Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pavitra Rishta 29th March 2011 Written Update

Outside Deshmukh House .
Damodar and Archana are talking .It appears that Archana has taken Damodar into confidence about her plan ..
Damodar feels that her plan has a good chance of turning out well but he is afraid for Archana as all this could be very difficult for her .
Archu tells Damodar that she is well aware that savita will be insulting her every step of the way .She knows that Savita is very stubborn and the extent to which Savita can go to get her way ....but she also tells Damodar that Savita doesn't know that she too is very stubborn and has no idea the extent to which Archana can go to get her way .......
Archu tells Damodar that even if she gets insulted badly it will not mean anything to her if in bargain she can get Manav, Savita and Damodar to be happy again ...
She asks Damodar for his support .
Damodar smiles and tells her lovingly that he was always with her and always will be there for her and their family getting together again would be the greatest happiness of his life ....
Ajit's house
Vandita wakes up .She has a hangover and cannot remember what happened .Ajit makes fun of her and reminds her that she was high on bhang and created quiet a drama in the house .He even says that she was acting like a Lioness ....
rasika comes in and she rudely tells Vandita that she got insulted by her and vandu was terribly rude to ehr .....how Vandu took her jewellery and how Vandu put colour on her face ...
Vandita apologises for her behaviour .
Rasika makes her repeat her apology again and again ...Ajit gets angry when he sees this and tells his mother to leave Vandita alone .
Ajit asks Rasika to give back the money he had given her .Rasika tells him that she has spend all the money to give a party to her friends ..
Ajit is very angry with his mother and he tells her off badly .He tells her to stop showing off as they are no longer rich and cannot afford her life style ..But Rasika is just not listening ..
She tells Ajit that she cannot live like Vandu as Vandy coems from a poor family ...
Vandita who is listening to all this decides that she will talk to her brother about this now ....
Outside Manav's shop
Manav is walking outside his shop .He looks very worried and keeps looking at his mobile .Ajit comes in .He first sees a worried looking Manav and Ajit assumes that maybe Manav knows about his gambling ..But when he coems in he finds out that Manav is nervous and Archana has gone to live in his mother's house .
Ajit tells Manav that Archu is taking a risk as Savita really hates her and Savita is also not feeling well so all this can back fire badly .Manav is about to tell Ajit about what Archu plans to do when Archana calls him.
Manav quickly picks up the phone and he yells at Archu for calling him so late ....
Archu tells him to calm down and to trust her .She tells him that Savita did indeed first was nasty to her but then she just went in her room and told her to leave the house ..
Manav cannot take this anymore and he decides to go to the hosue as well to check on his mother and wife ...
Before going he asks Ajit about the collection .Ajit tells him a lie that he did do the collection but the money is at his house and he will get it the next day ...
Varsha's House
Vaishali has come to visit her sister . She is happy to see that Varsha is involved in her job and is not just sittign at home crying about her loss.Varsha tells Vaishu that she too shoudl work .Vaishu says that first she weants to send Dharmesh to jail and only after she has that out of the way wil lshe decide what to do ....
Vaishali asks about Bhavna ...
Varsha tells her that Bhavna is still very angry with her and is not talking to her ....
Varsha tells Vaishali that she has accepted that she can never be a mother and now wants to move on in life .
Bhavna comes in and says that Varsha might have accepted the bitter truth , she sure hasn't .
She tells Varsha firmly that she wants a grandson, an heir for the family and will not stop till she gets what she wants .
Varsha tells Bhavna that she cannot get what she is asking for ...
Bhavna says that Varsha can say this because she never was mother material and is still not but Bhavna is a mother and now wants to be a grandmother and will not let anyone take away the joys of fatherhood away from her son ....
Varsha starts crying when she hears this ....
The Casino
Ajit is about to start playing cards ,He first prays to God to help him win so he can pay Manav hsi money back ...
In one corner , Shibu is talking to someone and is telling him to make surethat Ajit wins this time ....He tells this guy that he will make sure that he will totally destroy Ajit eventually ......
Ajit gets good cards and wins big ........
Deshmukh house .
Savita is beside herself with rage and is talking to herself in her room ......
Savita : How dare that Churail wants to live in my house .She thinks I will die and then she can have this house .I will not die so soon ..I will die after her .
I wil lnot let her succeed in her plans...bu tif she coems , Manav will come too...
No, No way will I let them live here ..They are no one to me now .
Damodar comes in ...
Savita : Did you throw her out ?
Damodar : Why should I ? I don't have a problem with her .If you have a problem , you throw her out ...I think you shoudl rest . You have just come back fro mthe hospital and are not well.
Savita : Don't play games with me ..As long as that Churail is in my house I cannot rest and sleep . I will throw her out myself ..
She storms in the family room ......
Archana is busy unpacking .....
Savita : What did I say to you ? This is my house .Only I live here ...now get out .
Archana : And what did I say ? ....I am not leaving ...
Savita takes her stuff and her bag and throws it out of the house .
The bag is outside the house and Archu goes to get it ..Manav also comes and he looks very angry when he sees at what is happening there ...
Savita to Manav : Tell your wife to leave or else I will throw her out myself .I don't need her and her seva ....She is a worthless woman and she is not allowed in my house .
Manav : I told you Archana .It is no use ....Now pick up the bag and let's go back home .
Archana : No Manav . I will take care of this , please keep away from it .
Savita : What will you take care of ? Get out right now or else I will hit you and beat you up so badly that this whole place will become a tamasha ......
Archana looks at Savita . turns to get her bag .Manav thinks that she is coming ith him so he turns but instead of going with ehr husband , Archana turns again towards the direction of the house and walks towards Savita .
A shocked Manav is simply looking at her .....
Archana : I told yo uI will not leave .You can throw my stuff 10 times but I will bring it back again ...I am not leaving this house ....yo ucan beat me and abuse me ...but I am not leaving this house .
Her shocked in laws and her husband are looking at her ..She turns around and tells her husband that she wanst him to go and get soem groceries for the hosue as there is nothign at home ..She also tells him to come home quick as the kitchen is filthy and she has to start cleaning it .......... smiles and goes in again ..
Precap :
Manav is helping Archana in the kitchen ..Savita cames in and starts taunting him .....
Calls him a Joru ka ghulam .....

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