Monday, April 4, 2011

Geet 4th April 2011 Written Update

Part 1:

Pammi and Geet are walking out talking with each other. Pammi tells Geet about the colored dupatta and things which they could buy at market. They were almost at door and Tej calls them asking Pammi as where were they going? Pammi and Geet both turns to look at Tej veerji. Pammi says she is taking Geet for shopping as what she would do sitting home all day. Tej is happy says ok that’s a good idea but tells Pammi to take care of Geet as she is totally new to the area and does not know the roads. Geet assures him saying Veerji please do not worry I will stay with bhabhi (SIL). Tej nods with a hint of a smile. He tells Pammi to take his car. Pammi nods slowly and taking Geet’s hand turns to leave. I really loved the chemistry of Pammi and Tej.. very endearing.. Love watching them and their interaction. You could easily see that they love and respect each other in their own way. Tejveerji calls his driver Yashpal.. He almost comes sliding and says yes bhaiji.. Tejveerji tells him to take Pammi and Geet for shopping but warns him to keep and eye on Geet and not let anyone meet her. He says please do not worry I will do as you said. He almost stammers with a touch of fear.. Tejveerji again asks him if he understood. He says yes.. Tejveerji gives him a stern look and leaves.. Yashpal heaves the sigh of relief. Turning he sees the maid and makes a pass at her and asks her to come out. She keeps on dusting the door. Tejveerji gives a shout from inside which makes Tejpal run for his life.

Maan is on his cycle…. paddling and scanning around for the sign of Geet.. He is approaching the cross roads.. A car approaching from his right, He slows down.. the car passes by him and he sees Geet in the car. He calls out her name and paddling quickly goes after the car calling her name. But oblivious of this Geet stares outside nonchalantly..

Maan is behind the fast moving car tries hard to come on Geet’s side calling out her name repeatedly.. But car is on move and so is he on his bike paddling hard after the car… He keeps on calling her name and as if that penetrates Geet’s mind. She gets bit restless… Pammi shakes her and ask Geet but she is still in herself and Pammi shakes her bit more saying Geet what happened are you ok? Geet says yes bhabhi I do not know but I felt as if someone is calling me. Pammi says oh I was calling you as you were lost in your thoughts. Pammi says oh that’s ok you must be feeling a bit restless due to this weather so just take some rest. Geet nods but her eyes are scanning the area out side. Maan is still behind the car and the race is on…

A bus is approaching and stops near Dhaba. Adi embarks from the bus and waves at bus driver.. He hears his cell phone ring. He picks up his phone and hears Dev’s voice asking if he could contact either Maan or Geet. Adi says no as their phones are unreachable or off. Dev says as soon as you reach them let me know as I feel that they have not met yet. Adi says please do not worry sir I will handle the situation here.

Adi in his office attire walks and asks a man about Tejendersingh. The guy tells him to say his name respectfully otherwise he would be in trouble. Adi mumbles as oh where the heck I have landed. He gives his famous laugh and says oh I know him. The guy points toward a crowd saying there is his brother lucky go and talk to him. Adi looks at lucky who once again was playing the hand power game.. He asks the guys oh the one who is playing hand power game… the guys says yea he is lucky he will take to you see Tejpaji.

Part 2:

Adi looks at him and slowly walks toward him. Lucky was talking with the guy saying that today he got a chance to do something worthwhile. He says that I need to deal with that guy before Veerji and Beeji. The other guy asks him who is that. Lucky says that MSK from Delhi… Adi is approaching them cautiously.. Lucky tell the other guy to inform him if he sees them.. Meanwhile his eyes fall on approaching Adi in his office attire. Adi gives him a tentative smile. The guy tells lucky under his breathe if the guy approaching is the one, he is looking for? Lucky lifts his face to look at Adi and quickly gets up saying you know now it is time for me to eat my eggs and then he quickly leaves from there. Adi thinks why did that guy leave after looking at me. Surely he must have gone to tell Tejvendersingh about me. But I have not done anything and why should I be afraid of anything. He further thinks that Geet must be there too… let me just follow him. So now the chase of Adi and Lucky begins..

