Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Geet 13th April 2011 Written Update

MSK is holding on to Geet and Beeji calls out…n Geet tells MSK.. u wont gain anything from this n starts to leave n MSK holds her.. from behind and pulls back n says.. kuch kuch to ho raha hai Geet… ask ur heart!! Geet removes MSKs hand n runs..!! Dev asks.. Adi to give address of Geet’s location as he wants to go..there..!! Adi dissuades but Dev says.have to go.. cant leave Maneet there all alone n decides to talk to Maan before going there..!! MSK self thot..wanted to hide this from u..but now that u know..its good.. coz i dun have to hide to see u… !Whatever u may say.. i can see the earlier love for me in ur eyes even today!! Geet self thot MSK shouldnt have come here.. if Tejjy or Beeji find out then..! MSK says..even if anyone finds out.. i dun care.. i will take my Geet with me from here..!! Geet self thot. have to talk to MSK…n warn him about Tejjy..!! Lachchi comes running n calls Geet.. n says.. everyone waiting for u downstairs.. for dinner!!

Geet comes down at the table..n Beeji asks..where she was…n Geet says.. was in my room only.. n Beeji says…Pammi said..u werent there… !! Geet starts to explain n then fakes a couf when she sees MSK…!! MSK comes to return car keys..! Maneet steal a glance..!! Tejjy tells Lucky to keep fertilizers packet in MSKs room MSK turns to leave n Geet too gets up… n Beeji says what happened?? Geet says..m sleepy n not hungry so..! Tejjy says..she doesnt eat anything.. how will she be alright?? Pammi tells Tejjy… that she will look after Geet n calls Lachchi to give milk to Geet.. !! Tejjy tells Pammi to come to the room to discuss something..!! Pammi comes n Tejjy tells …do u care for Geet?? Pammi says..yes i do.. i try to feed her..!! Tejjy says…no u dun.. if u feed her… she wont be alone… n she wont have fainted all alone if u were there..!! Pammi says..had gone to bro’s place so.. Tejjy says…in this entire world..nothing is more important than this house..!! Pammi has tears in her eyes. .n says..shall keep in mind!

Lucky is chatting with someone special.. called Preeto..n is saying..u never call me…n Tejjy is over hearing.. n glares..! Lucky sees n changes convo as if he is talking to some worker..!! Tejjy says.. gave u one work.. u culdn do it? Lucky sees a packet … of fertilizers there..n says..sorry forgot.. actually i told Balwant but he is very careless… so he mite have gone to sleep!! Dev calls on Tejjy’s landline number n says.. wanted to talk to Balwant… i m his younger bro..!! Geet overhears..n thinks its Dadi! MSK takes the call n is surprised its Dev n asks.. about Dadi..!! Dev says.. hope they dun have doubt on u.. MSK Dev says.. Dadi is fine..n waiting for u both to return..!! Dev asks.. MSK if he has appeased Geet yet or not..!! MSK silent..n Lucky says.. r u gonna chat on phone all nite? n takes phone away..!! Dev self thot.. Bro is being insulted there.n i m here..!! Tejjy asks.. ur family was in amritsar… then who called from Delhi?? MSK says..cousin bro..!! MSK says.. going to sleep n Tejjy stops him n says..dun u think ur forgetting something?? MSK says..what?? Tejjy take this packet of fertilizer to ur room..n MSK starts to explain but Tejjy cuts off..n says..ur not doing any favor by doing this job! U have to do as we say.. if u can handle..stay or leave..!! MSK biceps are flexed.. n he is furious.. but keeps quiet.. Geet overhearing whole thing..and has tears in her eyes..!! As MSK leaves carrying the packet.. Geet says.. i cant see u being insulted like this..go away from here.. please!

MSK is seething with rage in his room n Lucky comes running and tries to cool him down n says.. u know.. Tejjy’s anger.. he just starts to fire.. so i stammered n told ur name n he fired u..!! MSK says..dun repeat this.. Lucky says..i can see ur short tempered.. too.. u better sleep.. gud nite!! Lachchi.. comes to give milk n meds to Geet..!! Geet says..keep it on the table.. i just ate will have it later..!! Lachchi.. keeps n leaves! Lachchi cribs..that Geet n Pammi are gonna drive her nuts..n MSK overhears n asks.. Geet hasnt taken meds yet?? Lachchi says.. why u bothered about Geet so much?? Do ur driving work!

Lucky is working out n Jugnu is reading a detective novel… n says..’It was midnight n there was no moon or star’ .. Lucky is it possible?? Jugnu.. says dun disturb.. n reads that.. Deep was alone in his room n wanted to see Jyotis face or he wont sleep..!! (MSK shown in background getting up from bed.. n self thot.. Geet mite not have had Meds… i know her well) Jugnu read that he left towards Jyotis room …. progressing slowly… n MSK shown walking as well! Jugnu reads that suddenly before him. .n Tejjy comes suddenly before MSK … n stops right in front of MSK.. but has his back to him..!

Precap – MSK trying to wake up Geet n Geet wakes up n says.. Maan..!! Right then.. Beeji who is sleeping by Geets side says.. ‘GEET’ n MSK freezes..

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