Friday, April 8, 2011

Geet 8th April 2011 Written Update

Part 1

Geet comes in the kitchen n sees Pammi working! She asks Pammi if she can help! Pammi says..'No need.. ! U just come and sit next to me! And as such all work is done!' Lachchi who is standing a few steps ahead and setting the sweets on a plate... cribs silently. 'She is speaking as if she does all the work... ! She keeps passing on all the work on my head!' Pammi feels Lachchi said something and asks...'Did u say something?' Lachchi says..'What can i say to u Parjai ji? It seems that ur ears are ringing!' Pammi stares..!! Lachchi says...'By the way shall i remind u one thing..! Beeji had asked u to make tea!' Lachchi leaves! Pammi hits her head and says..'Oh gee! I totally forgot!' Pammi starts to take out the cup! Right then Geet says..'Bhabhi ..can i make?' Pammi smiles at Geet and lets her come near the stove to make tea! Pammi tells Geet ..'Can i ask u one thing?' Geet says..'Yes' Pammi asks.. 'U r happy here ...right?' (BG of Mahii) Geet falls silent and then says..'Yes' ! Pammi says..'If ur happy here...then why do i see sadness in ur eyes always? Well.. its not ur fault Geet..! This is the situation of everyone who comes to this house! In this house... smile fades and eyes sadden!! There is no meaning of Love in here! All one does is become a machine and follow the orders ...and keep working! If ur asked to smile ..then smile... U have to take permission to even cry! Sometimes.. i feel like breaking all the bonds and fly away! Geet ..u miss Maan ji a lot?' Geet falls silent and looks sad! Pammi says...'No need to say anything... ur eyes are saying everything..!!' Geet has tears in her eyes! Pammi continues ....'Its clear that how much u love Maan!' Geet wipes her tears! [/CRYPT][CRYPT]

Pammi says..'Leave it.... i also...dunno what i keep talking!' Pammi leaves from the kitchen as Geet wipes her eyes!! Pammi n Geet are in the lawn n walking with Beeji ! Pammi says...'Wow.. it seems like the stage is set..! It really feels like we are celebrating happiness!' Right then a guest comes and greets and wishes Beeji..!! Beeji responds and then introes Geet to him!! Lucky comes and says...'Oh u r still here? Well enouf of meeting and greeting people..I have made full arrangement for the programme! Its time for some noise.. some Dhol... today we will make whole of Amritsar dance!' Lucky starts the fanfare...!! Smile

As the Dhol plays... Lucky starts to dance...and bg of 'Jaat Yamla Pagla Deewana' starts! Right then MSK enters the house on his bike....Embarrassed Geet is shown walking in the lawn with Pammi amidst all the fanfare! MSK walks in the lawn and Lucky sees him and pushes him to dance..! MSK joins in... and starts grooving! His eyes are searching for Geet! He spots Geet....n starts walking alongside her in reverse direction! He comes near Geet and says the lines 'Usne to kaha haar baat ko ishare me!' (She said all things in symbols) ..! Geet turns around and MSK quickly goes around her so she cant see him! Geet walks away and gets caught by Pammi and Lachchi who are dancing and they cajole her to dance! MSK slowly starts moving near to Geet while dancing..! He moves past Geet while dancing and goes behind her...and keeps looking at her..!! Geet senses something and freezes...! Suddenly Beeji comes and Lucky comes right in between so Pammi can quickly leave with Geet! LOL

