Naina, for spoiling her plans. She never wanted anyone to know what she wanted to do. But the parents get the sense of what she is up to. The mother tries to dissuade her, and when Rohini tells her that she is not able to give her the heir (waris) now, but will give her one after some years. The mother is disturbed by the skewed logic of this woman. She tells her, that what is in her body, is not an heir, but her own flesh and blood, a child, that is going to be born as a sign of the love between her and Sanket. The mother wants her to understand this, but Rohini has no love for any one but herself, and her career. Every one else, has to revolve round her whims and fancies, and she finds a willing collaborator in Sanket.

The father too tries to persuade his daughter in law, but no logic will work, on a woman who has made up her mind. It is obvious, no consideration will stop her from getting what she wants, and that is her career even, though her boss has denied her the promotion, but she still has dreams, and in front of these dreams, the reality of the life of a child growing within her is nothing, but an obstacle, she has to get rid of. This logic is often used by the promoters of this industry, actually it is an industry, run for profit, and not euphemistically called, a social service, but in reality, is not seen as such, by the immediate people involved, like the grand parents, and her husband. All these are road blocks, in her path of success. Well, she gets her way, and walks out of the house, and her submissive husband trails behind her, as her chaperon.

The mother collapses in grief, and her sister in law, Shyamal, supports her, and consoles her. The father, Vidhyadhar too is distraught, and is silent. Shridar too is there, but he is practical. He tells them, that to allow Rohini to do what she wants, as in any case, they should have know what type of a daughter in law they had. She tells her uncle to stop but he annoys her more. He makes a sign with his hand asking her to go out.

When she has gone out, Shridar tells his brother, the reason why he has been so firm on his children. He says, his lenient ways, have made Sanket a spineless male, chasing a woman, who decides about his fate.

When all this is going on, Daksh is in her dreams, thinking of Naina, and goes to find her where she is. When he is knocking on her door, Kaka Shridar, tells him that she has left, and gives him the letter she wrote to him. Naina writes: "I wanted to wish you a proper good bye, but I have to leave, before the Bus goes. I am not sure if I will be coming back" She concludes the letter by offering him her love.

Daksh can not allow her to go, without trying to stop her,. He drives to the Bus Depot, and on the road, Naina drags her suitcase along the road, and hops into a rickshaw, and goes to the bus station. When she reaches there, she searches for the bus for which she has purchased a ticket. We are not yet told of her destination. But when she finds the bus, she shows her ticket to the conductor, and gets into the bus.

Daksh, reaches the bus station, and goes around the buses, searching for Naina, and once he spots a girl, looking like Naina, from behind, and softly he calls her name, but when the girls turns around, he finds that it is not Naina, and he apologizes.

After some time, he finds Naina in a bus, and he goes out to meet her. He tells her that he needs her and wants her to stay. He uses his father and mother and their hurt feelings as an excuse. Naina tells him that she understands, but says, she has to go. The story ends there, as Daksh goes home empty handed, not knowing what lies in store for him, and he will definitely be thinking what it would have been like, if only he had behaved in some other way, rather in the way he treated her.

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