Adi follows lucky.. At last lucky enters the house and slowly closes the gate saying I do not know who was that following me but if I see him again I will break his legs and let it dry with this chillie.. and walks in the inner house saying bhabhiji what is there to eat today.

Adi rightly comes behind him opening the door very slowly and peeks inside if any one is around. He sees no one says now what should I do? No one is around may be Geet is in and to find Geet I will have to go inside.. opening the door he says let’s see what happens. He opens the gate wide and walking in slowly looking around for some one… The maid walks in asking who are you and what are you doing here. If you are selling detergent then we do not want to buy it. Adi looks at the bag in his hand and laughs in his classic way. He puts the bag down and says no I do not sell detergent but stammers a lot making the maid impatient.. She says are going to finish your sentence in the evening or what? Adi smiles and says is Geet here. She says yes and aapki taarrif (who are you?) taarrif also means praise.. Adi says no m’am you do not need to praise me.. she keeps on looking at him asking how did you get in. He says sorry m’am I am from Delhi and have come from MSK’s house. The maid drops the bundle of cloths and looks at him with wide eyes and runs inside screaming perjaiji.. She runs to Beeji and says some one has come from the house of MSK.. Beeji gets angry and upset and walks out and stops saying furiously that he does not dare to come by himself and has send his man. Tej walks in asking why she is upset. She tells him that there is man from MSK outside so let’s go and deal with this man from MSK. Tejveerji asks where that man is. Maid says he is outside in the inner court.

Lucky comes saying you guys wait here I will handle that guy. Beeji tells Tejveerji to go and handle Lucky as he may do something stupid.

Adi is standing in the court looking around. Lucky comes from behind and turns him toward him but seeing he is the same person following him gets mad and starts beating up Adi. Tej Veerji comes to stop him but he keeps on beating Adi saying this guys are troubling my sister and gives him some more punches… Beeji’s shout stops lucky but by that time Adi was all beaten up and bruised badly… Adi stumbles near Beeji with namskar but Beeji sternly looks at him and ask why MSK sent him here. Adi says he just came to meet Geet. Beeji gets mad and says oh now you guys are worried about Geet?

Part 3:

Beeji is getting angry at poor Adi and says furiously be aware I do not want to see your face around here now just get out. Adi says ok I won’t come back but please let me see Geet once and see that she is ok then I will leave. Beeji says I will not let you meet you or any one else with Geet. Adi was surprise and looks at all but still says he would like to meet Geet. Tejveerji then roars saying do you understand what we are trying to say of you need the gift from my hand too… Poor Adi was so much beaten up he joins his hand in pranam and says oh I totally understood and turns to away with heavy heart. Tejveerji tells him sternly to tell MSK not to even come around this house. If he comes he won’t be allowed to meet Geet at all but would be treated worse then him. Adi nodes painfully and seeks permission to take his glasses from the floor. Lucky picks it up and gives it to him. Adi wears the glasses and moves toward the gate on wobbling feet. Beeji gets mad at Lucky to treat Adi like that but Tejveerji had smile looking at adi making his slow progress to the gate. Beeji tells them that they should keep this incident hidden from Geet. Both the brothers agree to that.

The car stops at the market place and Geet embarks from the car and come in the front of the car. Pammi comes and holds her hand and leads her inside the market saying come I will show you what we could get in the market. The driver Yashpal calls the maid Laccho and asks her what should he bring for her from the market saying he moves away from the car.. Meanwhile MSK also reaches the car and throwing his cycle on the ground he peeps in to the car and finds it empty.. He runs in the market to look for Geet.

