Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tere Liye 15th March 2011 Written Update

Yesterday's Recap: Onu gives robbie the full responsibility of the project and sends him to the conference instead Neelu and Shekhar plan to send TaAnu and ronaki on a honeymoon to Europe. TaAnu have a cute scene with Kuhu. ~~~~~~ The epi begins with Robbie at a bar. Suddenly a girl sitting next to him panics that she's lost her purse and Robbie offers to pay for her drink. She introduces herself as Priya and he tells her that he's Robbie Ganguly. She tells him that she is Jonaki's friend. robbie then gets a call and that's when Priya puts a tablet into his glass. (ritesh is looking from afar with a grin on his face.) The next morning Shekhar tells Onu that he thinks that Onu has done wrong by giving robbie the presentation. Onu assures him that Robbie will be fine and goes to call Robbie, getting through on the second try. Robbie assures Onu that everything's under control and the meeting went well. Next scene Mauli goes to see Taposh with lunch. He tells her he will eat later and she tells him that he's changed and is facing upto his reponsibilities and to do that he needs to look after his health and she tells him that she likes to do these things for him. Taposh smiles and says you've also changed, before you never used to say a word in front of me and now look at you. Mauli feeds Taposh and vice versa. Robbie walk into the office and is surprised to see Shekhar and Onu there. He says I thought you were taking a day off. Shekhar says he wanted to but couldn't. robbie asks what the matter is and is informed that they've lost the contract. Robbie's angry and asks how did it happen? It's not possible. Onu stands up, angry and says that the contract that they usually get for the past 6 years, they didn't get it. Because of him. He says that since his childhood, they've forgiven the mistakes he's made. He starts listing his mistakes and says that he thought that when he'd get married, he'd understand his responsibilities and grow up but he doesn't understand. Ritesh is shown standing in between some employees, with a grin on his face, thinking: he wanted to start a fight between the two brothers and the fight will only end when one of the brother's is completely destroyed. He thinks to himself: poor Taani, she's probably planning the honeymoon but now, forget going on honeymoon, they won't want to see the other's face. He has a type of flashback of Robbie unconcious on the bed whilst she's copying files from the laptop onto a USB then gives it to Ritesh who hands her a large wad of cash. Robbie, frustrated tells Onu even he knows how hard he has worked on the project and that something is wrong. Onu shouts, yeah, there is something wrong and asks who was the girl he was at the bar with?? robbie, thinks back and says: she was Jonaki's friend but Onu interrupts him and tells him she had nothing to do with Jonaki and that she was their rival company's employee and that robbie must know the rest. Onu tells him that he isn't as ann oyed at the fact that they lost the contract, he's more annoyed at the fact that robbie is doing these things despite being married. Then Onu tells him that he's lucky to have Jonaki, that she accepts his illegimate child and that he should think about her. robbie tries to tell Onu to listen to him but Onu continues and says that this has always been his problem, his character has alway gotten in the way of his achievements. That's when robbie interrupts and shouts enough! He's heard enough! (In all this Shekhar is sat there, watching). robbie says that he can't accuse him like that, he doesn't need his advice. Onu tells him he isn't advising.... Shekhar interrupts Onu and says to let him talk and to keep quiet. Onu says how do I keep quiet?? Since childhood he's made mistakes, when will he learn?? Robbie shouts I understand my responsibilities! It's just that at the end moment luck wasn't on his side. And he tells Onu that whoever told him, they're wrong, he didn't do anything with the girl. Onu, in a complete rage, approaches him and say is my source a liar or are you?? He says his source said they saw Robbie and the girl go up to Robbie's room. Onu says: you see? Once again your character has come in the way of your achievements. Robbie's angry when he tries to convince that he didn't do anything wrong. He says that he's annoyed at the fact that he's being insulted in front of the staff and that he knows why Onu's making such a big deal about this. Just because of the fact that Onu can't handle Robbie's success and the fact that robbie will take his place in the business. Onu gives him a zor ka slap before walking off with Robbie looking infruriated. Part 2 Laboni asks Neelu if she's sorted everything. Neelu tells her that's she's booked the tickets and everything. She's just waiting to tell the boys. Ermm Ouch Shekhar walks in and Neelu tell him to freshen up so they can have dinner. She asks a silent Shekhar where Onu and Robbie are so that they can all have dinner together. Shekhar doesn't speak but Neelu see Onu walking in and approaches him and tells him to freshen up for dinner but he says he isn't hungry Unhappy. Neelu asks what the matter is and Shekhar says that they didn't get the contract. Neelu asks how is that possible, Onu andRobbie worked so hard. At this point Taani walks in and Shekhar says that Robbie's one mistake has ruined their chances and explains what has happened. Neelu and Laboni both start crying, Laboni tries to calm Neelu down but Neelu is too upset. She says that it doesn't bother her that they didn't get the contract, what bothers her is that the two brothers have fought. Laboni tells her not to cry, and assures her that everything will be okay. Neelu cries saying why does someone cast an evil eye on their happiness. Robbie walks in calmly asking what's up mum? He's clearly drunk as he staggers, ritesh supports him by holding him up. Robbie says it's a happy occasion and he's been celebrating. He says they should congratulate him. He says he's joined Ritesh's business! Everyone looks at him in shock. Jonaki is shown in the background. Onu approaches Ritesh and says you instigated my brother but Robbie steps in the way and asks what his problem is. He was the one who made the decision. He asks Onu to wish him luck and thanks Ritesh before walking off. Part 3 ritesh tells Neelu that he couldn't bear Robbie being upset because he is Ananya's brother. Onu tells Shekhar that Rtesh is separating Robbie from the family. Shekhar now begins to blame Onu for the whole thing. (bas, yahi baaki tha Ermm )...He says he knows that Robbie did wrong but he told Onu to let him talk to Robbie. Shekhar blasts that you can't control your anger and it's because of you that Robbie is taken Ritesh's side. He said he made a mistake to give the business to the wrong hands. And tells him to look after himself, he'll look after the business. Onu and Shekhar both go their separate ways. The epi ends with Taani saying that their family is falling apart, we need to do something. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Precap.... Onu is crying and tells Taani that Shekhar was right and that it's his fault that Robbie's going away from them. Kuhu looks on and Onu walks offf. Rating: 2/10 and that's only because of the fact that they showed Onu Ermm . I don't know what to say about today's epi... I didn't have any hopes up when it comes to BT but I think the whole reason I wasn't happy about today's epi was the fact that we're edging near the separation track ..,. and besides the fact that we didn't get any TaAnu scene Ermm. I just hope that Kuhu does something tomorrow but kya pata BT ka kohi barosa nahin Sleepy Anyway, hope you liked the update...Tongue

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