Friday, April 1, 2011

Baba Aiso Var Dhoondo 1st April 2011 Written Update

The scene starts with
sudha & bharti in the park feeling awkward while murli is feeling the same
at a distance. Bharti & sudha are sitting on the bench & murli is
sitting under a tree at a distance.

Finally sudha breaks the silence & says
sorry that murli had to come along with her bcoz of RA's fear. She tells bharti
she didn't know murli was her husband. Bharti tells sudha not to blame herself
it was all the part of destiny coz murli came into sudha's life as a stranger

& helped her. Bharti says it's all over & she has nothing to do with
murli anymore as they've already signed the divorce papers. Bharti says murli
is a nice man & respects women. She tells sudha it's difficult to move on
in life with the burden of the past. She tells sudha that she's got a chance to
start life all over again & not to loose this chance. Sudha asks what about
herself. Bharti says she's thought over it & wants to fulfill her father's
dream & work for herself. Bharti holds sudha's hand & walks towards murli.
Bharti tells murli to take care of sudha as she is her childhood's friend. She
says she has some important work & leaves. Murli keeps looking at her while
she's going. Finally murli turns the other way & starts walking, sudha
follows him. Bharti turns around & watches murli go. (The sad version of
the title track is being played in the background)

Dharup, amit & banwari are at bhushan's
house. Rupesh is telling amit that banwari will go with him as the landlord so
that prakash won't suspect them. Bharti arrives there & asks what's going
on. Amit tells bharti that he's going to meet prakash today. bharti says what's
the hurry. Amit says before they've got to finish this work as soon as possible
before they get suspected by prakash. Rupesh tells bharti if everything goes
right then she'll get back her self-respect. Rupesh tells amit to go with
banwari & he'll join them later. Rupesh is about to leave while bharti asks
him where he's going. Rupesh says he has some important work. The lal family
will know they've done a big mistake by blaming bharti & leaves.

Mridala & jhumka are playing cards. Mridang
wins the game. Kamansi are in their room. Veena is in the kitchen. Rupesh
arrives there & calls out for bansi lal to come out with his whole family.
The lal family comes out. Sudha also comes there & says uncle ji. Rupesh
smiles at her. Bansi asks rupesh why did he come here all of a sudden, is there
any problem. Rupesh apologises for coming there like that but he had to coz it
was important. Bansi asks him what happened, is bharti alright.

Rupesh says he
knows that bansi is a decent man & whatever his feelings towards bharti was
genuine not fake. Rupesh says for the sake of those feelings he wants the lal
family to come with him. He requests bansi not to question anymore & come
along with him for the sake of bharti as bharti's wounds need to be filled up.
Bansi asks is bharti alright. Rupesh tells bansi not to question anymore &

come with him for the sake of bharti's prestige. Bansi agrees & goes along
with him. kamala, veena & damroo also go. murli comes back & tells
sudha to take care & he also goes along. Sudha goes upstairs. Mridang says
he has no relations with them anymore so he won't go & tells gau to
continue their cards game. Gau says if rupesh has come there then there must be
a big reason.

No Precap

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