Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sapnon Se Bhare Naina 15th March 2011 Written Update

Nikhil and Akriti enter a mall, to do the wedding shopping for Naina. In Daksh office, Naina has discussion with him and he tells her to go to her table and start work. Naina asks for a cup of tea. The girls are gossiping. Daksh asks for some files. Daksh goes out to deal with a man who has brought some books, and on giving him his money he sends him off. Peon talks to Naina and tells him about Darjeeling Tea. In the mall Nikhil and Akriti are shopping and Nikhil wants to start a conversation. Someone with sunglasses enters the mall and talks on the mobile, and in the meantime, Nikhil takes control of the situation with Akriti. Akriti walks off, and comes face to face with the sun-glass man. He picks the bag, which Akriti has dropped and gives it to her. The man sees some slip of Akriti left on the floor, and calls after Akriti to return the paper. Akriti argues with Nikhil, about boy friends, and tells him, that she has come for work with him. "Our work is over, and am going back, if you want come or stay" she tells him firmly. Some shoppers add their bit. Sun-glass man watches. Daksh gives rules. Naina hears. Starts with rule no. one and goes up to rule three, and then Daksh drops his book and Naina helps to pick it up, as well as Daksh bends to do the same. Naina then continues, "Rule no three", and Daksh continues up to his rule no. four. Naina adds a new rule, no. five, tells him learn to smile. Tells him "You know to smile". He tells her, to open her computer and he will tell her what to do. At home Mr and Mrs Sharma come to visit Mr. Patwardan. He recognizes his students and is happy and tells his wife. At lunch the girls are joined by Naina and they joke about Daksh. They doubt if the secretary will come back as it is very difficult to work with this man. One has nick named him "Karela" ! Daksh comes to the lunch room and tells Naina to type an urgent letter fast. In the office, he gets a call, and tells his client to get all the proofs against his wife, and also get any witnesses so that his case is strong. Naina questions him, how he could bring her personal matters into the court, but he brushes her away. She asks him what did the women do so wrong, as it may be lies too which the man is telling. He tells him that is not his concern. Again she asks him what did she do, and to tell her, and he says he can not do it. She argues with him saying, "If you can tell the judge, why not me? " He tells her that the judge is not as emotional as her. Then say blurts, how apt name the girls have kept for him . Are you not interested, he says not. Later he asks what it is, and she just smiles, and does not tell him. At home Mr and Mrs. Sharma are in the living room of the Patwardhans. Vibha enters the room, and Mrs. Patwardan recognizes her. She asks, "Aap? I have seen you somewhere, I can not recollect" and she tries. Mr. Patwardan introduces his guests to his wife, Mukesh and Priya, his 94 batch students. Vibha too recognizes her, but hides her emotions. Mr. Patwardan on hearing some one at the door says, it may be his children, and who comes in, but Sanket and Rohini. She is stunned seeing her boss, in the room, and just mutters, "Sanket, see who has come !" and this is left for us to see tomorrow.

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