Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dhoondh Legi Manzil Hume 29th March 2011 Written Update

Everyone is shocked as NNT says that Gopal is no more. Alka wonders what you are saying. NNT orders Govind to tell in detail. Govind says that a party worker saw Abhishek beating Gopal. Then Sastrinagar police found his dead body. Abhishek tries to say that he didn't do that. He requested Chander to tell everyone that he didn't do that. Chander says that Abhishek beat a little and that may not cause any death. Abhishek says that he can't take anyone's life. NNT asks whether he is telling the truth or not. Abhishek says that he is not lying. NNT says if you are right then no need to worry about that. Everything will be clear soon. Then he says that now it's clear to me. We need to be careful for few days, otherwise Abhishek may be trapped in this case. He tells everyone to go to sleep. Alka and Savitri leaves. Abhishek again says that he didn't do that. NNT assures him and tell him to go to sleep. Chander takes him away. NNT asks Govind to find out the truth behind Govind's death. Everyone is quite at different places. Abhishek remembers Gopal's beating moment. Alka consoles Savitri. NNT talks with Govind and Govind makes phone calls. At morning, Gopal and Nandini's family members are sitting for the last works of Gopal. Police comes there. Everyone is shocked seeing police. Police Inspector says that according to the post mortem report Gopal died from the damage of shoulder bone, replying his father's question. He also says that it doesn't seem a hijacking case because everything is in place. He handed over Gopal's wallet to his father. Inspector continues saying that if they think anyone responsible for the incident then they can inform police as it may not an accidental case. Gopal's mother says that he had no enemy. Police is about to leave but Nandini's father says that he is doubtful of someone. Inspector suggests him to make complain. Nandini's father is about to leave with police but Nandini stops him. Nandini says that he shouldn't write complain because of his doubt. But her father says that it's not his doubt. He knows only Abhishek can do that. Nandini says that why he did that? Her father says only Abhishek can do that. In spite of warning he used to come to meet her and said that her marriage won't let happen. Who else can do that? Gopal's fault was to agree to marry her. Nandini remembers Abhishek's words that he can't eave without her. Nandini's father leaves for police station. Nandini looks tensed. Alka is shocked seeing newspaper. There is the lead news that Abhishek Tiwari made a murder. (Actually it was written in Hindi and I can read Hindi very little. It says Abhishek Tiwari par hattya ka ilzaam…..) She calls Savitri and shows her the newspapers. She asks how they publish such news without having any proof. She asks for NNT but Savitri says he left at early morning, even didn't slept night. He is trying to find out the truth. Abhishek comes there and wonders why they are staring to him this way. He again says that he didn't do that. Savitri shows him the newspaper. Abhishek throws newspaper and says that someone is trying to frame him. Nandini comes there with the newspaper in her hand. Everyone look puzzled. Nandini asks Abhishek showing newspaper "did you do that?" Abhishek says that he can't do that. Nandini tell him to answer whether he beat Gopal or not. Abhishek says yes. Abhishek tries to explain her situation but she seems not listening. Abhishek-Gopal scene was shown as flashback. Nandini says that she thought Abhishek never made such mistake because he loves her. But her happiness remains as a dream and leaves Tiwari house. NNT asks Govind about the case. Govind says that he will fin the truth soon. NNT tell him to be fast as the situation may get worse and also tell to Abhishek not to go outside of house. Govind calls someone and get information that the person may have some information. NNT orders him to shut that person's mouth. Alka, Abhishek and Nandini watch TV where Gopal's murder news is being shown. The news accused Abhishek of the murder. Abhishek tell them to stop watching such news. Chander says he needs not to worry as he didn't do any fault. Alka says to Abhishek that she wants to talk with Nandini, but Abhishek refuses. He says that he himself needs to talk with her. Chander says they can't go because of the media and they don't have anything left to explain to her. Govind gets phone call from police. Inspector tells NNT that someone wants to make complain against Abhishek for Gopal's murder case. NNT asks him whether he have any proof or not. Inspector says no. NNT suggests him something. Scene freezes. Precap: Alka says to Chander that he will always be in her life no matter anyone else will be there or not. And they hug. NNT looks angry as he sees this through window.

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