Monday, April 4, 2011

Saas Bina Sasural 4th April 2011 Written Update

In Tej and Tanyas Room

Tej is asking Toasty to come to bed and do the work later. She said wait 2 mins. Tej gets mad, he says your 2 minutes will never finish. He eventually gives them to her and says she only gets 2 not a second more. He starts counting( tick tick 1 tick tick 2... ) Approve oh Tej! Toasty says I don;t know how your mom handle all you brothers. Tej says why areC you bringing my brothers up. Toasty said to make you forget about your stupid counting. She tells him that she went home with Pashu today from the mall. Tej is shocked. She asks why he is so surprised. ( come on Toasty!) She says we both saw each other at the mall its only makes sense we go home together. Tej asks if she talked to him. Toasty says yes, they talked a lot.

* Flash Back to when they were coming home*

Toasty asks if he came to the mall for some work. He says no, there was no light in our market, so I came here to get some air. D'oh. Toasty says I didn't know we supplied the mall with some saris. ( btw Toasty is looking very pretty in pink). She goes on the tell him that Nikitias relative was lost and they tried really hard to find him. When they gave up, they realized that he was staying at some far related relatives house. She says do we have a relative... He says we don't have any. Toasty says we know that he is fine, but its still scary.

The autodriver says hmmm. Pashu says stop saying hmm, and spit out the paan. He says he is just asking which way to go. Pashu says who the hell goes hmmm hmm for directions. The driver explains how some guru. Pashu tells him to keep driving.Toasty gives him directions.

Toasty tells Pashu that Tej really loves him. Pashu says he realized that day he yelled at him. Toasty tells him not to be mad at Tej. He's smaller than him. The auto driver say hmm agian. Pashu get's really annoyed.

* FlashBack ends*

Toasty says Tej you should have seen the drivers face. Pashu really told him off. It was too funny. Tej goes HA HA HA, its no funny. You guys are lucky that driver was nice. He could have called all these people, then what would Pashu do. Toasty says you are so weird Tej, you make such a small thing so big. Tej says me, I make a big deal. Hello its Pashu who does, he always gets mad at such small things. Toasty says if you can't say anything nice then don't say it. Tej says this isn't fair, I get all the lectures. Toasty says well I married you. Tej grunts. Toasty says so you mean to say that you are just dealing with. He grunts again. She says fine then I won't come into your business again. You can do whatever you want. You are free. Tej says he loves his freedom. Toasty gets mad and says you could have at least lied and say I'm sorry. Tej says I could but you always get mad and then I always have to be sorry. Now i think it's better just to keep you mad. Toasty says fine then do what ever you want, grow a beard like I care. Tej says no problem and hugs toasty from behind. I don't have a problem growing a beard, you will. Toasty says why. Tej says cause it will itch for you and he throws Toasty on the bed. ( Tej is a wild one hahha)

Next Day

Toasty is doing the laundry and Ved is exercising. Pashu runs to the washroom only to find someone in there. Pashu goes to Ved and says that he food we ate yesterday isn't sitting well in my stomach. Ved says outside food is always like that. Food from home is better, its more tasty and cooked in a clean area. Pashu hints at Toasty. Ved says but some places are good, like the one we went to yesterday. Ermm.

Pashu says omg I wish Tej would hurry. Ved says just tell him you really need to go, your older so you should go. Pashu says its a free country. Ved tells Tej to hurry up. Tej says it reached! Ved is confused. He says America and France to Libya. Pashu says he's not going to come until he read the whole paper. It smells so bad, I don't know how he can read it. Dead

Toasty asks if she should make tea. Pashu says hurry up Tej, otherwise everything might come out here. Dead. Tej comes out and he accidentally hits Ved. Ved says did you wash your hands. Tej says no, I have to wash it outside obviously. Deadall are grossed out. Tej says what's wrong Pashu, does your stomach hurt cause of the outside food. Ved tells Pashu to go now. Pashu says how can he it smells so bad. He tells tej to drink warm milk at night, it helps with cleaning the stomach. ( this family and their toilet issues). Toasty says tea in the morning does too. Tej says yes, lets all go have some. Meanwhile Gyan goes to the washroom. Pashu is annoyed cause Gyan is going to take another 10 minutes.

At some store.

Nikki is on the phone with Rajan asking when he will come. He says in another 2 hours.Ouch. She is annoyed and then she see's something. She calls Toasty. Toasty isn't there. She calls the house. Ved picks up. She tells him to come her quick. He says where I was going to the shop. She says at cafe near the post office, she just say Prachin. Ved is happy he tells her to keep an eye on him and he is coming there. He then tells Dadaji and runs off.

Dadaji is very happy. He thanks God for finding him. He says you have hurt us a lot Prachin, now come here quick so I can give you a hug. Toasty asks what happend. Dadaji says Nikki called and said she saw Prachin. Toasty is excited. A phone call comes. she picks it up and thinks its Nikki but is actually the Aryuvedic centre about some medicine pick up. Toasty tells Dadaji and says she's going to go get the medicines. Dadaji says okay and I will call you when Prachin is here. She asks if he told Tej and Pashu yet. He says he hasn't. Toasty calls the shop. Tej is busy and Pashu ignores her call. But Tej finally picks up and she tell him.

Tej asks where Prachin is. Pashu is getting annoyed and asking Tej to tell Toasty all this stuff. Tej says why don't you just talk to her, I'm getting sick of being the middle man. Toasty tells him that Ved is gone to get him.

Ved meets Nikita

Nikki runs to Ved and tells him to hurry. But Ved instead gets into an argument with the auto about how much the ride cost. D'oh. Nikki says just give him the money. He argues. She gives the guy money and Ved says why did you give him the money. She says Prachin will leave. She grabs his hand and runs off. Ved stops and says you are holding my hand. She gets annoyed and drags him to the table but Prachin has already left. Nikki says I thought maybe I should talk to him, but then what if he left. She is annoyed. They ask the waiter, he says he just left.

Meanwhile Toasty is trying to get a hold of Ved. But it isn't going through as Ved left his phone at home. Toasty prays to God that everything is okay. Dadaji says everything will be okay as Ved is gone to get him, he tells her to go to the centre and get the meds. She says she wants to see Prachin. Gyan and Dadaji convince her to go.

Ved and Nikki are looking everywhere but they can't find Prachin.

At the Centre

The nurse gives Toasty the meds. Toasty sees Malti. Malti doesn't respond and leaves. Toasty runs after her. She asks whats wrong with her. Malti is mad. She says what more does she want to know. Toasty is confused. Malti Remembers her meetings with Toasty.


All are running after Dadaji and telling him not to be mad. Chedi comes. He says he brought a special gift, a plant for Prachin. Where is Prachin? All are tensed.

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