As Tejjy closes in.. Dev gets up n looks around scared..n greets all! Seeing everyone being rude.. Dev says..what is the matter?? Tejjy says..dun play innocent..we know what all u have done..Our sis told all!! Dev says..whatever ur sis said…is true but its not my fault..! She talked so rudely.. but i m a decent guy so tolerated or else..n Tejjy says… or else ??? Dev sits down n grumbles.. i din do anything to rile these guys up. .dunno what this girl said..! Tejjy says..what u saying?? Beeji says..u made our daughers life hell n now dare to come here at Amritsar?? how dare u..! Dev wonders what he did..! Tejjy shouts that u forced her to leave home… u made Geets life hell!! Dev self thot.. remembers Adis bashing..n his trauma..n says.. oh so these guys are Geets relative..! Right then… Maneet come n Dev says.. Geet…n Maneet wonder what Dev is doing there..!
Beeji asks Geet where she was..n Geet says.. to pray…!! Beeji n Tejjy say .. wherever u go.. go but inform first..!! Tejjy asks Balwant where he was ?? MSK lost for words…n Dev gets irked n tries to defend…Tejjy says…Stop…Mr. MSK our talk is pending..!! Maneet look at Dev all confused..! Tejjy asks MSK..n MSK says..gone to railway station to meet relatives..! Lucky says… why dun u tell truth that u were going to run away! MSK says.. no no.. !! Tejjy says..enouf…next time inform n go!! Tejjy turns to Dev and says…so.. do u want to talk or i shall talk??? Dev says..well i wanna tell that u all are getting it wrong..! Beeji says..maybe we are wrong..but not this girl… my sweet lil kid..has forgotten how to smile..! Tell me now?? Tejjy says..we will equal the pain u gave our sis..!
Dev says..want to talk to her..! Beeji n Tejjy need..!! Pammi says…let them talk.. its a matter between hubby let them sort it..! Tejjy quietens Pammi …but Beeji supports n says.. the decision will be Geets…so let them handle it! Beeji says… so what u wanna say?? Geet says..wanna talk in private..! Beeji agrees! Dev and Geet leave..!! Tejjy asks MSK to go to his room! Lucky tries to show off on MSK but MSK glares n Lucky quitens! MSK in his room n grumbles. .why is Dev here.. we were to return home..but now..!! Good i din tell truth or dunno what wuld happen! Have to talk to Geet…so she dun misunderstand why i stopped her to tell truth!! MSK decides to snoop into where Dev n Geet are!
Geet asks Dev what he is doing there.. Dev says..came to return Nandinis book…! Geet says..where did u meet her?? Dev says in the bus..! Geet is hysterical… !! Here one problem doesnt end..another starts..need to talk to MSK…!! Dev n Geet decide to go to meet MSK! Dev says..u stay.. i wil go or more trouble!! MSK is standing in the alley grumbling n Jugnu comes n says..what u doing here all alone?? MSK says..thinking of u..! But what u doing up so late! Jugnu can a uncle sleep whose niece is in so much pain…! That MSK ruined it all..! Btw (he looks at Balwant) .. i know the real MSK..! MSK says..really??
Dev is walking in the alley holding the book…n Nandini says..what u doing?? Trying to run off?? Dev wanted to return ur book..! Nandini says.when did u steal this?? In the car?? Dev says no i din steal..! Tejjy calls Nandini n Nandini says…the man who can hurt his wife..cheat on her can steal ! She takes the book n leaves..!
Jugnu tells MSK to turn n show his face..!! Jugnu says.u hiding it like u have some secret..n asks MSK to turn.. he says.. only i know that ur face matches to MSK..!! And as Jugnu turns .. Dev n MSK are standing n Jugnu says… 2 instead of 1?? Jugnu is confused!
New Precap– Tejjy tells…!! Geet says ok..! MSK is hiding behind Geets bed and Tejjy is talking to Geet ! As he gets up his moby falls n its near where MSk is ! Tejjy extends his hand..n Geet is worried..n scared!
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