Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Kitani Mohabbat Hai 5th April 2011 Written Update

The episode starts with Kumud and Mikhael talking. He asks Kumud why she looks so happy, she tells him that today is just such a nice day. She continues, it seems as if after a lot of rainy days, the sun has finally come out. After Arohi left, this house is upmarket once again. Mikhael says if you are free now from scheming about Arohi, can you please renew my membership and also talk to dad and tell him to give me the Shimla’s 5 star hotels, and Delhi’s deals to handle. Kumud says yeah sure now everything will be right, today is just so pleasant. Mikhael says mom just for us, dadi, Rashi, Romit are all so sad. Just then Rudra comes singing aaj mausam bada and says hello wife, son good morning, he says is it just me or is today just a beautiful morning. Mikhael asks why? Rudra says because Arohi is gone. Kumud says I didn’t know you had problems with Arohi. Rudra says, I personally don’t have any problems with her, I don’t care if she stays or not. Kumud asks then why are you so happy? Rudra says I am happy because we have a full proof plan to finish Arjuhi’s love story. I will involve him in business so much he won’t have time to think about anything else. I have even thought of giving him Shimla’s 5 star hotel and Delhi’s deals to him. He will be involved in work and it will be easier for him to forget Arohi. He continues, I like that girl Gauri, there is something about her, she should have been a part of our family. Rudra leaves for his meeting. Mikhael says, you know mom we never realized that Arjuhi’s love will be a blessing in disguise, if I want my place in this house, then Arjun has to leave. For that, dad has to tell Arjun his past. Kumud asks what will happen from that. Mikhael says maybe we should help Arjuhi to be together, after all he is my brother, and when they are together, dad will tell Arjun his past and will eventually have to leave. Kumud says great idea, and everyone says you don’t have a brain.

Lovedeep comes to Arohi’s room and says so how long are you going to stay like this? what happened? Arohi says how did all this happen? I was everyone’s favorite here. Everyone used to love me so much, Dadu, chachu, dad, mom. They are all so angry that nobody came and said Happy Birthday to me. What is my fault? that I love Arjun now? Don’t I have at least this much right to my life? Is loving someone so wrong that my family can’t forgive me? Love says Arohi I can understand your pain but you also put urself in Dadu’s place. They think that you were getting tortured by Arjun there and he was ruining your life. Arohi they all love you alot, just give them a little bit of time. If we explain them, I’m sure they’ll understand your love Aru. Arohi says no they won’t understand, nobody will love me. Love says they all love you alot Arohi. She sees the table and says what is all this? Old Birthday videos? Since morning you’ve been watching these? Don’t you think after watching this, that everyone loves you alot? Arohi says but this is all from the past. Love says are you mad? You think all these people who love you more than their lives will just forget you? will get angry at you? become your enemies? she tells her to wipe her tears and both sit and watch videos together. Love says remember you always wanted a Cinderella theme party. Arohi says but dadu never had one. Love says but he was ready, you weren’t, you were saying that he too will have to dress up like the warriors. Arohi says it’s a theme party, that’s how everyone has to dress up. Love says Aru you think all those guys will dress up like that and dance? I am laughing from thinking that. Arohi says your right I was only stupid, why would anyone do that? Love asks what’s next? Just then Amrit comes and tells Arohi to come downstairs. Arohi goes downstairs and sees that everyone is preparing for her birthday (Cinderella theme) Arohi asks you all are doing this for me? Rajvir says no there is shooting going on here, we are rehearsing here. Arohi says you all remembered that I wanted a Cinderella party? Dadu says no matter how big you are, for us you will always be that little girl, who always got everything. Arohi says you always gave me everything. Dadu says even today I agreed. They both hug. Rajvir says you all are very emotional types, be like me practical. Arohi says chachu if you said that after wiping your tears it would be better. Rajvir says I am not an emotional type, I am a policeman, and we don’t get emotional right dad? Dadu has a small tear and Arohi looks at him lovingly. Dadu says this evening will be a night to remember. Sudhir says yeah because my daughter is back.

Arjun books a hall for Arohi. He tells Romit and Billu to make sure all the arrangements are ready. Billu asks what gift are you giving bhabhi? Romit asks okay at least tell me, I’ll get tips. Arjun says I’ve got her a mixer-grinder. Romit says MIXER GRINDER? Arjun says it’s romantic huh? when she uses that mixy with her lovely hands. If she doesn’t like that then I have more gifts, every week one one gift. Just then Arohi calls. He asks what happened? Arohi says sorry Arjun I won’t be able to celebrate with you, and can’t come to your party. Arjun asks did someone say something? Arohi says no, but they all have been waiting to meet me from a long time. They are doing so much, and I don’t think it will be right to leave them and come, but I don’t think it’s right to leave you also. I don’t know what to do, I can’t break their heart. Arjun says okay you keep their heart, and stay there, I love you. Arohi says I love you. Billu and Romit are looking at Arjun and Billu says bhai bhabhi ko I love you I love you. Arjun tells them to shut up and says you both make preparations, the venue just changed. Everyone at Ahluhwaliya’s are waiting for Arohi. Arohi comes in a bit, Dadu goes to her, this cake, and party is all for her, because she’s everyone’s favorite. You know when you are happy, the whole house is happy, and when you are sad, the whole house is sad, and then…? what do I have to say? Anyway forget it, the love behind all this I will never forget. He tells everyone to say something. Everyone says we love you Arohi, Happy Birthday. Sudhir says it’s like a dreamy night, and there can’t be a more beautiful evening. Arohi in her mind says there could be dad, if he was here, but how could he have come here.

Preeti says why is everyone talking all these depressing things, Sanchit put on the music. Arohi cuts the cake and feeds everyone. They all dance to the track of Kya Kehna. Rajvir goes to feed the cake but falls on Arohi’s dress. Arohi goes to her room to clean it. She thanks God for this wonderful family and that someone up there really loves her. Just then the lights go off and Arjun lights the candle. He tells her and someone down here loves you more than someone up there. I changed the party venue, now my party will be in your room. She hugs him. Arjun says I thought I will tell you this and that on your birthday, something nobody has said on this Earth, but I think that ghisa phita I love you is the best, right? There is so much attraction in this room, just how much attraction there can be between two people, between you me and this birthday cake has. Now cut the cake and feed me. Arohi asks how did you come here? Sorry, not how, why? I am this and that, and Arjun cuts her and says I am your Arjun. Now cut the cake. She cuts it with him and they feed each other.


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