Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pavitra Rishta 15th March 2011 Written Update

Deshmukh House Damodar gets dinner for Savita . He wants her to eat it because she cannot her her medicines with an empty stomach .savita refuses to eat anything saying that she hates her medicines and will not eat them .She would rather just stay this way because she has no desire to rmember anything any more . She says to Damodar that she will not die so soon and his number will come before her anyway because of all his sins .....LOL She asks about Sachu and Damodar tells her that a neighbour took sachu with her as she was not feeling well.Savita says that damodar was neevr good with handling children .When Manav was a baby he used to cry a lot and damodar just could not handle her and would give him to savita .Then baby manav would immediately stop crying and Damodar would call Manav ' Savita's baby ' . Savita proudly says that manav as a child always listened to her ...her words were his command and he never ever went against her will ...then she gets sad and says that now he has grown up and is not listening to her any more . He is not doing what she wants any more ...So she would rather just forget everything then come to terms with the reality that Manav is not doing what she wants .... Damodar decides that he must talk to manav about this .Manav is keeping his distance from his mother so that his mother would understand his point of view but what manav is not realizing is that this is effecting savita adversly ...so keeping this in mind damodar now wants to talk to manav about savita's condition .. First he somehow has to have her medicines ..He tells her that he will make her a cup of tea and then he mixes her tablets in the tea and makes sure she drinks it ......Savita tells him that the tea is bitter , just like him but she does drink it .... Manav's shop Manav , Ajit and Shibu open the shop .Ajit gives Manav his 3000 ruppees back .Manav wants to know where he got so much money from .Shibu tells Manav that Ajit is mixing around with his old friends and has started gambling again .... Manav gets very angry when he hears this .He questions Ajit about this but Ajit comes up with a lie .He tells Manav that this money that he has right now was a loan he had given to his friend and now his friend has given it back to him . Manav tells Ajit that afetr so much difficulties he has got himself out of those gutters and one more mistake ...he will be back there again .... Ajit promises him that nothing of that sort will ever happen ..... Outside Deshmukh Chawl Savita is coming from outside .Instead of going in her own house she goes to someone else's house .... Those people are very nice but they are surprised to see savita sitting in their house so quietly .The lady comes and asks savita if she can do anything for her , get her tea or somethign .savita starts fighting back and tells her to stop bugging her and go away . The lady says that she cannot go as this is her house .. Savita gets angry to hear this and she starts blaming this woman for trying to take over her house .Then all of a sudden she realizes that this is indeed not her home and she is in someone else's house ...... That nice lady holds savita 's hand and tells her that she is not feeling well these days and she must let her son and her bahu come back .That way Savita will get all the care she needs .The man offers to take Savita to her house .. Hotel Room Madhuri is waiting for Archana .She has called her to tell her about her pregnancy . When Archu comes , madhuri gets very happy to see her .Just when she is about to tell , Police cops come in and take madhuri for questioning about Dharmesh . Archu asks them why they are taking her and the cop tells her that Vaishali kaaranjkar has filed an official complaint against Dharmesh Jaipurwala .The nature of complaint is Fraud against her. The complaint was filed by her and she was accompanied by Satish and Varsha this morning only ..Now the police is after Dharmesh who they think is on the run ... Archu is shocked that vaishali took such a big steo without even telling her and Manav about it .. She calls manav and tells her that Madhuri has been taken away by the police .manav too is shocked that vaishu did not even consult him before doing this and he says to Archana that they will go and help Madhuri in jail ...Archu also wants him to do this as she is worried how police will treat Madhuri .... Karanjkar House Manohar is angry with his two younger daughters for taking such a big step without even consulting him .He thinks that they have taken this step in haste and should have thought more about the repecussions of this action ... Vinod is with his sisters and he says that Dahrmesh ahs to be punished .After spoling Vaishali's life , the man is just walking out scott free and that cannot be allowed . Manohar says that indeed he should be punished , but taking such a drastic action will only create more drama .Police coming in and out of the house will make people talk ... Sulochna is not with her husband on this .She feels that they should not think about the world right now and only think about their daughters .... Manohar gets angry with his family and walks away from the room saying that they can do what they want ... Sulochna tells her daughters that their father will be allright in some time .Even she feels that maybe they did act in haste and police complaint should have been the last resort and not the first action ... Varsha tells her mother that there was no other choice as Dharmesh was no where to be found and they had to take the help of the police.... Varsha promises herself that she will not rest till she helps Vaishali get justice .. Rasika and Manjusha walk in th room .Rasika tells vaishu that she too is going ahead with a complain against Dharmesh in her Mahila samiti as people like Dharmesh must be punished . Vaishali gets up and tells Rasika that she doesn't need any help from her .She tells rasika that this is her private matter and none of her business. she has been used enough by Dharmesh and has no intentions of beign used by anyone else any more .She tells Rasika that her intentions are not to help her and she herself knows wh yshe is doing all this ... rasika says ' Fine , if you are so allergic to my help then do it your way ...best of luck to you and your kismet ' . Precap Manav is trying to talk to his mother , he is looking very worried but she is not listening to him .... Manav : No one can take your place in my life . savita : These words don't mean anything ,you said that I don't love you like before well how can I love you like before ...you also don't love me like my Manav used to love me . Manav : Your Manav ( about to say somethign ) ..... Savita : He is not my Manav anymore ....

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