Monday, April 11, 2011

Pardes Mein Mila Koi Apna Sa 11th April 2011 Written Update

The epi started with Sarja standing outside of his house.. He remembers his fight with Maruti where he promises not to enter the house ever again.. Flashbacks are shown.. Maruti sees Sarja at the door and tells him to forget everything and come inside.. Sarja comes inside.. Sushila comes and hugs him.. Sarja goes and sits on the sofa.. Sushila comes and does his aarti.. She gives him the besan k ladoo.. Chandu says that even though Besan k ladoo are dada's favourite but still everyone else loves to eat too.. Sushila passes the ladoos to everyone out there..

Sushila then sits down and asks Sarja that she heard that a girl saved his life? To this Sarja says 'Kya ayii'.. Sushila asks as to who she was? Sarja has flashbacks now.. He remembers how Niru held his wound, how she was worried and reciting that hanuman chaaleesa.. Sushila then says its ok.. Whoever she was should get all her wishes fulfilled to save my son.. To this Sarja says that he has to go somewhere.. Sushila doesnt allow him at first, but then he says he'll be back soon.. He leaves with his friends..

Niru comes to a stall and calls Anton Uncle to say that she's gonna be late today.. Once she put the phone down she turned around and saw Sarja standing behind her.. Sarja says I need to tell you something.. Niru says I dont wanna talk to you.. Sarja says atleast listen to me once.. Niru moves away from there saying that she has to go and has no time.. She leaves.. Sarja walks behind her and says I just wanted to say sorry to you.. And thank-you too.. I dont keep favours of people so thats why came here today.. Niru turns and says I told you to go away.. I dont want to talk.. She walks off saying this.. Sarja goes holds her arm and turns her around and says angrily you guys dont understand polite talks.. And then call me a gunda.. He then calls the auto and forcibly makes Niru sit in.. Niru keeps hesitating all this while.. Chandu sees the auto and someone's dupatta going around.. By the time he thinks of it the auto moves away..

The auto stops.. Sarja takes Niru out.. He is abt to enter a shopping mall when the guard stops him and says what are you doing here? Sarja says what should we be doing here? Obviously came to shop.. Guard says its not for you.. Its very expensive here.. You go.. Sarja gets angry and says who told you to give me advices.. Ive come to shop and I'll do whatever I want.. Now leave my way and open the door.. the guard opens the door..

Sarja takes Niru inside and tells her to buy anything she likes.. Niru says she doesnt want anything.. She's in a hurry and has to leave.. Sarja says ok you dont like anything here then come lets go down.. He takes her downstairs and tells her to get something now.. Niru again says that she doesnt want anything.. And why should she buy anything? To this Sarja says you've saved my life.. Afterall I have to repay you.. So thought of bringing you here and get you something.. Niru is shocked and says you want me to get something just to save ur life? Sarja says Yes!

The manager comes and tells Sarja to go outside and fight.. Sarja gets angry and says Oh hello? Who are you telling to go out? Do you not know me? The manager shouts Guards, security.. and leaves.. Niru shouts and says Enough! Ive had enough of this.. You want to thank me for just saving ur life and that too like this? Humiliating other people is only thing you know.. Ive told you 1000 times that if there was anyone else I would have saved his/her life too.. Even if it was Albela in ur place too.. You wanna say sorry to me for ur attitude? Why dont you go to 1000 and 1000s of people who you've hurted and say sorry to them too? When you've done that then come to thank me.. She gives this long shouting to him and leaves.. Sarja is left speechless..

Anton Uncle calls Chandu and tells him that Niru called one hour before and said she's on her way but will be late, she's not here yet.. Chandu gets worried here.. He tells Anton Uncle to wait for her and when she comes tell her to phone him.. He puts the phone down and thinks what might have happened to Niru.. Hopefully Baba will be allright? Maybe she's stuck in traffic? Maybe some other problem? He is coming out of some place.. He sees Sarja talking to himself..

Sarja saying to himself 'What kind of a girl she is? What does she want?' Chandu seeing this runs to him and asks what has gone wrong.. Sarja says 'Im coming after getting a slap'.. Chandu says 'Slap? Who slapped you?' Sarja says 'forget it.. Tell me one thing why are girls so confusing?' Chandu is confused and says 'Dada, girls? Which girl are you talking abt?' Sarja says 'No nothing.. You wont understand..' And leaves.. Chandu is still confused..

Chandu's phone rings now.. Its Anton Uncle on the phone.. He says that Niru is there now.. Chandu asks him to give the phone to Niru.. Niru says Hi.. Chandu says Where were you uptil now? Why are you so late? Niru is about to tell the story when Chandu sees Maruti coming his way.. He tells Niru that he will talk to her later now.. He has to go.. But he has to talk to her abt something.. Niru asks what is it? He says he'll tell when he meets her..Niru says ok.. They say Bye to each other..

the epi ends!

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