Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sapnon Se Bhare Naina 16th March 2011 Written Update

At the Patwardan house, Mr Patwardan is speaking to his student Mukesh Sharma and his wife. They are invited to stay for dinner, and the mother goes into the kitchen. In the meantime, Priya Sharma gets a call, telling her to come and collect a cheque. She excuses herself and leaves promising to come back after she finishes her work. Tells her husband to stay back and talk to their old professor.

In the kitchen, Vibha is upset, and wonders what will happen when Sanket and Rohini come back. So she tries to call Rohini, who at that time is in the auto rickshaw with her husband. She picks her phone and sees it is from her mother in law, and with a disgusting face tells her husband something and switches the phone off. Vibha is left perplexed. She calls upon God to help her.

In the meantime, Vibha hears the sound of the auto rickshaw, and says they have come, and Mr Sharma too says, if they were expecting any guests, they could come at some other time. Damodar Patwardan, has no idea, Vibha has seen Mrs Sharma before, and wants to avoid the situation. But he tells his guests that it must be their children and to wait and meet them. Mukesh who has not seen them before, is happy to meet his children.

As Sanket and Rohini enter, they hear some laughter in the house, and she tells her husband that she is tired, and will go straight to bed. But at the door she sees who the guest is, and is surprised and can not know how to come out of the dilemma. She tries her play acting and pretends she loves her parents, and shows off, that she will make the tea, and prepare dinner for them. Both her parents look at her in surprise and disgust. When she was high in her drama, she gets another shocker. In comes Mrs. Priya Sharma, back from her work. Rohini turns her head, and in the meantime, Daksh and Naina too have come. On the way, he was pestering her to tell him, what nick name the girls had given him, but she told him that she will tell him everything after they have their meals, but in the present situation, both of them are in tenterhooks, to see what is unfolding in their house.

Priya thinks Naina is their daughter in law, and is pleased to see her, whom she had seen the previous day, but the professor tells her that Rohini is his daughter in law, and tells Rohini to meet her. Priya immediately recognizes, how on the previous day, Rohini had told her that Vibha and Naina were not her relatives, and that she did not know them. Priya tells Vibha, that she was trying to cover up the fault of her daughter in law. She is very annoyed with this Rohini. She hammers out at her, and gives her a piece of her mind and Rohini is in a state of shock.

Then Mr. Sharma starts his monologue raining on Rohini. Patwardhans try to defend Rohini, with their half truths, but Mukesh tells them that they do not know how to lie. So, please to keep quiet, and allow him to handle the matter.

Mukesh tells Rohini point blank, that she is not worthy of trust. If she did not have any regard to her own parents whom they regard with such high esteem, she can not be trusted to have any regard for the Company. He asks her to forget about her promotion. He tells her that he is half inclined to sack her, as she is a liability. Her parents ask him to be considerate, and he tells them, that only for their sake, he will keep her on the job, but she can forget about her promotion.

In the preview of the next day, Rohini is up in arms, like a spoilt brat, and tells her husband that she can not live in this house any more.

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