Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Geet 16th March 2011 Written Update

Today we saw another episode where the story moved in a interesting direction with lots of open possibilities related to Maan , Geet and Dev ka relationship….We might be angry on Dev for giving lecture to MSK about what is right and what is wrong….we might b even angry on MSK thinking that he should not hv taken that decision of shifting the nursery to the store room without asking Geet and we might b even angry on Geet for giving that hurtful dialogue related to MSK in the precap…

But these above points itself helps the story to move forward because after watching the episode there r several questions which will b raised here based on the above issues like…

1)Will MSK now feel that Dev understands Geet more than him because Dev was the biological father of the child ?

2)Will Geet-MSK sort out their issues tomorrow via communication which till now is lacking in their relationship ?

3)Is Dev trying to take advantage of this delicate situation ?

4)Will Geet go after MSK as usual to say sorry for those hurtful dialogues she said in the precap or will MSK go after Geet realising that she is in a state of shock and so he needs to put forward his views and make her understand why he shifted the nursery to the store room ?

5)Will misunderstanding happen here or will Maaneet come out of this difficult phase with their strength of belief in each other ?

So many questions raised in one episode and noone knows what will happen next….Isn’t this good for the series that the unpredictable nature of the story is back…In fact we can say that now we hv a story and many possibilities which CVs can play around…Lets all remember one thing with baby out of the picture,the only way Geet can get her justice is if Dev turns negative and decides to destroy Maaneet’s life…or else if Dev continues to b a saint and follows the path of redemption ,then everyone will hv to forget about the justice track….its upto the CVs now which way they want to go…if they want to keep the original flavour of the series intact,then justice track should b the main focus here for which Dev becoming evil again becomes a necessity so that Maaneet can fight him together…How and why will he become evil or how will this lead to justice track is not my concern…its upto the CVs how they make Dev negative with proper justification and proceed the story towards the justice track…

Now coming to MSK,Dev and Geet ka different reactions regarding shifting of the baby’s nursery to store room..this is what I will say here

Every human being reacts to trauma in a different manner…

MSK’s way of reacting is to pack off his past pain in a store-room and move ahead without giving it time to heal…he has done it earlier as well…Remember the attic episode where we saw a smiling MSK photo and his childhood bicycle….today too he feels that by packing off all the baby memories,he can give peace to himself as well as Geet…

Geet’s way of reacting is to let time heal those wounds while she continues to live with the sweet memories of her past and tries to forget the bitter ones…Earlier too she did the same when she came to Delhi to give a future to her baby..and today also we see Geet wants to live with her baby memories and give it some time as she feels this can give her peace…

Dev’s way of reacting is to go through the guilt trip for a while and then try to analyse the other person’s pain and react accordingly and as per the situation…Dev is manipulative in his mind…he knows exactly how MSK and Geet behaves in trauma…he is just taking that advantage here…

So Every human being has a different way of dealing with issues…and one cannot really change somoeone’s basic nature

We as viewers can see MSK feeling for the baby..crying …sulking in pain..hving tears and all that…but did Geet see MSK feeling the pain in front of her eyes ??…all she saw was MSK normally going to office..working…asking Geet to bring her tiffin and then when she reaches the office,MSK casually asks her to get him the files …So basically in front of Geet,we saw that MSK is trying to act as if he is not feeling anything….so in her mind she might b thinking MSK has no more emotions left for the baby as he has moved on….she has no idea that MSK is also sulking but he doesn’t want to show it to Geet….so all this needs to b conveyed to Geet by MSK himself..and for that both needs to COMMUNICATE HERE

Dev is like a silent spectator in this case..he knows what both r going through..he has seen both Maan and Geet going through the pain alone…remember Dev saw MSK going out of the hospital room in shock in saturday’s episode…and then yesterday Dev saw Geet crying in the baby-room…so basically he has analysed both the characters clearly in his mind and so now he knows how to manipluate the situation here…as far as MSK is concerned, its his basic nature not to show his pain to anyone… He never really showed his past pain to even Dadi…we r still wondering what turned the Smiling-attic MSK into a dusht danav,…so its not there in his nature to show his emotions to anyone especially if the person is close to his heart and Dev knows this particular weakness of MSK and thats where he is trying to target…Dev is well aware that Geet is very vulnerable right now and will react instantly whereas MSK is someone who never shows his emotions to anyone…he has analysed both and now he knows how to manipulate the situation…..But thats what progresses the story ahead…Thats what will make Dev evil and thats what will bring Maaneet together to fight against the evil

Today after seeing the precap,questions were raised on who is more attached to the baby…Maan or Geet ?…I will say the baby belonged to both Geet as well as Maan…they both fought for it equally…right from the HP days…Just remember those days when both Maaneet jointly fought the likes of Brij and co together to save the baby…yes MSK was not aware of baby’s existence that time but still he saved the baby by saving Geet’s life and at the same time Geet too dared to go against her family and society to save her baby…so both were equally attached to the baby…but a mother’s and father’s thinking is not always the same….MSK today felt its better he takes away all baby stuffs from this room so that Geet can get out of her depression and Geet feels that she can b at peace if those baby-stuffs remain with her as pleasant memories…both hv thought in different direction but that doesn’t mean one was more attached to the baby than the other…..its just that both r thinking in different direction….and unfortunately Dev is going to take advantage of it in the future ….but thats what will progress the story ahead

About what Geet said in the precap…well MSK too says such hurtful words when he is angry or hurt…Geet too did the same today….its because they both love each other so much that sometimes they both end up hurting each other badly too only to realise later that they both should hv tried to understand each other’s emotions mayb…….Will this give rise to MU ??Well if anyone really thinks that this will give rise to MU between them ,then I will only say that the person has yet not understood the basic character-sketch of Maan-Geet or how a huband-wife reacts in such vulnerable situations…

Since MSK-Geet r husband wife …here they both need to sit and discuss or share the pain with each other in the next episode ..that will get both out from their depression…they need to b together both physically as well as mentally to heal each other’s wounds…

Coming to AA-Track ,I still don’t understand what is the purpose of this track as it looks totally disjointed from the main story..What happened to Arjun ka so called revenge ??Does he even remember that NT is still in coma ??…Do the CVs remember that NT was suppose to b in coma ??….In the hospital Arjun and Dev both were present in Saturday’s episode…but still there was no confrontation between the two…why ??…and today it seems mayb Sangram ka character will end now with Annie declaring that she loves someone else…Nitya overhears it matlab we might see Nitya turning into a vamp in AA-Love torture story…its going in circles and I dunno why I m even analysing it…CVs plss put a full stop to this AA-Torture…Unite them and send them to himalayas asap…

MSK giving fitting reply to Dev about not to interfere in their lives was the best scene of the episode today..GC was awesome with his attitude there and SS today looked quite cool without specs….

Last but not the least Today Geet going to office and then MSK trying to divert her mind by asking her to get the files was a good move by the CVs and I hope in the future this scene is capitalised and Geet starts working in KC again….

Today more than Episode Analysis I hv tried to mention the future dynamics of these characters becuase today’s episode in terms of content had little to offer but in terms of future character and relationship development had much more to offer…

Episode Rating:8/10…I liked the episode in terms of story and character development….whether MSK or Geet or Dev was wrong today in their POVs is the main purpose of today’s episode and thats what all viewers hv been discussing today…According to me MSK-Geet r just reacting in different way just how a father and a mother will react after losing their child as per their basic nature and Dev is the one taking the advantage of the situation..For me the different reactions of different characters made the episode interesting and so it worked for me

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