Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pratigya 15th March 2011 Written Update

A Sweet and Sour Episode....

Shyam saxena is sitting on the bed with an open book ** whether he is reading it is open to speculation**..nainaji comes in with a jug full of water ** Paani ki kya zaroorat hai , aapki aanson haina ** There is a eye lock between Shyamu and nainaji, Million's and trillions of messages are exchanged ..Alas !! we are not privy to it , ** It is confidential ** ..In order to enlighten some dumb soul like me..Nainaji opens her dainty mouth and begins her soft lullaby..Nainaji " I am really sorry, that I thought so wrongly about Adarsh, I did not even give him a chance to explain..I should not have done that..Peas Hubbyji, go and talk to little Munna, else he will refuse his lactogen "..Shyamu, " Don't worry Nainaji, at least this incident proves that OUR upbringing was never wrong..the Children have adopted OUR rules, They are living by OUR standards ..in fact I am positive that Adarsh will progress in his career through hard work and Honesty"..The Parents have exchanged their mutual admiration for one another and this is witnessed by the little innocent Adarsh with his TM knit brows...

It is Morning,

The Thakurs are assembled around the dining table and are gorging on the spread laid to quell their hunger..Sajjan Singh is very happy at the fact that Krishna is working, Sajjan Singh commands Pratigya to feed him properly before he leaves for work..Krishna flushes slightly in guilt..Shakthi chooses this moment to begin his Spanish inquisition , Shakthi is curious to know why Krishna is keeping mum despite of achieving so much , when usually would blow his trumpet even if he picked a grass strand from left to right [ In the interim, Sajjan Singh has quietly removed the plate of Shakthi and has kept it by his side] Shakthi turns to look down on his plate , only to see an empty mat staring back at him..Shakthi spies the plate on Sajjan's singh corner,Sajjan Singh offers the plate back to Shakthi , Shakthi is mortified and leaves the table in a huff..Sajjan Singh taunts him for insulting food.

Ghanti Dadi jumps in with her gyan, Ghanti dadi says ..Krishna has changed due to the influence of Pratigya, Pratigya has taught him the work ethic, made him realize his responsibilities, has grounded a free spirited , irresponsible Krishna..therefore we must Thank Pratigya for undertaking "Mission Krishna" and successfully completing it. Sajjan Singh concurs with the summation ..Pratigya ever truthfully replies that she had no hand in Krishna's improvement and Krishna alone is responsible for his action's..all credits to him..Krishna is squirming in guilt and feeling quite uncomfortable...Seeing This Amma informs Krishna not to buy the words of Pratigya and also tells her son to take the Lunch Box.Pratigya gives one searing look towards Krishna **if Krishna had been a Chicken , we would have had a tasty roasted Chicken.**


Adarsh is siting in his chair deep in thoughts , when A man enters the cabin and informs him that there is a client waiting outside and willing to give the necessary commission, a conscience stricken Adarsh refuses to meet the client and tells the man to process the loan if everything is in order , he also admonishes the employee not get such people to him and to conduct their nefarious activities outside ** Hold on to ur Thaaliyan's, still more to come ** The employee assents and walks out of the cabin.

The cabin door opens again and in walks a shady character , who begins to beg and plead and requests Adarsh to sanction his loan as it is a matter of his honor and prestige in the society ...Adarsh is on the verge of categorically refusing the deal..when the Shady character brings out wads and wads of cash from his duffel bag ** Just like a magician Pulling out hares from a hat ** and places it on the table ..Adarshs's eyes pop open ..and remain open. Adarsh makes a quick calculation , accepts the bribe and tells the Shady Character that his loan will be passed.The shady character gets up relieved , thanks him and proceeds toward the exit..pauses ,looks back at Adarsh and gives a smirk.

The Adda of Troubles..

Tunna and Chandu are having a heavy discussion about the events of yesterday. The duo are confident that Pratigya Bhabhi would be putting Krishna through a wringer and are thinking various ways of helping Krishna. They spot Krishna arriving.Chandu tells Tunna not to say a word..else Krishna may drown them with his anger, Tunna mutely agrees..

Krishna comes in, parks his bike and gets off it..The Troublesome Twins approach Krishna cautiously and enquire about his health.Krishna replies that Pratigya fulfilled the condition that he had set for her, saved his dignity ..and for all that , all she got was my suspicion ..Krishna is in a reflective mood , goes on " sometimes I think, I myself will destroy our marriage, I donno how to apologize, poor girl is angry at me "..

Shant Haveli

Sajjan Singh is busy with Holi preparation and is handing out some cash to the servant and ordering him to get some items from the market, Amma comes out and gives her own list to the servant..The servant agrees to complete the task and leaves .Suddenly Pratigya shoots out of the bedroom door and hurries past the Senior Thakur's ignoring their Presence.Amma notices her scurrying and calls out after her wanting to know why Pratigya is rushing like a Toofan Mail.Sajjan Singh calms the hyper Amma and tells her to ignore Pratigya and her shenanigans..Sajjan singh is in a talkative mood and he is chatting with Amma .Sajjan Singh.." These three [Pratigya, Kesar , Ghanti Dadi] had formed a troika and were intending to destroy our home, but who am I?/..I am Sajjan Singh ..I too got Adarsh under my thumb and am breaking that house, as long as Adarsh is in my control..Komal will live like a princess..Something tells me Thakurain, that this holi is going to bring in a lot of happiness and prosperity ** I am betting just the opposite will happen **..This house has witnessed lots of happy news.. Krishna going to work, realizing his responsibility, and best of all Kesar getting pregnant and blessing us with a child..This will be a happy Holi. "

Meanwhile, Lets Flash back to the point of Pratigya rushing off unmindful of Thakur's.No..she is not rushing to submit the article for the column..So why is she running ??.


Pratigya is busyily arranging her clothes in the closet ** aur kya arrange karegi closet mein, pickles n papads ** when Mobile trills, Pratigya picks up the phone and answers.the caller is Chandu who is outside the Haveli, Chandu informs Pratigya that Krishna has had a major accident and that they have taken Krishna to the adda. Chandu also says that he is standing right out side the haveli with his Bike, Chandu urges Pratigya to hurry and not to inform the elders as they may get tensed, Pratigya agrees, runs out ,and vrooooms off with Chandu.

Chandu stops the Bike at the Adda , tells Pratigya that Krishna is inside, A worried, scared and teary eyed Pratigya runs in and implores a wide awake Krishna to get up.A smiling Krishna gets up.Pratigya is not pleased ** Krishnaji, It would be better if you do ur passtime act and slit ur wrist instead of getting all ur bones broken facing Pratigya's deserving wrath **..Krishna tries to explain the reason for the deception, but Pratigya will not have it and embarks on Trust Trip. After regurgitating her anger, Pratigya icily says she wants to leave, Krishna is still feeling suicidal and tries to stop her explaining that he wants t apologize ..happens twice ..Krishna ,being honest says that He knows the he has hurt Pratigya by his lies, he wanted to seek her forgiveness but was unable to do so, hence he brought her here so that he could properly apologize. Pratigya retorts bitterly " when u don't care about my feelings , are not bothered about my emotions..why worry about it ..I just want to go" ..Krishna holds on to her elbow..Pratigya turns and glares at him..Krishna slowly releases her elbow..Pratigya " you want me to forgive you, right ..Ok..I'll forgive you BUT you will never have my TRUST again " Krishna is dumbfounded and watches a departing Pratigya.

Chandu comes and enquires whether Pratigya forgave Krishna.Krishna replies that yes , Pratigya forgave him but is still angry with him.Krishna is thinking..


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