The episode starts where it left off last time with Dev slowly walking and Radhika thinking that maybe now she will get a chance to talk to her Krishn Kanhaiya and that today she will tell him everything. Just as Dev is about to approach Radhika, Chanda comes. Dev tells her Rohan would like to talk to Radhika alone and they should wait by the car in the mean while. They both leave and Rads is sad. Rohan comes up to her and says Dev has a solution for every problem and now he feels as if he talk to her for hours! He tells her that yesterday (the chunar rasam) was the first time he ever saw her but he has heard a lot about her from Badi Maa and Dev. He says he knew from then that even without meeting her he was in love! She is shocked to hear this. She keeps looking behind Rohan to see Dev and he notices. He asks of she's worried for Chanda. He tells her not for worry because Chanda is with Dev and there's no one better than Dev in the entire world!
Radhika hesitantly asks Rohan if he ever visited Raawal before. He praises God and says at least she asked him a question. He then says yes, they used to come when he was a kid...but he didn't roam about a lot. Radhika says she wants to talk to him. He asks who? She says to Devji! Rohan is shocked. He then laughs and says he understood, he'll go get right away. He leaves to go for Dev and Radhika prays to Kanha for help.
Rohan comes back with Dev and Chanda. He says for a minute he was baffled to know why she wants to talk to Dev, but he says he understand. He says Dev had told him that girls from the village tend to be very shy and that it must be difficult for her to talk to her future husband face to face like that. He tells her to take her time and ask whatever she wants to know about him from Dev; as it is Dev is the one who took the shagun to their house which means she knew Dev before him. He and Chanda leave and now it's just Dev and Radhika.
Dev tells her she can ask whatever she wants to know about Rohan. Radhika says she doesn't want to talk about Rohan, she want to talk about him (Dev). He is not happy about this. He asks what she wants to know and she says about his past. Dev is shocked and turns away. She goes in front of him and says if he remembers the day she was waiting for a boat at Mathurs Ghat (their first meeting) and he helped her? She says that day she felt as if she knew him from years before and she couldn't understand why but...this is when Dev stops her from saying anything else. He says he knows why she's reminding him of all this. He says at that time he didn't even know her name and even then he kept trying to meet her. He asks her to forget all of that and with folded hands asks for her forgiveness.
Radhika stops him and says this is not the reason for reminding him all of this...for him to be ashamed. She says she's trying to tell him why God keeps making them meet so many times. He is troubled and says to forget all of that and that humans do make mistakes! He had said a lot of things unknowingly and he didn't even think that her marriage would be fixed with Rohan. He says nut everything happened for the best. Now she is only Rohan's future wife for him. Again she tried to tell him everything but once again he cuts her off! He says that she won't get a better husband than Rohan, he will make her very happy. Just then Rohan and Chanda come back. Rohan says it is Dev's habit to praise others. He then says if they're finished talking can he talk to his to-be wife? Dev smiles and says to do all the talking he wants as he's leaving for the Math. Radhika tries to stop him but he just tells her "Namaste" and leaves. Radhika is sad and thinks that she's not trying to remind him what happened a few days ago but of their marriage 12 years back. She thinks that she is sure when he finds out she is his wife then he will stop her wedding himself and her Kanha will surely give her an opportunity to tell him everything!
Mansaram House:
Mansa is shown talking to a man by the door. The man has come to invite them to some "Bhagawat Samapan"? Mansa, Shanti and Chenu are happy. Chenu says this means they'll get a chance to stand for the pooja? It seems the person who has invited them is a rich person as Mansa says look at his (Mr. Aggarwal's) status and ours...poor weavers. The man says Radhika is going to become the daughter-in-law of the Raj Purohits so they're bound to get the respect! Shanti is ecstatic and says that it's not only Radhika, her Chanda too is going to the Raj Purohit house. She asks Mansa why he's thinking so much about it, to tell the man they're going to be there! She then tells the man they'll definitely be there and he says ok but to surely bring Radhika along as the real invitation is for her only! Shanti says yes, they'll bring her. The man leave and she starts off on poor Mansa. She scolds him and asks why he was hesitating so much and if he isn't going to get ready as they'll be late. She also sends Chenu to get ready...he is playing with his hair so she tells him to put some oil in it and look a little like a human for once!
Radhika and Chanda come home right then and Shanti asks them if they had a good talk. Chanda answers and she says yes, everything went well but it's just that her future son-in-law doesn't talk a lot. She asks about the man that just left and Shanti explains everything. She sends them off to get ready but Mansa stops Radhika.. He asks her if she talked to her Kishn Kanhaiya and if all the doubts she had have been cleared. He tells her it is only because of her that they got the invitation today.
The scene shifts to Radhika folding a sheet. She thinks that she should have been more firm in telling Dev what she had to. She says when she know that Dev is her Krishn Kanhaiya and not Rohan then why is she stalling? She thinks when she will get another chance to talk to Dev. Shanti comes and asks what she's doing. She asks if she can stay home but Shanti remembers the man's words and says no. She cajoles Radhika into going by saying her Baba is very happy as it is the first time they've been invited to such a grand function and even Chanda and Chenu are happy. She takes Radhika to get her ready hefself!
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