Asha is putting black tika on krishna's head and talks about ma ki mamta and only ma can give. Asha says sorry i m saying all this to vishal. and vishal says no u r right. as karuna is no more. asha leaves from there. and geeta is thinking how did mangalsutra get here. there is something they are hiding. and prince comes from behind and puts his hand on geeta's eyes. and he gets all romantic with Geeta. Geeta says i m scared..and prince says WHY?? and she says i think someone will separate u form me..and i cant bear this. and she hugs him crying. and he sits her down and gives her water, he says whats wrong...tell me the problem but dont cry. she is thinking how do i tell u that i found karuna's mangalsutra here in the i need proof before i tell u.
Krishna is crying and kamya taunting she wants to sleep so she turns around..D.r bhaghat wakes up manorama...and everyone in the house wakes up and all go to kamya's room. Vishal wakes up rahul also. Kamya is sleeping peacefully. Krishna is on the edge of the bed and about to fall and manorama catches her. rahul wakes kamya up...and she says what...i cant peacefully sleep either. and manorama..says what is all this.?? the kid was crying n u were sleeping. What if she fell down. and then vishal comes and takes the child and says i will look after her now. and vishal says kamya is not to be trusted. and he leaves from there with the child. and dadi taunts kamya. manorama says who is going to look after her. and dadi says krishna doesnt need a woman to look after her but she needs a mother. so vishal need to be remarried...and manorama agrees. kamya shocked. vishal comes and says what r u talking about. No one can take karuna's place. and he refuses to marry again. and leaves from there.
Geeta and asha talking and sudersan comes and asks whats going on. and geeta asks if asha can come to bhaghats. and sudersan says yes. they both leave. malini is out shopping for grocery and negotiatiing prices. champaklal calls her and she picks up. it is champaklal's sister...n she says this marriage will take place on the right time or else...malini says i agree the marriage will take place.
Malini comes home and jija and malini have some nonsense. jija asks why r u so mad? malini says champaklal sister called and asked for marriage to take place on the right time. malini says what are we going todo with the family...and jija says just say u r going to a temple with asha and no one will say anything. and jija says once married ...everyone will agree to the marriage once they are married. jija says within 24 hrs wedding will jija calls champaklal's house to infrom that.
Geeta and asha comes to the bhaghats and geeta asks whats wrong with all of u. and manorama says vishal is not letting anyone see we told him to remarry. and geeta says u guys should not have said that cause vishal loved karuna to death. Dadi says but krishna needs a mother. and geeta syas i understand but the time is not right for this talk. manorama says i m worried for krishna...and asha says if u dont mind...shall i go?? kamya looking at her...but asha says as i m a guest he wont get mad. and everyone agrees. asha goes.
asha knocks on the door and says vishalji can i meet krishna?
everyone is looking. and vishal opens the door..and dadi says in asha krishna is getting ma ki mamta...but what about later on?? and everyone not paying attention to what she said. and then geeta says look...karuna's mangalsutra...found at the house. rahul says lets asks mummyji...and geeta says not right now. it will mess everything up. first i will talk to prince and then we will see. and rahul says if mummyji is behind this i wont leave her.
Malini is mad that geeta has gone to the bhaghats and also taken asha...and geeta comes with prince saying u have to answer today..
Pre-cap -- Geeta says this mangalsutra belongs to karuna how did it get here. All the family members are present.
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