Thursday, April 28, 2011

Chaand Chhupa Baadal Mein 28th April 2011 Written Update

Part 1

Episode starts with DR checking DD niv and VD woried dr say DD is ok. VD is worried for the kid and says she should be happy otherwise it will affect the baby. VD says will take care. Dr leaves with nivi vD in thoughts. VD comes to DS room and tells Nivi DD hassome problem and i am worried. DS is surprised and both discuss about DD and VD says DD should be happy and don't want nivi to be around. VD says i have a sloution and DS says he is listning. In sood hall everyone there, Virens says are u going to perform a pooja then comes same as precap scene.everyone happy except CC viren is excited. CC object DS says i took the decision. CC ask YD no one answer. DS replies to CC and she leaves. YD is happy and congrats nivi viren is happy and so sid.

VD comes to her room looks at bhuvan photo and cry saying i don't wnat both the daughter sad. CC comes to VD room and taunts VD. CC says how can u take decision abt my DIL and says u wnat ur DIL at home and my DIL outside working. CC leaves . DS talks to nivi and tell nivi the reason about the decision and nivi says i can understand and DS asks forgiveness for this decision and nivi assures that she willgo to office.

DS give ashirwad to nivi.

coming up nivi says viren that i don't know what to do.


Part 2

VD crying and tells YD that she don't wnat to creat MU between sis. YD says leave CC words. VD says i don't know whether idid injustice to niv and YD console VD. YD says u were alone after bhuvan even ididn't accept u both gets emotional.
Night viren teaching nivi on the laptop. She says i don't know anything abt computer he says i'll make u learn. viren says i'll help u. Viren says tomorrow is ur office first day and bot hhand shake. viren says if u r not happy tell me that day i'll change the decision and tells her the decision can be changed.

coming up HL DD talks and tell DD y u send nivi to office and tells her sid is there so y don't u stop nivi to go office.


Part 3

AT reception everone welcome nivi with bouquet and wishes both. Viren takes her to his cabin and welcome her and tell it sur office. Some more staffs come and wishes nivi with bouquet and nivren happy. Nivi tells everyone thank u. Sid comes and tell there is ametting and a presentation and tell everyone to come with him. Viren leaves nivi and goes with sid and other staff. Nivi is happy.

DD shows HL the kala dag. HL is happy. DD says VD wnts to talk to NT and HL says she don't know as its been long time and asks abt nivi and VD says she is joining viren and goes to office with viren HL looks and DD. VD tell DD to take her to DD room. VD worried. Nivi decorating flower in viren's cabin viren comes and says u started ur work and takes her out for lunch. The trio goes for lunch. nivi says no and also sid. but viren takes both with him. DD is happy HL trying to provke DD. HL talks about her respect and badmouthing nivi. HL say y u let nivi go to office DD says YD and VD hereto take care of me. HL takes sid name . DD is worried.

PRecap viren doing some presentation nivi is also there and the people wants the look ofthe hotel tob. they want the designs of hotel. Viren and nivi confused.

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