Lucky compliments MSK for the dance..n says...'Wow ..had great fun!' He pats on MSKs shoulder and says...'Good.. u danced really well..! By the way tell me..who are u?' MSK says...'I m Sardar Balwant Singh.. i have come for the job of Driver!' Lucky is startled and says..'Driver? Umm...i was dancing with a Driver?' LOL By the way.. who has called u??' Jugnu comes right then and says..'I have called him!' As MSK turns to look at Jugnu ...he freezes recollecting the earlier interaction with Jugnu at the market..!! Jugnu says...'Well ...that guy sent u right.. whom i met at the Dhaba yesterday?' MSK says...'Yes ..he only sent me!' Jugnu says..'That guy was really great!' Lucky says..'U remember that guy?' Jugnu says..'Well... Jugnu can forget anything..but not that guy who fed him Foreign liquor' LOL Jugnu playfully hits MSK and then suddenly freezes as if recollecting something..! Jugnu says..'Jugnu's sharp eyes have seen u somewhere..! Ur face looks familiar!' Lucky says...'U feel all faces are familiar! Beeji is calling u... go and do some work!' Jugnu leaves! Lucky asks...'By the way.. from where have u come?' MSK says...'Paaji ..i have come from Mumbai! I used to be a Driver there!' Lucky says...'Then why did u come back?' MSK says..'Coz i din have anyone my OWN there...!' Lucky says...' u have anyone ur OWN here?' (BG of Mahii) and MSK says...'Yes' ! Lucky says...'Dunno why..but i have some doubt on u!' MSK looks worried! Lucky says...' U din go to Mumbai to be a Driver...u had gone to Mumbai to become a Hero! If u had made a body as good as mine ...u wuld have gotten a chance! I feel that ..u din get a chance and hence u returned! Right?' MSK says..'No...its nothing like that.. since childhood i had a dream that.. i will grow up to be a Driver..n drive different cars!' Lucky says..'For the first time i heard that someone wants to be a driver..!! Well its ur dream.. be happy!! Listen... go inside and meet Tejjy praaji ... go and talk to him about the salary..! And talk to him with respect..or ..!' MSK says..'Ok ..!' and leaves! Lucky says..'This guy doesnt look like a driver... thats why i danced with him! Anyways...why do i care!' [/CRYPT][CRYPT]

MSK enters the mansion....n Geet feels as if something is happening... ! (Wind starts to blow... curtains are all swaying and BG of Mahii) Geet self thot.. 'What kind of strangeness am i sensing..!' MSK self thot...'I have come Geet...! Come near win ur heart n to take u with me..!' Geet comes out of her room and starts to walk thru the alley .! MSK has his back turned to her..but he too senses her presence and turns and spots her...n his eyes lite up..!! Suddenly .as Geet is walking down ...and towards him, MSK realises his cover will blow so he turns his head. and starts to adjust his Pagdi... Geet keeps looking in his direction..!! Suddenly Tejjy comes n asks MSK..'Who are u?' MSK has his eyes focussed downwards and he says..'I am Driver Balwant Singh!' Geet is starting to come towards MSK when some guests come and Geet gets busy chatting with them..! Right then MSK looks up and sees Tejjy and gets flashback of meeting him on the road ...seeking his help!' MSK says...'U?' Tejjy says..'I am Tejjy... Tejendra Singh is my name!' MSK folds his hands and says...'Tejjy Praaji... Sasriyakaal (Greetings)'! Tejjy says...'U r face seems familiar..! I feel as if ..i have seen u somewhere!' Geet continues to glance at MSK! MSK says..'Well ...actually whoever sees me says the same thing..that they have seen me somewhere before! Tejjy Praaji..u have not seen me before..coz its been just two days since i came to Amritsar!' Tejjy asks..'What did u say ur name was?' MSK says..'Sardar Balwant Singh!' Tejjy asks..'Do u drive big vehicles?' MSK says...'Yes..i do.! Before this where i was working ..he was a fan of big cars!' Tejjy says..'So it wont be difficult for u to drive Ambassador!' MSK says..'Nope ..not at all!' MSK glances sideways.. but Geet is busy chatting and doesnt notice MSK! Tejjy asks...'U r from where? As in whats ur native?' MSK says...'Its HP... but since a long time...i have been in Mumbai!' Beeji comes and calls out Tejjy n asks..'Preparations done?' Tejjy says...'Yes... ! New Driver has i am taking his interview..!' MSK greets Beeji..! Beeji says..'Leave it son...why are u breaking ur head on this..! Tasildar is sending a driver! He is on his way! U better appoint him!' Tejjy says..'Ok' MSK self thot... 'Now from where has this new driver come? If i lose this chance..then getting another chance to come near .. Geet will be very difficult!'


