Monday, April 11, 2011

Sangini 11th April 2011 Written Update

RM= Ram's mom

RM says that they sent Gauri to stall them and fool them but they aren't staying. She takes Ram and goes outside while Revati tries to stop Ram and Dadaji calls from behind too. They go outside and the lights turn on and the waiters have drinks etc. and Rudr's there with his hands folded. He apologizes for taking so long and says he hopes that everything is to their liking.

Revati and Ram get married [more like re-married I guessLOL] and when Gauri gives Ram the mangalsutra to put on Revati, he remembers when he was about to get married to Gauri. He then takes it and puts on Revati.

Everyone's partying and dancing but then Rudr gets a call. He goes away from the rest so he can hear properly and the guy on the phone is mad that Rudr didn't deliver the bag. Rudr gets mad saying that he looked in the bag and found out it had drugs and burned it and if the guy threatens him again he'll call the cops but then another guy takes the phone and says he can prove that Rudr was smuggling drugs and turns out the guy is Ratnesh. He tells Rudr that this is his new business. Ratnesh says that if Rudr doesn't payup for his loss, he'll get Rudr arrested and hangs up and it's shown that Gauri was behind Rudr [not sure if she heardErmm]

Ram comes to his room and Revati gets off he bed and goes to him and says that its the first time she's dressed up as a bride and Ram hasn't looked at her yet. She says knows that Ram loves someone else but love just needs a chance. She tries to get close to Ram but Ram pushes her away and then drags her out the room and throws to the ground and her head hits the table and starts bleeding. He says that forget Revati, no one can replace that girl. Revati asks Ram why he accepted her then when his mom was taking him away and what the reason behind marrying her is, since she knows that he isn't the type to marry her for money/jewelry. Ram in his mind says that if he breaks his relationship with Revati then his relationship with her family will be over too and he wont have a reason to meet Gauri. He then goes inside his room without saying anything and closes the door and Revati bangs on it. She then says she has to find out who the girl is as that girl's ruined her life.

Rudr's sitting and says that the ones he loves, his "apne" are going to ruin him. Gauri comes and asks why he says that and she says that he told the family that Mona gave him the money but she knows it's from somewhere else. Rudr assures her that the money was indeed from Mona and when Gauri asks about the bag, he doesn't answer. She says how she heard Rudr talking and knows Ratnesh is involved and says that a good friend is someone who helps you in your time of need and to ruin their friendship and says that she's his sangini and deserves to know. Rudr tells her about the drugs and how Ratnesh wants him to pay 20 lakhs for it and if he doesn't then he'll be sent to jail. He says he doesn't want to go to jail because it'll make things hard for Revati and will ruin their family's reputation and he also knows that he can't pay back Ratnesh and once again all of the responsibilty is gonna fall on Gauri, which he never wanted and how it's all his fault. Gauri says it's her fault as when he was doing everything for his responsibility as a brother, she should've stopped him from taking the wrong path and says she failed as his sangini. She says that now they'll find a good path and sort out all their problems and that Rudr needs to have faith in them and their love and they'll pass this difficult time and that love can conquer anything.

Next day RM is excited that Ram got the deal and now they're rich. She says how when God gives, he gives a lot. First a grand reception from the Rawat family, Ram's rights, and now the deal. She then says how the world will say it's because of their new bahu [ghar ki laxmi and all that] and Revati comes. RM sees the band-aid on Revati and asks what happens and then asks where Revati went. She starts accusing Revati of gossiping and telling the world about what goes on in their house and tells Revati that what happens between husband-wife should stay between them. Revati tells her how she went to the mandir because her mom told her after marriage you should go at least once. RM says how it's good that Revati wasn't there as in her absence they got good news and mentions Ram's deal. Revati gets happy and says how she prayed he would get it. RM tells Ram how she knew that Revati would try to take credit for it and Ram says it doesn't matter what Revati says as it's all due to RM's blessings. Revati gets upset and leaves and Ram thinks to himself how he waited for this moment for years and now he can get anything he desires.

Rudr's house they're done doing arti and turn around and see Ram and are shocked. Pihu also comes out and sees him. RR asks why he's there so early in the morning and asks if there was something lacking in the reception or does he have any new demands or if his mom wants anything. Ram says that he's there to return the money they spent on the reception.

Pre-cap: Rudr and Gauri come home from somewhere and Dadaji happily tells him to guess who's here. The guy turns around and it's Ratnesh. He hugs Rudr and threatens Rudr about the money

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