Thursday, April 28, 2011

Choti Bahu Season 2 28th April 2011 Written Update


THE scene starts with the last scene Radhika smiling at the shocked Dev and Dadaji watching and then BB comes and asks who is this girl Radhika pleadingeyes on Dev shocked and dadaji lips trembling BB adds all took blessings and left why is this girl standing here Dev says she has come with the flower people Bma and Radhika is relieved .Suddenly BB notices the trembling lips of Dadaji and she takes his wheelchair taking him inside saying its time for his medicine.She instructs Dev saying that Rohan has finished his bathing let him come down for chowk puja and Dev nods his head and Radhika watching with her ghunghat and looks relieved when BB and dadaji leave.She looks at Dev who seriously says come with me and she smiling goes with him Dev says what happened to u why you have come here what will happen if anyone sees u and Radhika smiles and starts the ceremony and Dev interrupts her saying I have already told u I dont want to listen to anything you are playing with the honour of both the families and she gestures no smiling Dev continues your coming here before marriage and Radhika interrupts him smiling saying in her sweet way I have come after my marriage I am married to u ClapLOL Dev flabbergastedLOLLOL not knowing what to say looks here and there and suddenly Rohan's voice is asking Daima where is Dev and Dev seeing him asks Radhika to go Radhika hides her face and Rohan sees Dev talking to someone and starts coming towards them and Dev tells her to leave immediately Radhika says what I have come to say is very important for both the families and tells Dev to come to the ghat as she will be waiting for him( superb acting by Dev Radhika) Dev watches her go and Rohan comes and asks him who was that Dev tells noone and they keep staring at each other then Rohan smiles and tells Dev there is something very important come with me and takes Dev to Devs roonm Dev says why have we come to my room and Rohan says if i go to my room then people will disturb me and we cannot talk.Dev asks what is it that u want and Rohan smiling with a jig goes and sits and says I want to make a list and Dev asks what Iist and Rohan a list of gifts I want to give Radhika on different occasions Angry when she 1st comes to this house(she has already come) when she 1st comes to this roomLOL when she lifts the ghunghut the 1st morning etc etc he goes on and on and Dev listens with a helpless face and superficial smile not liking this talk in his heart Rohan I have to make a list and searches for paper and his eyes fall on the photo with Radhika's letter underneath it.
He goes then he sees an file and empty papers and pick from there a blank paperTongue instead of the letter and he asks Dev to help his enumerate the occasions he may have forgotton and when Dev says me Rohan adds like the 1st time Radhs will say I love u Rohan and Dev tearfully smiles then suddenly one servant comes and tells Dev that some people from mutt have come to see u and Dev quickly runs away from thereLOL inspite of Rohan stopping him


RADHIKA returns back home with a long face and Ashanti comes and shouts at her why did u go out all told u not to go and cant u digest ur parents happiness and is worried about people telling the PF and Mansa also come softly chides her saying after 12 years tapasya u r getting married to ur KK so why r u spoiling ur life and Ashanti says do u know the meaning of this red thread tied to this kangan and Mansa says means from ur parents house u should go to ur husbands house and Radhika thinks all this has no meaning for me as I am the wedded wife and I went to meet my husband so I did not do any wrong but I cant tell u anything as my husband is not believing this marriage.Ashanti comes to Mansa saying look at her standing silently and Mansa says my daughter never answered back and she also knows she did wrong and goes to Rads saying till marriage dont go out.