Part 2

Right then the guy whom Tasildar sent comes to meet....! Pammi comes to Geet and says.. 'Geet.. new dresses have come... ! Come with me..lets try them and see how well they are fitting!' Geet goes with Pammi..! MSK looks in the direction where Geet left..! Beeji sees and says..'U were dancing outside ?' MSK says..'Well ..Lucky Paaji had taken me there.. n so i danced a little!' Tejjy asks Beeji.. 'What to do.. ? There are two candidates!' Beeji says..'This guy has been sent by Tasildar ji ..better to appoint him!' (MSK looks disappointed!) Beeji asks the Driver.. 'How much salary will u take?' Driver says...'8,000' Tejjy asks MSK.. 'U?' MSK says..'7,000'..! Beeji tells Tejjy to handle it.. as she is tired.. ! Beeji calls out to Pammi to make tea..and leaves! The other Driver says...'Well 8,000 is for others... in ur case..i will work for 6,000' ! MSK tells Tejjy...' Praaji for me.. 3,000 is enouf..!' Tejjy says...'3,000?? In such an inflation environment..u will work in 3,000?' MSK says..'Am new in the city.. For me its important that i start my work! And money keeps coming and going! ' Tejjy says..'Ok...! Now tell me..if my car is running in full speed and the brakes fail.. how will u save urself?' The Driver says...'I will find a proper place and jump out of the car!' Tejjy asks MSK..! MSK says..'Praaji ... i m a Driver..for me.. i need to be more concerned about my Passengers life than my own! Regarding.. ur question.. well car can be stopped by applying Handbrake as well!' Lucky comes right then and says...looking at MSK.. 'He is very talented! He is not working for Money.. he is working for his passion! For him.. Driving has been his childhood hobby!' MSK says..'Yes..!' Tejjy tells Lucky.. 'U studied in School with him?' Lucky says...'Well for knowing a person..u dun need to study with them... u need vision! And tell me one thing..can anyone enter our house without the knowledge of Lucky?? I only sent him to u! He loves Driving so much that he will work for any amount!' MSK says..'Totally!' Tejjy says..'Ok.. no need to talk much..! U r appointed as our Driver from today! But for the next couple of days ur job is temporary..! We will see how ur work is for the next 10-15 days..! If we like ur work.. then u dun need to look for work anywhere!' MSK says..'Thanks!' Lucky says...'He is thanking as if he got the job of Tasildaari!' Tejjy says...'Take Balwant Singh with you. ..n explain the work to him!' Lucky says..'Ok!' Tejjy leaves from there..! The Driver says..'Working in 3,000?? Its coz of u guys that market of Drivers is spoiled!' Lucky says..'Come .. i will explain u the work!' MSK says..'Ok!'


Part 3

Geet is looking at a Red Dupatta when Pammi comes wearing a new salwar suite and asks Geet.. how she looks! Geet says...'Ur looking very nice!' Right then Beeji screams that its half n hour n Pammi hasnt given her tea.. !! Pammi starts to panic n Geet says...'Leave it to me..i will get tea for Maasi ji!!' Lucky is telling MSK that... 'In the entire house theres only one important person for you... and thats Lakhwinder... aka me! (MSK rolls his eyes) Well there are two reasons for it... number one...U got the job on my recommendation and second.. I am a brave kind of person.. if u remain under my influence..u will have a blast coz if theres anyone who can save u from Beeji and Tejjy.. its me.. Lucky Singh!!' Lucky continues... 'From tomorrow.. daily u have to do one thing.. u have to leave me at the Akhada (Gym) every morning!' Right then MSK spots Geet coming .. and quickly turns away..! Lucky pats MSKs arm and says..'Come Balwant Singh.. i will show u ur room!' As MSK starts to follow Lucky.. Geet keeps looking at MSK ...and ends up bumping into a stand and drops the tray!! Hearing the noise.. MSK turns...and looks as Geet starts to pick up the pieces of broken tea cup... and as she turns to look at MSK.. he turns right back!! As he starts to walk.. Geet calls out... 'Suniye (Listen)' ! MSK stops in his tracks.! MSK self thot.. 'What will happen now..!' Geet says...'Please look here..!' MSK self thot.. 'If Geet will identify me..then all will be over!' Geet starts to walk near MSK..! MSK tries to hide the side of his face in the petext of adjusting his Pagdi!


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