Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Maryada 29th March 2011 Written Update

Priya crying in front of SSP that she won't tell the truth to Aditya. SSP bends down, and cruelly says today is the first time you're worrying about this family. Until yesterday you were ready to do anything to tell the truth to the family. Poor Priya quickly replies that there's a difference between yesterday and today, that she doesn't want to win anymore, she has truly lost. She's crying, saying she was wrong. SSP says ok, but in the future if you attempt anything smart again, I might end up having to take his life. Priya promises that she won't tell Aditya anything, but just bring him back, and she folds her hands in front of SSP. He leaves after telling her not to mess with SSP Bramhanand Jhaakar, leaving Priya in a completely devastated state. [Oh my god. SSP is so darn cruel. I felt sososo bad for priya. She's stuck now from not being able to reveal the truth only because she wants to protect her husband from his own father's crueltyCryConfused]
Bauji comes and tells Devyani to go and take some rest, and SSP suddenly comes inside, and tells everyone that he's going to bring Aditya back. Everyone is suddenly happy, saying how the SSP can do anything, and he quickly leaves.
SSP yelling at the police officers asking why he can't take his son home, yelling at all of them. The police officer says that it's a higher order that prevents him from releasing Aditya. SSP yelling at him, asking who dares to do this, and holds the guy's collar. The inspector says the order came from the Comissioner's office. And SSP wonders why this guy cares about this now.
Roshni Devi telling the Comissioner thanks for taking care of this problem. She says that as long as you are in power, you have to keep them under your control, regardless of whether they are your own or not. I want to see how that SSP becomes afraid, want to see his suffering. AngryAngryAngryAngry [DHdkjh Darn this Roshni Devi! She's so cruel hearted and evil. It's frightening to see how manipulative she is. Along with the wonderful SSP, she needs to be taught a lesson as well, and that too quickly!]
Devyani excited about everything, getting Imli to prepare all these foods that Aditya likes. Right then, Gaurav comes home and Jaggi explains to him everything that happened in the day. Devyani corners him as he leaves to his room, and asks him where he was all day. Gaurav evades the question and just says he was busy, and Devyani starts to get mad, but Priya comes right then and asks why SSP hasn't returned from the police station yet. And Gaurav escapes while Devyani is comforting Priya. [Is anyone else as shocked as I am?! Is that really Gaurav we saw? For a whole 20 seconds?! -_- We really need to get that story moving again. It's pathetic how the Gaurav-Vidya story moved about an inch since the beginning of the show]
SSP talking to Aditya and telling him not to worry at all. Aditya praises SSP again, saying he's never worried when he knows his dad is there to take care of everything. Aditya then asks his dad how he will be released without even submitting an application for bail, and SSP makes up some nonsense about how the guy in the hospital has taken back his case. Aditya then asks about going home, and right then SSP gets a call from Devyani asking when they're all going to come home, and SSP quickly hangs up.
SSP talking to someone asking them to get the Comissioner [Daya] to understand that there was no actual case against Aditya, and why is he even in the jail. SSP is getting more and more angry, and yelling that if anyone tries to get Aditya stuck in something when there's nothing he did wrong, then he's going to ruin them.
Roshni Devi practicing her English skills [so stupid] when she gets a call from SSP. He's frantic as he explains to RD what the commissioner did. She pretends to be completely shocked, pretending she doesn't know anything, and RD is cracking up as she listens to RD telling her to talk to the commissioner. And by mistake slips that there was no case because the guy was his own who Aditya ended up hurting. He quickly tries to cover up but RD catches on and accuses SSP of breaking the law himself. SSP asks what law she's talking about, how many times he has helped her out.
And RD says that whatever happened there was a mistake, and SSP immediately calms down and pleads with her, and RD says that she's going to do him a favor, and that she'll help him out. And quickly hangs up, leaving SSP really really angry.
Vidya making tea and gives it to Imli to give to Gaurav, and her mother stops Imli and tells Vidya to give it to him herself. When relationships begin to get better then you have to work to make them even more better to stop them from breaking again, and so Vidya takes the tea from her mom and goes to Gaurav.
SSP pacing angrily around the station when the Thakur is telling him to be patient, now that he talked to the Mantri, everything will be taken care of, and SSP launches into a rant. Right then, he gets a call from RD who says that she had to do so much and that Aditya is free now, he'll get a call soon. And she hangs up after telling SSP that he has to help her out now whenever she wants him to. She laughs maniacally as she says that SSP set out to get revenge from a woman, and now it was a woman that had to teach him a lesson.
Precap: SSP telling Thakur that now he must have taught her a lesson forever and ever, and turns around surprised to see Aditya standing there angrily.

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