DEV TELLING THE MUTT people I have seen all the files and waiting for some reports Daima comes and asks for some bills and and asks where to find them and Dev tells hers its near the windowside shelf and Daima goes to find Dev also sends the mutt people saying he will talk to the contractors.daima takes the bills then while going out she takes Rads letter also and goes now why she needs to take that OuchAngry(LOL no privacy for Dev)she goes down and gives the bills to Padma and then Padma asks her what is that and Daima says dont know then Padma takes it keeps on the tray and starts seeing the bills Mohini comes and tells Padma about some jewelery to which Padma says she is checking and telephoning.Mohini goes then she asks the servant to get her water and then the glasses tray with letter(musical chairs letterLOLLOL) is kept near Mohini she picks up the letter after drinking water and then Virat comes and asks her for some file and asks her to read the letter later and when Mohini goes on and on about the work in the house he wants the file and Mohini gives that letter to Virat and goes meanwhile BB also comes there thinking what do u think Mohini why this marriage is happening on saturday I have waited for this marriage for 12 years and whatever happens even the biggest hurdle the marriage will happen on saturday. then her eyes fall on the letter and she says what is this paper if it is imp we will keep on searching and then suddenly she sees Dev she keeps that paper ther and goes to him do u know the change of marriage venue the marriage will happen in the temple near Mathura where a akhand(continous) deep is lighted the marriage will take place there and only the boy and girl will take the pheras there Dev says Ashakshi Vivaah and BB says u know Dev says I read in the Vedas meanwhile the letter has flown and Padma is reading it. She looks at them with a troubled face and BB is saying this marriage should happen without any hurdle and smoothly and Padma says loudly this marriage cant happen and BB is stunned Dev is shocked and BB comes saying why cant it happen Padma and suddenly the whole PF even Daima is wheeling in Dadaji comes there Padma asks BB u want Rohan's happiness and BB says yes and the Padma says if u come to know that girl wont be able to give Rohan happiness then and camera on Devs and Rohans face ,and everyones face, both stunned and puzzled Rohan asks his mother why r u saying like this did Radhika commit some mistake. BB also asks her and then Padma gives the letter to Rohan who reads it aloud and all listen with different expressions Dev with a guilty puzzles and serious look where she writes the ceremony did not take place again as God does not wish this marriage to take place as I am ur wife not for this lifetime but seven lifetimes I cannot think of anyone as my husband and then Rohan says who has written this for whom and how does this effect my life Padma says it has been written by Radhika


Radhika is cutting vegetables cooking near the fireplace and thinking my letter Dev must have got and read it and will accept the truth as God's will and accept this marriage with sweet smile she is dreaming Mansa comes there and says I like to see u smiling since this marriage has settled I have seen u both happy and sad now leave everything to Kanha he will do everything right in ur life and blesses her and goes.Radhika smiling thinks let my KK accept this marriage then everything will be good for me.


THE DISCUSSION GOING ON AND ROHAN SAYS NO MOTHER u r misunderstanding but Padma says no I am clear now these ceremonies r taking place between u and Radhika and she lists out the chunnar ceremony when Radhika fainted then during the Ipanwari ceremony pot broke then Dev and Rohan both r shocked as they did not know about this then Rohan says it could have been a coincidence and if radhika did not want she would have refused BB is also thunderstuck and then she nods her head then Rohan says lets ask Dev did u feel the Radhika is not wanting to marry me and Dev is dumbstuckWinkWinkWink and says no but and Rohan intrupts him and tells his mother see Radhika is happy andthis letter suddenly a point strikes him how did this letter come and then all come to know Daima brought from Dev's room all look accusing at him. Dev is thinking maybe of Rads visit to PB.Padma comes to him saying tell Dev Radhika wrote this to u and reads alound and says u did not come of the ceremony Dev says no choti ma and she says dont take my name she is showing all her anger on Dev and Dev has become a scapegoat for all.Rohan comes to defend Dev and Padma says u had a dreamgirl and she is Radhika thats why u did not want to marry Chanda Rohan comes and asks him tell everyone this is untrue and and dev dumbstuck at Radhika and Kanha leela unable to say anything then Rohan asks is Radhika ur DG and end of episode

Last scene was very good.Lot of drama and melodrama

PRECAP ROHAN in a closed room is shouting and breaking everything and gone mad and picks up broken glass and tries to cut his wrist and entire PF outside trying to reason him and knocking at the door Dev says listen to me

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