Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tere Liye 16th March 2011 Written Update

Recap- Robi is tricked by a girl from the rival company into signing documents. This results in the Ganguli's losing their deal. Anurag loses his temper and slaps Robi. Robi later comes in drunk and says he has joined Ritesh's business. Shekhar blames Anurag for Robi's behavior Short Update * Anurag is upset and is blaming himself, Tani tries to comfort him but no avail. Kuhu listens to this convo * Kuhu tells Ritesh she doesnt want to talk to him because he hurt TaAnu, Ritesh is "upset" and says Tani has poisoned Kuhu against him. * Tani apologizes to him and Ritesh accepts her apology. * Robi sees Mauli and Mauli tells him that their gas agency is flourishing * Robi is ultra mad at this and one of his employees tells him that Taposh is doing business illegally. This makes Robi happy * Tani is upset about what happened earlier. Onu tries to talk to her but Tani is mad that he didnt share his problem yesterday so why should she share hers and she leaves. Detailed Update Part 1 Anurag is sitting on the staris and is upset. Tani comes and says she was worried about his whereabouts. Tani is about to comfort him but Anurag cut her off and says he is very bad, he cant keep anyone happy (Oh please do say that OnuCry!). Onu keeps on saying he is bad and he is a bad son, a bad brother and he cannot handle work and house responsibilities. Tani says he knows that Ritesh is at fault so why is he blaming himself. Onu says it is his fault, because of his irresponsible ways Ritesh took advantage of it. Kuhu is listening to all of this and Onu walks out. Tani notices her and takes her inside. Neelu & Tani are working in the kitchen and Neelu asks if Onu ate. Tani says whatever's happening is wrong and says she feels that Ritesh is doing this intentionally. Tani tells her that Onu loves Robi a lot and Neelu says Robi too loves Onu a lot. Neelu explains that they have fought each other but they have never drifted apart. Tani says she knows Ritesh is involved. Neelu says they don't have proof and even if they do they cant do anything because of the kids. Mashi ma is chasing Kuhu, Ritesh comes and says he wil handle her and Kuhu retorts that he is vile and disgusting and he hurt Tani and Anurag and whoever hurts them, she will not talk to them(arrey shabhash meri Kuhu cutie pie'I love this girlEmbarrassedBig smile). Everyone is uncomfortable at Kuhu's outburst. Tani goes to her and Kuhu smiles at her, Tani tells Mashi ma to take Kuhu outside. Ritesh asks Shekhar what's going on and says he doesn't want to stay here but Shekhar made him stay. Ritesh keeps on blabbing about crap being separated from the kids. Ritesh says he is not at fault for what happened yesterday. Anurag comes in and sees this. Ritesh keeps on going and says he wont let the kids separate from himself and decides he will take them. Ritesh says that he will also kick Robi out. Robi comes and asks what is happening. Ritesh starts his crap again and says they poisoned Kuhu's mind against him (ab jo sach hai'woh sach hai na ghadhe ki auladAngry!). Ritesh keeps on indirectly blaming Tani for instigating the kids. Neelu is adamant that she hasn't done anything. Robi asks why she always thinks so. Ritesh joins in the fun and says sometimes someone other than TaAnu is also right. Tani steps forward and says this is all her fault and folds her hands for forgiveness. Tani says she did not instigate Kuhu. Ritesh acts all sweet and says not to fold her hands in front of him. Ritesh leaves with Robi and Tani wipes her tears. Part 2 Robi and Ritesh are in the car and Robi sees Mauli and stops the car. Robi sees Ganesh statue on the door and Mauli says this is the perfect place for it. Mauli asks why he's there and he says he wanted to see the Ganesh statue. Mauli says she thanks him for giving her the statue. Robi asks her if she forgot everything that happened between them. Robi says he has improved and he is happy for them (*snorts* yeah rightThumbs Down). Robi says he is also working on his relationship between Jonaki and him. Robi asks about the business and Mauli is full on praise about it and how they will be the best. Taposh comes in and sees Robi there. Ritesh is happy and thinks that now Bannerjee's will see a new twist called Pati-Patni aur Woh. Robi leavesSleepy. Part 3 Robi in his office thinking of what Mauli said. He thinks that he gave them the happiness and now he will snatch it away from them. Robi calls someone inside his cabin and tells that dude that he wants someone who can do the job from him. The dude tells him Taposh is in a problem, legally he is not allowed to put cylinders in the shop and some other illegal crap he is unknowingly doing. Robi asks why they haven't caught them yet and the dude says because inspection takes a month. Blah blah blah more business talk and Robi says fine his dream will come true. Tani is crying and she tells Neelu that she didn't do anything to Kuhu. Neelu says she trusts her that she couldn't do anything. Tani says she took responsibilities for the kids but has not become their mother yet. Neelu says just because Ritesh says so it doesn't mean it is true. Neelu says she knows Ritesh is disgusting and they wont trust him. Neelu hugs her. Onu comes in and asks why she apologized when she didn't do anything. Neelu tells him not to yell at her and says she is going to make tea for them. Onu goes slowly to Tani and she starts to say she is bad, a bad wife, a bad bahu and a bad mom. Tani rushes out and Onu follows her and asks what the matter is. Tani is mad and says why should she share her problems when he didn't tell her his problem yesterday. Tani says he hurt her a lot because if they are so close so why cant they share each other's sadness. Tani continues her bhashan about not sharing in sadness. Tani says is he's not interested in sharing his pain then even she doesn't want to talk to him. Neelu ma hears all of this.

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