Pammi brings Geet and tells that she had given order to dye her dupatta and she needs to find about that. Geet tells her that she will look at something else while she does her errands. Pammi tells her to meet her in 10 min at the same spot. Geet nods and walk around she sees a man fixing the frame and reaches in her shoulder bag and pull out MSK’s picture with the broken glass… after pulling the frame she keeps on looking at her picture and caresses it and is walking toward the stall. She comes near and tells guy that she wants to put a new glass for the frame the guy tells her it will be Rs.20/- … She says it’s ok and the guy takes the frame and puts it face up on the table…

Meanwhile MSK has come in the market and is looking around for Geet she is just few stalls away from him but alas… Geet has back toward MSK and he does not see her. Geet is in her sad mood stays where she was while MSK keeps looking around. After a while she moves from there and comes in MSK’s vision and he mumbles Geet.. He runs to the spot Geet was and looks around. He asks the frame maker if he has seen a fair girl. He says he has not. MSK pulls Geet picture and asks if he has seen this girl.. he puts Geet’s picture next to his picture but his gaze is fixed on the man’s face and he does not see his own picture there. Sadly he walks away. Geet and Maan both are walking sadly in the market… Maan looking for her and her oblivious to all the things around and walks around disheartened. They just walk pass each other couple of times but do not see each other. They might get a occasional feeling they stop look around one more time and walk ahead

Part 4:

Maan and Geet are almost in the same line of vision. Maan looks around and takes almost 360 degree turn to see everything around but misses Geet. Suddenly Pammi comes and says let’s go Geet. That as if echoes in the air that makes and Maan quickly look around to see but Geet and Pammi just walk before he completely turns to the direction of that sound. He comes running to the spot where Geet was and as if feels her presence there.

Geet and Pammi are walking through the market with Pammi saying that we are hungry right? So let’s eat something and as it is very hot as well… Let’s drink some lassi. Geet just nods her head without a word.. On the way Pammi meets one of her friend and starts talking with her that she has come with her SIL Geet who is from Delhi and she is the daughter of her husband’s aunt. And then she points out bit loudly saying oh there is Geet. That catches Maan’s attention and he looks at the direction Pammi was pointing toward. He sees his Geet standing near the stall of bangles.. His face as if got the shower of April rain and a tender smile breaks on his face.. Geet is standing there looking at the bangles… Maan says Geet’s name very softly but she hears that. She stands still knowing now that he is there. Slowly she turns back to look at him. Maan though is too happy to find her but Geet still have that deep hurt stored inside her. Though she feels happy deep down in her heart but her hurt comes surfacing and she stares at him.. Maan now is directly looking in to her eyes and slowly advances toward her and comes and stands just a feet away looking down at her.


Geet turns to go but Maan holds her hand. Geet says gravely Maan please let me go. He holds her with both the hand and says no Geet I cannot let you go… While Geet stands there crying…


Well I would say another filler episode with hide and seek game of Maaneet but at least I am happy that on the completion of one year of Geet HSP at least Maan and Geet were there together in one frame. Maan has at last found his Geet.

Felt bad for poor Adi but well that will tell Maan that he is not at all welcome at the house of Geet’s masi.

Love the chemistry of Tej and Pammi.. very cute together and already love Tej.. Very protective, supportive and genuine person. Love the way he talks with such a great depth and authority.. Prashant Chawla is doing an awesome job portraying Tej.

Oh that Lucky is just an impulsive fool but with his impulsive foolishness he may be an asset to Maan

Right now though Geet feels him and misses him but her hurt is over powering her and she is not going to just walk away with him because he has come after her. Maan is determined that he will go to any length to bring her back to him so now the new track of Maan wooing Geet will start and that would be just awesome to watch..

With the promo of Maan being a driver.. Looks sensational and I am sure with me all are just waiting for the show to go on new direction..

Loved the direction of the new phase of the story at the anniversary of Geet HSP.. All the best to the entire team of Geet…

have a great day.. love to all eva

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