Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chaand Chhupa Baadal Mein 12th April 2011 Written Update

Nivi is setting up the dining table; viren comes from behind and hugs her. (*sanju shuts her eyes* starting aisa hai toh poora episode kaisa hoga? Viren...mera toh soch liye hota btw K's got a haircut, his hair is shorter than before ) Nivi says "Viren, careful." Viren says "why?" Nivi says "this crockery is very expensive, if one thing breaks then the entire set will be ruined." Viren lets her go and says "is that so? By the way what's happening at home today?" Nivi says "ma's friends are coming over today; therefore I am going to stay home and won't be going to the mandir." Viren says "that means you'll be home all day?" Nivi begins to decorate the hall with the bouquet, Viren follows. "Haven't you left yet?" says Nivi. "No, how do i look? How's my shirt and my hair? Asks Viren. Nivi says "they are good. Now move to a side." Nivi gets to work; Viren follows her with a rose and tries to put it in her hair. Niv grabs the rose and says "viren, enough please." Viren says "my wife doesn't even have enough time to say bye to her husband. You don't even have time to even look at me." (Psht, Viren I am have all the time in the world for you ) Nivi says "sorry...bye." Viren says "you showed more love to these flowers than you did to me. Is this how you say bye?" viren gets closer and quickly gives her a kiss on her cheek and runs off. (Psht, Viren...i could've given you a bye kiss...ek baar bolke toh dekho...[:S]) Nivi has a slight smile.

CC and her friends sit in the hall room; her friends praise CC and her family. Nivi and nandu serve them soft drinks. One of CC's friends asks about Viren and if he got married yet or not. CC looks at Nivi and says "that'll happen when we find the right girl." Nivi feels embarrassed. "It's hard to find a daughter capable enough for my son. He is smart, intelligent and obviously rich. We want a girl who is well educated, has to come from a rich family, and obviously she has to be pretty. But it's so hard to find a girl as per ones choice." CC looks on at Nivi. "Niveditha, what are you staring at? You can leave now; we'll call you if we need something." CC's friends praise the snacks and ask Nivi if she made them. Nivi nods and says "the food is ready, i'll..." Cc says "okay, serve lunch after half an hour."

Yash was leaving for college; he sees gaurav standing there with a goon. Yash feels scared; gaurav says "what's up?" yash runs off without saying anything. Gaurav glares at him." CC and her friends are having lunch and praise the food. CC says "don't you get all this in Mumbai?" one of her friends reply "we do, but it doesn't taste as good as this. it all depends on who cooked the food. Nivi did you make all this?" Nivi slightly nods. (awww she looked adorable when she nodded.) she asks CC about Nivi. Cc says "she is our cook." Nivi is shocked. "she is such good cook, so she works here." Nivi leaves without saying anything. CC's friend 2 says "well she really is well presented, she looks like she belongs to a good family." CC says "well she has been living with us for years so obviously she'll be well presented." CC smirks. (You CC...you're so EVIL!!! Like i always said, you're glad you don't have me as your DIL...you wouldn't have dared to say all this...)

KS receives a blank call, yash comes out to see. Ks notices yash and says "you are here? Why didn't you answer the phone?" yash doens't reply. "what happened ? is everything okay?" Yash says "yes." KS leaves, Yash looks at the phone.

Nivi in tears enters her room and sees Viren's photo. She remembers how she told viren that cc will accept her one day and then remembers CC insulting her. Nivi all upset stands by the window, Viren comes from behind and covers her eyes. Viren wipes her tears and says "what happened darling? Was my separation to painful for you to bare that you cried?" Nivi says "No, you pressed your hands on my eyes to hard so the tears came out." Viren says "sorry. Aren't you going to ask me why i came back early?" Nivi says "why?" viren says "well my heart was aching, I felt as if my heart was sinking. I went to the doctor and he said that i have a heart problem, and he asked me to see the love in my darling's eyes and the pain will go away. So i came home." Nivi says 'Viren, you shouldn't let your work be affected, everyone wil blame our marriage for that." Viren says "how can that husband have any problems in work when his wife keeps asking him to concentrate on work. My wife has returned back home after so many days, so one day off is okay. Right?" Nivi walks off, but viren holds her hand. Niv is trying to control her tears; Viren makes her look at him "I came here to meet you and you want to leave me?" (Gosh, look at his lovable eyes.) Nivi says "Viren ma's friends are over so I have to go see if they need anything." Viren says "cosider me a guest for once too and ask me what I want." (Awwwww...who would want to leave this HOT SHOT? Mwah mwah mwah...) "I want you to accompany me." Nivi says "I'll bring food for you." Nivi leaves, Viren says "If I had to eat food then i could've gone to a hotel." Viren follows Nivi to the kitchen, he over hears Nandu speaking to another servant. Nandu says "she was badly insulted today. She worked so hard for everything and you have CC who addressed nivi as her servant in front of her friends. We'll have to do something to make her eat." The other servant says "we should tell viren bhaiya about this." nandu says 'no we shouldn't tell this to anyone. Our did wouldn't tell anyone." Viren says "if she can't say a thing then you can tell me. you have to tell me everything what your did hasn't told me." Nandu tells Viren the whole story. CC is escorting her friends to the door; her friends praise nivi while CC insults her. Viren comes holding on to Nivi's hand and interrupts their discussion. "you have seen the status of our family now you should meet the family too." CC says "Viren they are in a hurry, they should go." Viren says "why? They should meet your son. I am her son and she is niveditha my wife." CC is angry, the guests are confused. "Ma, I thought you didn't introduce nivi to her so I decided to introduce her to them." CC indicates viren not to say anything. "What happened ma? Did you forget to introduce nivi to your friends?" the guests are clueless and they ask Cc for an explanation, CC leaves without saying anything. Viren follows CC, Nivi apologises to the guests for whatever happened. The guests leave.

Viren enters CC's room and says "Ma...I need to talk to you.' Cc says "I don't want to talk to you, please go." Viren says "I don't care if you want to speak or not. I don't give a damn!" CC looks at Viren. "I need my answers." CC says "Viren..." Viren says "Why don't you tell me my position in this house too? Nivi is the servant right? Then what am I? If i am your son and nivi is my wife, then how can you call her a servant? What is your problem?" CC says "I HATE HER! Did you hear me? I hate her, the most in this world, and you brought her in your life and this house. She has no place in my life. Got your answer? Now go away." Viren says "why do you carry so much hatred for her? She did so much for this family and me yet you still..." CC says "I DON'T CARE, what she did and what not." Viren says "so you won't accept her?" CC says "Not even if i breathe my last." Viren says "fine, if relations don't really mean anything then hence from today i refuse to accept you as my mother." CC is shocked, "what?" viren says "yes." CC says "one can refuse to accept a relation that we people make ourselves, but not the relation that god has made. I am your mother, I gave birth to you." Viren says "AND I AM ASHAMED OF THAT!" (Woah! heavy words right there Viren..but if this will bring CC back to her senses then it's not bad!) CC says "VIREN! what are you saying?" viren says "it's the truth, I said the truth, just a while back you said your truth which i accepted and now you have to accept the truth i tell you. If nivi isn't your DIL then I am not your son. I refuse to accept you as my mother. " viren leaves the room in anger, he sees nivi stand out at the door and leaves without saying anything. Nivi is upset.

Precap: everyone is leaving to go somewhere, CC says "hang on bauji, I have something to say to you all." (well the music seems like as if it's another CC's plan!)

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