Monday, April 18, 2011

Kitani Mohabbat Hai 18th April 2011 Written Update

The episode starts with arjun and arohi sleeping in each others arms. Arjun wakes up by the sunlight and looks at Arohi and moves her hair away and kisses her forehead. Then he trys to kiss her but Bua says that we're coming with eyes closed and arohi wakes up and Arjuhi both bump into each other. Arohi asks arjun what was he doing and arjun says i wasnt doing anything and arohi says stupid. Then Arjun says that your nose is soo hard nd arohi says that your head is soft like softy right.
Bua comes with shefali and says that we thought you guys might be romancing but you guys are fighting. Arohi says that he doesnt know how to romance and Arjun says that why are you acting like jhassi ki rani when your a sleep your soo innocent. Arohi then says that you a cow right and Arjun says whatever i am im better then you. Bua tells them to be quiet and that Bauji is awake and if he comes here then it willl be a problem. Then she says that our family isnt the modern so lets go.
They all get up and start to come down the stairs. Bua asks arjun what is he going to do and arjun asks about what. shefali says about the time you asked for and arohi says i know what he'll do he'll open a garage. Arjun sits on the couch and arohi next to him and he says that no and shefali says he'll be a hot mechanic and Arohi says he's my boyfriend/husband. Shefali says i know but he's hot and arohi says i know. Arjun then says thanks for the compliment. Then bua says breaking stones like Salman in MPK and arohi says taxi driver. Arjun says no to both of them and arohi syas arjun I LOVE YOU but who will give you work. Arjun says I LOVE YOU too but im not stupid like you and then says that he'll do a real estate business. Arohi sasy one minute you called me stupid but do you know that you need a lot of money for this business. Arjun says i have a lot of money but the way i got them was the bad way and i left that so im thinking of giving all the money to the orphan. Bua says then how will you get money to start the business and arjun syas that in that business i didnt just make money and enemy i made some friends too who will give their life for me. Shefali says that you'll kill your friends and arjun says that no i wont do that but i'll ask them to finance me. Then he says that i didnt ask dad for anything untill now but now i will there is a property that i want to buy and they show the house where arjun lived before. Arohi says look mr genius whatever you need to do you better do it fast cuz i want to get married fast. Arjun says dont worry i want make you wait long.
Arjun then leaves and arohi says that i'll go to as i have to go somewhere. Arohi is heading somewhere and she calls shefali and asks her about the file and shefali tells her that she burned them last night itself. THen she asks arohi if she did something wrong and Arohi says that you didnt do anything wrong and then hangs up. Arohi thinks that im doing wrong but now i cant back out and i'll have to do this.
Rudra is looking at his phone when the door bell rings. Rudra syas that the news im waitng for on the phone is probably at the door. He goes towards the door and sees Arohi entering and arohi greets him and asks him if he's waiting for someone. Rudra shakes his head and asks arohi who is she here to meet. Arohi says of course you and then rudra says hurry up im waiting for a phone call. Arohi says your waiting for arjun's call and for him to tell you that he ruined my family and that he's coming back to you. Then arohi says thats what im here to tell you and then says that the wedding gift that you gave us to ruin our life well i burned that without telling arjun so now you cant prove anything to arjun. Rudra then says that when you already did everything then why are you here. Arohi tells him that im here to warn to not try to separate arjun from me and rudra tries to say something but arohi says that im not done and then says that the fight that you started i can turn it into fire and you'll be the one burning in it and you might not know that when a women starts to fight she can do anything so i request you to back off.
Rudra says okay i hear you and then says that what you thought that this will be to difficult and rudra then says that what you wanted to say i listened to it but there is one thing you dont know and i carried it for 30 years but now its on your shoulders. Then he says that i learned that how ever hard you try to hide the truth it will come out one day. Then he says that however hard the truth is it will be that much difficult to hid and then says that how hard you try but it will be out one day. Arohi says that no it wont and im here to tell you that and then she says that you wont tell arjun anything or else i'll tell my dad some stuff that i learned here and it wont make you go to jail but it will trouble you. Rudra says that i like you a lot because you how how to fight a war and that too in the open. Then Rudra says that i promise that i wont tell arjun the truth and arohi says good and then she tells him to come to the wedding for sure. Rudra thinks that i dont know about the wedding but before you came here arjun called me to buy that same house that i showed him. Then he thinks that no matter how hard you hid that truth the house will open all the locks up now just wait for little while arohi he's searching for his past himself.
Arjun comes to the house with billu and asks billu that i told you to find out about the owner of this house and billu gives him file. Arjun looks through it when he sees the lady's picture and remember shefali burning that. Billu tells arjun that this person isnt alive and arjun asks any family and billu says that she wasnt married but she had a son. Arjun says then we'll find him i'll put all my will power but we'll find him out. Then he says we'll start from here only and start asking from near here. Billu says that this will be very hard and arjun says that im ready why you have a problem and billu says why would i have a problem i'll do everything you do. Then arjun gets a call and he's shocked and tells billu that you'll have to do this work and says im leaving.
Shefali tells arohi that whatever you did wasnt right. Just then arjun comes and asks arohi if she's alright and where did the accident happen. Arohi says that i lied i just wanted you to come here fast thats why i lied and arjun says arohi your mad i was at work and you. Then starts to talk and arohi thinks that i wish i could tell you arjun but im scared that i'll lose you and i cant stay a second away from you. Arjun then shakes her and says that do you want to marry me or not and where will we stay or what will we eat and then say that you went to far today. Arohi just leaves from there and sits on the chair. Arjun goes to her and tells her to stop crying and says im sorry. Then he gets up and tells her to stop crying and come here right now. arohi looks at him and sees that his hands are out asking for a hug. Arohi gets up and hugs him tightly. Arjun then tells her that your not this stupid then why did you do this and arohi tells him to not go anywhere today. Arjun syas i have to for work and arohi says stay for little while.
They both go and sit and the stand and arjun tells her that i yelled at you so im sorry. Then he asks if he can do anything to cheer her up. Then he tells shefali that he just got work and will she help him and shefali says sure i'll do anything for love. Arjun gets up and then he sit with a guitar and arohi say you'll play something romantic for me and arjun says i only know few punbaji songs. Then he says ready and starts to sing horribly and arohi screams stop it. Then arjun says you didnt like it okay here is another one and starts singing again and arohi gets up and leaves. Then arjun starts to play a softly and sings a song and arohi stops and turns around and comes into the room again. Arohi goes and stands behind him and arjun gets up and goes next to her. Arohi then goes to her bed post and arjun goes in front her still singing. Then arohi puts her hand on his face and they both stare at each other and says i love you to each other and then Hug.
I hope you guys like it and thank you very much for been little patient. Also dont forget to click the LIKE button

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